Dana Barthel
Dr. rer. hum. biol. Dipl.-Psych.
Dana Barthel
  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


W29 Erika-Haus, 2. Etage, Raumnummer 205
Deutsch (Muttersprache)




Depression among refugee youth in an outpatient healthcare center-prevalence and associated factors
Schumacher L, Echterhoff J, Zindler A, Barthel D
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2024;15:1367799.


Screening for Resistant Bacteria, Antimicrobial Resistance Genes, Sexually Transmitted Infections and Schistosoma spp. in Tissue Samples from Predominantly Vaginally Delivered Placentae in Ivory Coast and Ghana
Franz R, Hahn A, Hagen R, Rohde H, Eberhardt K, Ehrhardt S, Baum J, Claussen L, Feldt T, Hinz R, Barthel D, Bindt C, Tagbor H, Nguah S, Koffi M, Köller T, Warnke P, Pankok F, Taudien S, Frickmann H, Schoppen S
PATHOGENS. 2023;12(8):.


Psychomotor development in two-year-old Ivorian and Ghanaian children - Psychometric properties of the Kilifi Developmental Inventory
Barthel D, Kriston L, Yao E, Fordjour D, Armel K, Eberhardt K, Hinz R, Ehrhardt S, Bindt C
BRIT J DEV PSYCHOL. 2022;40(4):471-486.


Psychometric properties of the Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment (BITSEA) in two-year-old Ivorian and Ghanaian children
Barthel D, Kriston L, Guo N, Yao E, Jean Armel K, Fordjour D, Mohammed Y, Bony Kotchi C, Eberhardt K, Hinz R, Ehrhardt S, Bindt C
APPL DEV SCI. 2021;1-11.

Using clinical expertise and empirical data in constructing networks of trauma symptoms in refugee youth
Schumacher L, Burger J, Zöllner F, Zindler A, Epskamp S, Barthel D
EUR J PSYCHOTRAUMATO. 2021;12(1):1920200.

Post‑traumatic stress disorder in refugee minors in an outpatient care center: prevalence and associated factors
Veeser J, Barkmann C, Schumacher L, Zindler A, Schön G, Barthel D


Does Birth-Related Trauma Last? Prevalence and Risk Factors for Posttraumatic Stress in Mothers and Fathers of VLBW Preterm and Term Born Children 5 Years After Birth
Barthel D, Göbel A, Barkmann C, Helle N, Bindt C
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2020;11:575429.

The Kids-CAT: a computer-adaptive tool to measure quality of life in children and adolescents. Development, validation, and implementation in clinical settings and population health reporting
Otto C, Barthel D, Devine J, Fischer F, Walter O, Nolte S, Mühlan H, Mierke A, Fischer K, Meyrose A, Thyen U, Klein M, Schmidt S, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U
QUAL LIFE RES. 2020;2020(29 (Suppl 1)):S21.


Klinisch-psychologische Diagnostik in einer Flüchtlingsambulanz für Kinder und Jugendliche: Erste Ergebnisse zu psychischen Belastungen, traumatischen Lebensereignissen und Behandlungszielen
Barthel D, Ravens-Sieberer U, Schulte-Markwort M, Klasen F, Zindler A
KINDH ENTWICKL. 2019;28(3):160-172.

Minimal Associations Between Clinical Data and Children's Self-Reported Health-Related Quality of Life in Children With Chronic Conditions-A Cross-Sectional Study
Fischer K, Barthel D, Otto C, Ravens-Sieberer U, Thyen U, Klein M, Walter O, Rose M, Nolte S
FRONT PEDIATR. 2019;7:17.

Trajectories of Health-Related Quality of Life and HbA1c Values of Children and Adolescents With Diabetes Mellitus Type 1 Over 6 Months: A Longitudinal Observational Study
Fischer K, Fischer F, Barthel D, Otto C, Thyen U, Klein M, Walter O, Ravens-Sieberer U, Rose M, Nolte S
FRONT PEDIATR. 2019;7:566.

Psychometric properties of the German version of the pregnancy-related anxiety questionnaire-revised 2 (PRAQ-R2) in the third trimester of pregnancy
Mudra S, Göbel A, Barthel D, Hecher K, Schulte-Markwort M, Goletzke J, Arck P, Diemert A
BMC PREGNANCY CHILDB. 2019;19(1):242.


Predictors of health-related quality of life in chronically ill children and adolescents over time
Barthel D, Ravens-Sieberer U, Nolte S, Thyen U, Klein M, Walter O, Meyrose A, Rose M, Otto C
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2018;109:63-70.

Der Kids-CAT. Eine Übersicht zu Validität, Anwendbarkeit, Akzeptanz und klinischer Relevanz eines neuentwickelten Instruments zur Messung der gesundheitsbezogenen Lebensqualität von Kindern und Jugendlichen.
Klein M, Barthel D, Thyen U, Otto C, Nolte S, Meyrose A, Fischer F, Schmidt S, Devine J, Mühlan H, Walter O, Mierke A, Fischer K, Ankermann T, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U
Päd Praxis. 2018;90/2:283-292.

Predictors of self-reported health-related quality of life according to the EQ-5D-Y in chronically ill children and adolescents with asthma, diabetes, and juvenile arthritis: longitudinal results
Otto C, Barthel D, Klasen F, Nolte S, Rose M, Meyrose A, Klein M, Thyen U, Ravens-Sieberer U
QUAL LIFE RES. 2018;27(4):879-890.


Trajectories of maternal ante- and postpartum depressive symptoms and their association with child- and mother-related characteristics in a West African birth cohort study
Barthel D, Kriston L, Fordjour D, Mohammed Y, Kra-Yao E, Bony Kotchi C, Koffi Armel E, Eberhardt K, Feldt T, Hinz R, Mathurin K, Schoppen S, Bindt C, Ehrhardt S
PLOS ONE. 2017;12(11):e0187267.

The validation of a computer-adaptive test (CAT) for assessing health-related quality of life in children and adolescents in a clinical sample: study design, methods and first results of the Kids-CAT study
Barthel D, Otto C, Nolte S, Meyrose A, Fischer F, Devine J, Walter O, Mierke A, Fischer K, Thyen U, Klein M, Ankermann T, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U
QUAL LIFE RES. 2017;26(5):1105-1117.

Die BELLA-Studie - das Modul zur psychischen Gesundheit in KiGGS Welle 2.
Klasen F, Reiß F, Otto C, Haller A, Meyrose A, Barthel D, Ravens-Sieberer U
Journal of Health Monitoring. 2017;2(S3):55-65.


Implementation of the Kids-CAT in clinical settings: a newly developed computer-adaptive test to facilitate the assessment of patient-reported outcomes of children and adolescents in clinical practice in Germany
Barthel D, Fischer K, Nolte S, Otto C, Meyrose A, Reisinger S, Dabs M, Thyen U, Klein M, Muehlan H, Ankermann T, Walter O, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U
QUAL LIFE RES. 2016;25(3):585-594.

Longitudinal course of ante- and postpartum generalized anxiety symptoms and associated factors in West-African women from Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire
Barthel D, Kriston L, Barkmann C, Appiah-Poku J, Te Bonle M, Esther Doris K, Carine Esther B, Jean Armel K, Mohammed Y, Osei Y, Fordjour D, Owusu D, Eberhardt K, Hinz R, Koffi M, N'Goran E, Nguah S, Tagbor H, Schoppen S, Ehrhardt S, Bindt C
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2016;197:125-133.

Übereinstimmung der Selbstberichte von chronisch kranken Kindern und Fremdberichte ihrer Eltern bei chronisch-generischer und krankheitsspezifischer Lebensqualität
Golke H, Thyen U, Klein M, Muehlan H, Barthel D, Otto C, Meyrose A, Nolte S, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U, Schmidt S
2016. Abstracts der 112. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (DGKJ). Gemeinsam mit der 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialpädiatrie (DGSPJ), 54. Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie (DGKCH), 38. Jahrestagung des Berufsverbandes Kinderkrankenpflege Deutschland (BeKD) und 31. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Gastroenterologie und Ernährung (GPGE). .

Gesundheitsbezogene Lebensqualität von chronisch kranken Kindern und Jugendlichen -Übereinstimmung von Selbst-und Elternberichten im KIDSCREEN-10/-27
Meyrose A, Barthel D, Nolte S, Klein M, Thyen U, Golke H, Muehlan H, Bullinger M, Schmidt S, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U, Otto C
2016. Abstracts der 112. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin (DGKJ). Gemeinsam mit der 68. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Sozialpädiatrie (DGSPJ), 54. Herbsttagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Kinderchirurgie (DGKCH), 38. Jahrestagung des Berufsverbandes Kinderkrankenpflege Deutschland (BeKD) und 31. Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Pädiatrische Gastroenterologie und Ernährung (GPGE). .


Screening for depression in pregnant women from Côte d׳Ivoire and Ghana: Psychometric properties of the Patient Health Questionnaire-9
Barthel D, Barkmann C, Ehrhardt S, Schoppen S, Bindt C
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2015;187:232-40.

Erratum to: A new computerized adaptive test advancing the measurement of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children: the Kids-CAT
Devine J, Otto C, Rose M, Barthel D, Fischer F, Mühlan H, Nolte S, Schmidt S, Ottová-Jordan V, Ravens-Sieberer U
QUAL LIFE RES. 2015;24(9):2303.

A new computerized adaptive test advancing the measurement of health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in children: the Kids-CAT
Devine J, Otto C, Rose M, Barthel D, Fischer F, Mülhan H, Nolte S, Schmidt S, Ottová-Jordan V, Ravens-Sieberer U
QUAL LIFE RES. 2015;24(4):871-84.

The BELLA Study: First Results From the Longitudinal Mental Health Module of the German National Health Interview and Examination Survey Among Children and Adolescents
Haller A, Klasen F, Otto C, Nolte S, Mierke A, Barthel D, Ellert U, Schlepper L, Fischer K, Hölling H, Walter O, Rose M, Ravens-Sieberer U
2015. Quality of Life Research. Springer, .


Psychometric properties of the 7-item Generalized Anxiety Disorder scale in antepartum women from Ghana and Côte d'Ivoire
Barthel D, Barkmann C, Ehrhardt S, Bindt C
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2014;169:203-11.

Executive function plays a role in coordinating different perspectives, particularly when one's own perspective is involved
Fizke E, Barthel D, Peters T, Rakoczy H
COGNITION. 2014;130(3):315-34.

Mental health related determinants of parenting stress among urban mothers of young children - results from a birth-cohort study in Ghana and Cote d'Ivoire
Guo N, Bindt C, Te Bonle M, Appiah-Poku J, Tomori C, Hinz R, Barthel D, Schoppen S, Feldt T, Barkmann C, Koffi M, Loag W, Nguah S, Eberhardt K, Tagbor H, Bass J, N Goran E, Ehrhardt S
BMC PSYCHIATRY. 2014;14(1):156.

How to assess quality of life in child and adolescent psychiatry
Ravens-Sieberer U, Karow A, Barthel D, Klasen F
DIALOGUES CLIN NEURO. 2014;16(2):147-158.


No association between antenatal common mental disorders in low-obstetric risk women and adverse birth outcomes in their offspring: results from the CDS study in Ghana and Côte D'Ivoire
Bindt C, Guo N, Bonle M, Appiah-Poku J, Hinz R, Barthel D, Schoppen S, Feldt T, Barkmann C, Koffi M, Loag W, Nguah S, Eberhardt K, Tagbor H, N'goran E, Ehrhardt S
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(11):e80711.

Association of antepartum and postpartum depression in Ghanaian and Ivorian women with febrile illness in their offspring: a prospective birth cohort study
Guo N, Bindt C, Te Bonle M, Appiah-Poku J, Hinz R, Barthel D, Koffi M, Posdzich S, Deymann S, Barkmann C, Schlüter L, Jaeger A, Blay Nguah S, Eberhardt K, N'Goran E, Tagbor H, Ehrhardt S
AM J EPIDEMIOL. 2013;178(9):1394-402.

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