Abigail Smakowski
Abigail Smakowski
M. Sc. Klinische Neuropsychiatrie
  • Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiterin


W37 , 6. Etage
Englisch (Muttersprache)




Response to Commentary: The framework for systematic reviews on psychological risk factors for persistent somatic symptoms and related syndromes and disorders (PSY-PSS)
Hüsing P, Smakowski A, Löwe B, Kleinstäuber M, Toussaint A, Shedden-Mora M

Psychological risk factors of somatic symptom disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies
Smakowski A, Hüsing P, Völcker S, Löwe B, Rosmalen J, Shedden-Mora M, Toussaint A
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2024;181:.


Patients with chronic fatigue syndrome can improve with graded exercise therapy: Response to Vink et al. 2022
Chalder T, Smakowski A, Adamson J, Turner T
DISABIL REHABIL. 2023;45(7):1269-1270.

The framework for systematic reviews on psychological risk factors for persistent somatic symptoms and related syndromes and disorders (PSY-PSS)
Hüsing P, Smakowski A, Löwe B, Kleinstäuber M, Toussaint A, Shedden-Mora M
FRONT PSYCHIATRY. 2023;14:1142484.

Quality assessment and stigmatising content of Wikipedia articles relating to functional disorders
McGhie-Fraser B, Tatan M, Cabreira V, Chaabouni A, Kustra-Mulder A, Mamo N, McLoughlin C, Münker L, Niwa S, Pampel A, Petzke T, Regnath F, Rometsch C, Smakowski A, Saunders C, Treufeldt H, Weigel A, Rosmalen J
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2023;165:.


Dissociation and its biological and clinical associations in functional neurological disorder: systematic review and meta-analysis
Campbell M, Smakowski A, Rojas-Aguiluz M, Goldstein L, Cardeña E, Nicholson T, Reinders A, Pick S
BJPSYCH OPEN. 2022;9(1):.

A systematic literature review of randomized controlled trials evaluating prognosis following treatment for adults with chronic fatigue syndrome
Ingman T, Smakowski A, Goldsmith K, Chalder T
PSYCHOL MED. 2022;52(14):2917-2929.

Generalized Worry in Patients With Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Following Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: A Prospective Cohort Study in Secondary Care
Kalfas M, Smakowski A, Hirsch C, Simiao F, Chalder T
BEHAV THER. 2022;53(5):828-842.

Graded exercise therapy for patients with chronic fatigue syndrome in secondary care - a benchmarking study
Smakowski A, Adamson J, Turner T, Chalder T
DISABIL REHABIL. 2022;44(20):5878-5886.

Letzte Aktualisierung aus dem FIS: 22.10.2024 - 00:59 Uhr