- Stellvertretender Klinikdirektor
- Facharzt für Kinder- und Jugendmedizin
Allgemeine Pädiatrie
Allgemeine Pädiatrie
Pädiatrische Nephrologie
Hemodiafiltration for children with stage 5 chronic kidney disease: technical aspects and outcomes
Ahlmann C, Stronach L, Waters K, Walker K, Oh J, Schmitt C, Ranchin B, Shroff R
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2024;39(9):2611-2626.
Age-Related Differences in Rejection Rates, Infections, and Tacrolimus Exposure in Pediatric Kidney Transplant Recipients in the CERTAIN Registry
Baghai Arassi M, Feißt M, Krupka K, Awan A, Benetti E, Düzova A, Guzzo I, Kim J, Kranz B, Litwin M, Oh J, Büscher A, Pape L, Peruzzi L, Shenoy M, Testa S, Weber L, Zieg J, Höcker B, Fichtner A, Tönshoff B
KIDNEY INT REP. 2024;9(11):3265-3277.
Volume expansion mitigates Shiga toxin-producing E. coli-hemolytic uremic syndrome in children
Böckenhauer J, Schild R, Kemper M, Henne T, Stein M, Oh J, Loos S
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2024;39(6):1901-1907.
Morphological changes and their associations with clinical parameters in children with nephropathic cystinosis and chronic kidney disease prior to kidney replacement therapy over 25 years
Brügelmann M, Müller S, Bohlen A, Hohenfellner K, Büscher A, Kemper M, Fröde K, Kanzelmeyer N, Oh J, Billing H, Gellermann J, Müller D, Weber L, Acham-Roschitz B, Arbeiter K, Tönshoff B, Hagenberg M, Žebec M, Haffner D, Zivicnjak M
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2024;39(10):3067-3077.
Verbesserte Versorgungs-und Behandlungsoptionen für Patienten mit Hyperphagie-assoziierter Adipositas bei Bardet-Biedl-Syndrom
Cetiner M, Bergmann C, Bettendorf M, Faust J, Gäckler A, Gillissen B, Hansen M, Kerber M, Klaus G, König J, Kühlewein L, Oh J, Richter-Unruh A, von Schnurbein J, Wabitsch M, Weihrauch-Blüher S, Pape L
KLIN PADIATR. 2024;236(5):269-279.
Intrafamilial Disease Heterogeneity in Primary Hyperoxaluria Type 1
Deesker L, Karacoban H, Metry E, Garrelfs S, Bacchetta J, Boyer O, Collard L, Devresse A, Hayes W, Hulton S, Martin-Higueras C, Moochhala S, Neuhaus T, Oh J, Prikhodina L, Sikora P, Oosterveld M, Groothoff J, Mandrile G, Beck B
KIDNEY INT REP. 2024;9(10):3006-3015.
Swallowing Milestones in Infants and Toddlers in The First Two Years of Life: A Prospective Study
Dumitrascu C, Pflug C, Denecke J, Oh J, Zang J
2024. ESSD 2024. .
Long-term Effects of Kidney Transplantation Compared With Dialysis on Intima-media Thickness in Children-Results From the 4C-T Study
Grabitz C, Sugianto R, Doyon A, Azukaitis K, Anarat A, Bacchetta J, Bayazit A, Bulut I, Caliskan S, Canpolat N, Duzova A, Harambat J, Kiyak A, Longo G, Obrycki L, Paripovic D, Thurn-Valsassina D, Yilmaz A, Shroff R, Schaefer F, Schmidt B, Melk A
TRANSPLANTATION. 2024;108(5):1212-1219.
Autoantibodies Targeting Nephrin in Podocytopathies
Hengel F, Dehde S, Lassé M, Zahner G, Seifert L, Schnarre A, Kretz O, Demir F, Pinnschmidt H, Grahammer F, Lucas R, Mehner L, Zimmermann T, Billing A, Oh J, Mitrotti A, Pontrelli P, Debiec H, Dossier C, Colucci M, Emma F, Smoyer W, Weins A, Schaefer F, Alachkar N, Diemert A, Hogan J, Hoxha E, Wiech T, Rinschen M, Ronco P, Vivarelli M, Gesualdo L, Tomas N, Huber T
NEW ENGL J MED. 2024;391(5):422-433.
Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome due to NPHS2 Variants Is Not Associated With Posttransplant Recurrence
Kachmar J, Boyer O, Lipska-Ziętkiewicz B, Morinière V, Gribouval O, Heidet L, Balasz-Chmielewska I, Benetti E, Cloarec S, Csaicsich D, Decramer S, Gellermann J, Guigonis V, Hogan J, Bayazit A, Melk A, Nigmatullina N, Oh J, Ozaltin F, Ranchin B, Tsimaratos M, Trautmann A, Antignac C, Schaefer F, Dorval G
KIDNEY INT REP. 2024;9(4):973-981.
A multi-center interventional study to assess pharmacokinetics, effectiveness, and tolerability of prolonged-release tacrolimus after pediatric kidney transplantation: study protocol for a prospective, open-label, randomized, two-phase, two-sequence, single dose, crossover, phase III b trial
Karaterzi S, Tönshoff B, Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Baghai M, Beck B, Büscher A, Eifler L, Giese T, Lezius S, Müller C, Oh J, Zapf A, Weber L, Pape L
Frontiers in nephrology. 2024;4:.
The authors reply
Mühlig A, Schmitt C, Oh J
KIDNEY INT. 2024;105(2):390.
Metabolic Acidosis Is Associated With an Accelerated Decline of Allograft Function in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation
Prytula A, Shroff R, van Gremberghe I, Krupka K, Bacchetta J, Benetti E, Grenda R, Guzzo I, Kanzelmeyer N, Büyükkaragöz B, Kranz B, Nalçacıoğlu H, Oh J, Pape L, Shenoy M, Sellier-Leclerc A, Tönshoff B
KIDNEY INT REP. 2024;9(6):1684-1693.
Clinical practice recommendations on lipoprotein apheresis for children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolaemia: An expert consensus statement from ERKNet and ESPN
Reijman M, Kusters D, Groothoff J, Arbeiter K, Dann E, de Boer L, de Ferranti S, Gallo A, Greber-Platzer S, Hartz J, Hudgins L, Ibarretxe D, Kayikcioglu M, Klingel R, Kolovou G, Oh J, Planken R, Stefanutti C, Taylan C, Wiegman A, Schmitt C
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2024;392:117525.
Favorable Outcome After Single-kidney Transplantation From Small Donors in Children: A Match-controlled CERTAIN Registry Study
Schild R, Carvajal Abreu K, Büscher A, Kanzelmeyer N, Lezius S, Krupka K, Weitz M, Prytula A, Printza N, Berta L, Saygılı S, Sellier-Leclerc A, Spartà G, Marks S, König S, Topaloglu R, Klaus G, Weber S, Oh J, Herden U, Carraro A, Dello Strologo L, Ariceta G, Hoyer P, Tönshoff B, Pape L
TRANSPLANTATION. 2024;108(8):1793-1801.
Addressing the psychosocial aspects of transition to adult care in patients with cystinosis
Stabouli S, Sommer A, Kraft S, Schweer K, Bethe D, Bertholet-Thomas A, Batte S, Ariceta G, Brengmann S, Bacchetta J, Emma F, Levtchenko E, Topaloglu R, Willem L, Haffner D, Oh J
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2024;39(10):2861-2874.
Verbesserungsbedarf in der Versorgung von Patienten/-innen mit Clostridioides-difficile-lnfektionen (CDI) – Experten/-innenmeinung im internationalen Vergleich
Vehreschild M, Schreiber S, von Müller L, Epple H, Manthey C, Oh J, Weinke T, Wahler S, Stallmach A
Z GASTROENTEROL. 2024;62(7):1032-1041.
Pediatric to Adult Transition in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients: A Systematic Review of Existing Transition Programs
Yerigeri S, Satariano M, Pape L, Johnson J, Marks S, Twombley K, Doshi K, Harish N, Oh J, McCulloch M, Esquivel C, Raina R
PEDIATR TRANSPLANT. 2024;28(8):e14896.
Developmental dynamics of homoarginine, ADMA and SDMA plasma levels from birth to adolescence
Baach F, Meyer B, Oh J, Lezius S, Böger R, Schwedhelm E, Choe C, Neu A
AMINO ACIDS. 2023;55(10):1381-1388.
New insights into the immune functions of podocytes: the role of complement
Bruno V, Mühlig A, Oh J, Licht C
Molecular and cellular pediatrics. 2023;10(1):.
Case report: Early onset de novo FSGS in a child after kidney transplantation-a successful treatment
Carvajal Abreu K, Loos S, Fischer L, Pape L, Wiech T, Kemper M, Tönshoff B, Oh J, Schild R
FRONT PEDIATR. 2023;11:.
Meilensteine der physiologischen Schluckentwicklung im Alter von 0-24 Monaten: ein Scoping Review
Dumitrascu C, Pflug C, Denecke J, Oh J, Zang J
2023. Bundesverband für Logopädie (dbl). .
Long-Term Antibody Response to SARS-CoV-2 in Children
Dunay G, Barroso M, Woidy M, Danecka M, Engels G, Hermann K, Neumann F, Paul K, Beime J, Escherich G, Fehse K, Grinstein L, Haniel F, Haupt L, Hecher L, Kehl T, Kemen C, Kemper M, Kobbe R, Kohl A, Klokow T, Nörz D, Olfe J, Schlenker F, Schmiesing J, Schrum J, Sibbertsen F, Stock P, Tiede S, Vettorazzi E, Zazara D, Zapf A, Lütgehetmann M, Oh J, Mir T, Muntau A, Gersting S
J CLIN IMMUNOL. 2023;43(1):46-56.
HUS with mutations in CFH and STEC infection treated with eculizumab in a 4-year-old girl
Galvez C, Krall P, Rojas A, Oh J, Cano F
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2023;38(4):1195-1203.
Protocol for orthotopic single-lung transplantation in mice as a tool for lung metastasis studies
Giannou A, Ohm B, Zazara D, Lücke J, Zhang T, Sabihi M, Seeger P, Oh J, Grotelüschen R, Busch P, Mann O, Hackert T, Izbicki J, Yamada Y, Huber S, Jungraithmayr W
STAR PROTOC. 2023;4(4):102701.
A Qualitative Evaluation of Advanced Training Programs in Glomerular Diseases: Results From a Program Directors' Survey
Jhaveri K, Schmidt I, Oh J, Damashek L, Jain K
KIDNEY INT REP. 2023;8(11):2183-2186.
Mild Crigler-Najjar Syndrome with Progressive Liver Disease-A Multicenter Retrospective Cohort Study
Junge N, Hentschel H, Krebs-Schmitt D, Stalke A, Pfister E, Hartleben B, Claßen M, Querfurt A, Münch V, Bufler P, Oh J, Grabhorn E
CHILDREN-BASEL. 2023;10(9):.
Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on body mass index in children and adolescents after kidney transplantation
Kanzelmeyer N, Weigel F, Boeckenhauer J, Haffner D, Oh J, Schild R
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2023;38(8):2801-2808.
Protocol biopsies in pediatric liver transplantation recipients improve graft histology and personalize immunosuppression
Karbaum E, Weidemann S, Grabhorn E, Fischer L, Herden U, Oh J, Briem-Richter A, Krebs-Schmitt D
J PEDIATR GASTR NUTR. 2023;76(5):627-633.
Corrigendum: Molecular HLA mismatching for prediction of primary humoral alloimmunity and graft function deterioration in paediatric kidney transplantation
Kim J, Fichtner A, Copley H, Gragert L, Süsal C, Strologo L, Oh J, Pape L, Weber L, Weitz M, König J, Krupka K, Tönshoff B, Kosmoliaptsis V
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2023;14:1188527.
Reduced Humoral and Cellular Immune Response to Primary COVID-19 mRNA Vaccination in Kidney Transplanted Children Aged 5–11 Years
Lalia J, Schild R, Lütgehetmann M, Dunay G, Kallinich T, Kobbe R, Massoud M, Oh J, Pietzsch L, Schulze-Sturm U, Schuetz C, Sibbertsen F, Speth F, Thieme S, Witkowski M, Berner R, Muntau A, Gersting S, Toepfner N, Pagel J, Paul K
VIRUSES-BASEL. 2023;15(7):1553.
Long-term outcome after combined or sequential liver and kidney transplantation in children with infantile and juvenile primary hyperoxaluria type 1
Loos S, Kemper M, Schmaeschke K, Herden U, Fischer L, Hoppe B, Levart T, Grabhorn E, Schild R, Oh J, Brinkert F
FRONT PEDIATR. 2023;11:.
Precision nephrology: from molecular diagnostics to an individualized therapy
Mühlig A, Oh J, Huber T
KIDNEY INT. 2023;103(3):464-466.
Chest configuration in children and adolescents with infantile nephropathic cystinosis compared with other chronic kidney disease entities and its clinical determinants
Müller S, Kluck R, Jagodzinski C, Brügelmann M, Hohenfellner K, Büscher A, Kemper M, Fröde K, Oh J, Billing H, Thumfart J, Weber L, Acham-Roschitz B, Arbeiter K, Tönshoff B, Hagenberg M, Pavičić L, Haffner D, Zivicnjak M
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2023;38(12):3989-3999.
Emulation of the control cohort of a randomized controlled trial in pediatric kidney transplantation with Real-World Data from the CERTAIN Registry
Patry C, Sauer L, Sander A, Krupka K, Fichtner A, Brezinski J, Geissbühler Y, Aubrun E, Grinienko A, Strologo L, Haffner D, Oh J, Grenda R, Pape L, Topaloğlu R, Weber L, Bouts A, Kim J, Prytula A, König J, Shenoy M, Höcker B, Tönshoff B
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2023;38(5):1621-1632.
Hyperparathyroidism Is an Independent Risk Factor for Allograft Dysfunction in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation
Prytula A, Shroff R, Krupka K, Deschepper E, Bacchetta J, Ariceta G, Awan A, Benetti E, Büscher A, Berta L, Carraro A, Christian M, Dello Strologo L, Doerry K, Haumann S, Klaus G, Kempf C, Kranz B, Oh J, Pape L, Pohl M, Printza N, Rubik J, Schmitt C, Shenoy M, Spartà G, Staude H, Sweeney C, Weber L, Weber S, Weitz M, Haffner D, Tönshoff B
KIDNEY INT REP. 2023;8(1):81-90.
Clinical practice recommendations on lipoprotein apheresis for children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: an expert consensus statement from ERKNet and ESPN
Reijman M, Kusters D, Groothoff J, Arbeiter K, Dann E, de Boer L, de Ferranti S, Gallo A, Greber-Platzer S, Hartz J, Hudgins L, Ibarretxe D, Kayikcioglu M, Klingel R, Kolovou G, Oh J, Planken R, Stefanutti C, Taylan C, Wiegman A, Schmitt C
medRxiv. 2023.
Disparities in treatment and outcome of kidney replacement therapy in children with comorbidities: an ESPN/ERA Registry study
Schild R, Dupont S, Harambat J, Vidal E, Balat A, Bereczki C, Bieniaś B, Brandström P, Broux F, Consolo S, Gojkovic I, Groothoff J, Hommel K, Hubmann H, Braddon F, Pankratenko T, Papachristou F, Plumb L, Podracka L, Prokurat S, Bjerre A, Cordinhã C, Tainio J, Shkurti E, Spartà G, Vondrak K, Jager K, Oh J, Bonthuis M
CLIN KIDNEY J. 2023;16(4):745-755.
Management of pediatric dialysis and kidney transplant patients after natural or man-made disasters
Sever L, Pehlivan G, Canpolat N, Saygılı S, Ağbaş A, Demirgan E, Oh J, Levtchenko E, Ivanov D, Shroff R
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2023;38(2):315-325.
Arterial stiffness and blood pressure increase in pediatric kidney transplant recipients
Sugianto R, Ostendorf K, Bauer E, von der Born J, Oh J, Kemper M, Buescher R, Schmidt B, Memaran N, Melk A
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2023;38(4):1319-1327.
IPNA-ESPN Junior Master Class-a decade of successful continuing education and training in pediatric nephrology
Teixeira A, Topaloglu R, Cochat P, Coppo R, Levtchenko E, Haffner D, Mahan J, Oh J
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2023;38(10):3201-3205.
Trends in the epidemiology of Clostridioides difficile infection in Germany
Vehreschild M, Schreiber S, von Müller L, Epple H, Weinke T, Manthey C, Oh J, Wahler S, Stallmach A
INFECTION. 2023;51(6):1695-1702.
Peritoneal transformation shortly after kidney transplantation in pediatric patients with preceding chronic peritoneal dialysis
Zhang C, Bartosova M, Marinovic I, Schwab C, Schaefer B, Vondrak K, Ariceta G, Zaloszyc A, Ranchin B, Taylan C, Büscher R, Oh J, Mehrabi A, Schmitt C
NEPHROL DIAL TRANSPL. 2023;38(10):2170-2181.
How peritoneal dialysis transforms the peritoneum and vasculature in children with chronic kidney disease-what can we learn for future treatment?
Bartosova M, Zarogiannis S, Schmitt C
Molecular and cellular pediatrics. 2022;9(1):9.
Religious and cultural aspects of organ donation: Narrowing the gap through understanding different religious beliefs
Doerry K, Oh J, Vincent D, Fischer L, Schulz-Jürgensen S
Maternal versus paternal living kidney transplant donation is associated with lower rejection in young pediatric recipients: A Collaborative Transplant Study report
Engels G, Döhler B, Tönshoff B, Oh J, Kruchen A, Müller I, Süsal C
Beneficial effects of starting oral cysteamine treatment in the first 2 months of life on glomerular and tubular kidney function in infantile nephropathic cystinosis
Hohenfellner K, Nießl C, Haffner D, Oh J, Okorn C, Palm K, Schlingmann K, Wygoda S, Gahl W
MOL GENET METAB. 2022;136(4):282-288.
Body growth, upper arm fat area, and clinical parameters in children with nephropathic cystinosis compared with other pediatric chronic kidney disease entities
Kluck R, Müller S, Jagodzinski C, Hohenfellner K, Büscher A, Kemper M, Oh J, Billing H, Thumfart J, Weber L, Acham-Roschitz B, Arbeiter K, Tönshoff B, Hagenberg M, Kanzelmeyer N, Pavičić L, Haffner D, Zivicnjak M
J INHERIT METAB DIS. 2022;45(2):192-202.
The recent outbreak of acute severe hepatitis in children of unknown origin - what is known so far
Lurz E, Lenz D, Bufler P, Fichtner A, Henning S, Jankofsky M, Kathemann S, Melter M, Oh J, Pfister E, Sturm E, Knoppke B, Lainka E
J HEPATOL. 2022;77(4):1214-1215.
The Calcium-Sensing Receptor Stabilizes Podocyte Function in Proteinuric Humans and Mice
Mühlig A, Steingröver J, Heidelbach H, Wingerath M, Sachs W, Hermans-Borgmeyer I, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Choi H, Lim B, Patry C, Hoffmann G, Endlich N, Bracke K, Weiß M, Guse A, Lassé M, Rinschen M, Braun F, Huber T, Puelles V, Schmitt C, Oh J
KIDNEY INT. 2022;101(6):1186-1199.
Relationship between age at initiation of cysteamine treatment, adherence with therapy, and glomerular kidney function in infantile nephropathic cystinosis
Nießl C, Boulesteix A, Oh J, Palm K, Schlingmann P, Wygoda S, Haffner D, Wühl E, Tönshoff B, Buescher A, Billing H, Hoppe B, Zirngibl M, Kettwig M, Moeller K, Acham-Roschitz B, Arbeiter K, Bald M, Benz M, Galiano M, John-Kroegel U, Klaus G, Marx-Berger D, Moser K, Mueller D, Patzer L, Pohl M, Seitz B, Treikauskas U, von Vigier R, Gahl W, Hohenfellner K
MOL GENET METAB. 2022;136(4):268-273.
Patients With Infantile Nephropathic Cystinosis in Germany and Austria: A Retrospective Cohort Study
O'Connell N, Oh J, Arbeiter K, Büscher A, Haffner D, Kaufeld J, Kurschat C, Mache C, Müller D, Patzer L, Weber L, Tönshoff B, Weitz M, Hohenfellner K, Pape L
Timing of reconstruction of the lower urinary tract in pediatric kidney transplant recipients: A CERTAIN multicenter analysis of current practice
Patry C, Höcker B, Dello Strologo L, Baumann L, Grenda R, Peruzzi L, Oh J, Pape L, Weber L, Weitz M, Awan A, Carraro A, Zirngibl M, Hansen M, Müller D, Bald M, Pecqueux C, Krupka K, Fichtner A, Tönshoff B, Nyarangi-Dix J
Specific CD4+ T Cell Responses to Ancestral SARS-CoV-2 in Children Increase With Age and Show Cross-Reactivity to Beta Variant
Paul K, Sibbertsen F, Weiskopf D, Lütgehetmann M, Barroso M, Danecka M, Glau L, Hecher L, Hermann K, Kohl A, Oh J, Wiesch J, Sette A, Tolosa E, Vettorazzi E, Woidy M, Zapf A, Zazara D, Mir T, Muntau A, Gersting S, Dunay G
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2022;13:867577.
ScoMorphoFISH: A deep learning enabled toolbox for single-cell single-mRNA quantification and correlative (ultra-)morphometry
Siegerist F, Hay E, Dikou J, Pollheimer M, Büscher A, Oh J, Ribback S, Zimmermann U, Bräsen J, Lenoir O, Drenic V, Eller K, Tharaux P, Endlich N
J CELL MOL MED. 2022;26(12):3513-3526.
Steering Transplant Immunosuppression by Measuring Virus-Specific T Cell Levels: The Randomized, Controlled IVIST Trial
Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Liu X, Schild R, Oh J, Taylan C, Weber L, Staude H, Verboom M, Schröder C, Sabau R, Großhennig A, Pape L
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2021;32(2):502-516.
Fatal COVID-19 in a Child with Persistence of SARS-CoV-2 Despite Extensive Multidisciplinary Treatment: A Case Report
Apostolidou S, Harbauer T, Lasch P, Biermann D, Hempel M, Lütgehetmann M, Pfefferle S, Herrmann J, Rüffer A, Reinshagen K, Kozlik-Feldmann R, Gieras A, Kniep I, Oh J, Singer D, Ebenebe C, Kobbe R
CHILDREN-BASEL. 2021;8(7):.
Innovating and invigorating the clinical trial infrastructure for glomerular diseases
Barisoni L, Barratt J, Campbell K, Eva L, Gillespie B, Gipson D, Huber T, Jardine M, Kamil E, Kretzler M, Lee L, Levtchenk E, Mehr A, Nachman P, Oh J, Saleem M, Shankland S, Smith K, Smokler I, Smoyer W, Tarnoff J, Thompson A, Trachtman H, Udani S, Vivarelli M, Walker P, West M, Rovin B
KIDNEY INT. 2021;99(3):519-523.
The European Rare Kidney Disease Registry (ERKReg): objectives, design and initial results
Bassanese G, Wlodkowski T, Servais A, Heidet L, Roccatello D, Emma F, Levtchenko E, Ariceta G, Bacchetta J, Capasso G, Jankauskiene A, Miglinas M, Ferraro P, Montini G, Oh J, Decramer S, Levart T, Wetzels J, Cornelissen E, Devuyst O, Zurowska A, Pape L, Buescher A, Haffner D, Marcun Varda N, Ghiggeri G, Remuzzi G, Konrad M, Longo G, Bockenhauer D, Awan A, Andersone I, Groothoff J, Schaefer F
ORPHANET J RARE DIS. 2021;16(1):251.
B-Flow Sonography vs. Color Doppler Sonography for the Assessment of Vascularity in Pediatric Kidney Transplantation
Dammann E, Groth M, Schild R, Lemke A, Oh J, Adam G, Herrmann J
ROFO-FORTSCHR RONTG. 2021;193(1):49-60.
Commentary on "Pediatric Idiopathic Steroid-sensitive Nephrotic Syndrome Diagnosis and Therapy - Short version of the updated German Best Practice Guideline (S2e)"
Ehren R, Benz M, Brinkkötter P, Dötsch J, Eberl W, Gellermann J, Hoyer P, Jordans I, Kamrath C, Kemper M, Latta K, Müller D, Oh J, Tönshoff B, Weber S, Weber L
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2021;36(10):2961-2966.
Pediatric idiopathic steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome diagnosis and therapy -short version of the updated German best practice guideline (S2e) - AWMF register no. 166-001, 6/2020
Ehren R, Benz M, Brinkkötter P, Dötsch J, Eberl W, Gellermann J, Hoyer P, Jordans I, Kamrath C, Kemper M, Latta K, Müller D, Oh J, Tönshoff B, Weber S, Weber L
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2021;36(10):2971-2985.
An international cohort study spanning five decades assessed outcomes of nephropathic cystinosis
Emma F, Hoff W, Hohenfellner K, Topaloglu R, Greco M, Ariceta G, Bettini C, Bockenhauer D, Veys K, Pape L, Hulton S, Collin S, Ozaltin F, Servais A, Deschênes G, Novo R, Bertholet-Thomas A, Oh J, Cornelissen E, Janssen M, Haffner D, Ravà L, Antignac C, Devuyst O, Niaudet P, Levtchenko E
KIDNEY INT. 2021;100(5):1112-1123.
A pediatric gateway initiative for glomerular disease: introducing PIONEER
Gipson D, Tarnoff J, Lee L, Vivarelli M, Levtchenko E, Oh J, Smoyer W, Desmond H, Attalla S, Trachtman H
KIDNEY INT. 2021;99(3):515-518.
The Effect of Interleukin-4 and Dexamethasone on RNA-Seq-Based Transcriptomic Profiling of Human Podocytes: A Potential Role in Minimal Change Nephrotic Syndrome
Lee J, Ko Y, Lee C, Jeon N, Lee K, Oh J, Kronbichler A, Saleem M, Lim B, Shin J
J CLIN MED. 2021;10(3):.
Current understandings in treating children with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
Lee J, Kronbichler A, Shin J, Oh J
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2021;36(4):747-761.
Distribution and management of the pediatric refugee population with renal replacement: A German pediatric cohort
Lemke J, Schild R, Konrad M, Pape L, Oh J
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2021;36(2):271-277.
Hemoconcentration and predictors in Shiga toxin-producing E. coli-hemolytic uremic syndrome (STEC-HUS)
Loos S, Oh J, Loo L, Kemper M, Blohm M, Schild R
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2021;36(11):3777-3783.
SARS Coronavirus-2 variant tracing within the first Coronavirus Disease 19 clusters in northern Germany
Pfefferle S, Günther T, Kobbe R, Czech-Sioli M, Nörz D, Santer R, Oh J, Kluge S, Oestereich L, Peldschus K, Indenbirken D, Huang J, Grundhoff A, Aepfelbacher M, Knobloch J, Lütgehetmann M, Fischer N
CLIN MICROBIOL INFEC. 2021;27(1):130.e5-130.e8.
Heterogeneous Recommendations for School Attendance in Children With Chronic Kidney Diseases During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Europe
Schild R, Hopf L, Loos S, Oh J, Levtchenko E
mTOR-Activating Mutations in RRAGD Are Causative for Kidney Tubulopathy and Cardiomyopathy
Schlingmann K, Jouret F, Shen K, Nigam A, Arjona F, Dafinger C, Houillier P, Jones D, Kleinerüschkamp F, Oh J, Godefroid N, Eltan M, Güran T, Burtey S, Parotte M, König J, Braun A, Bos C, Ibars Serra M, Rehmann H, Zwartkruis F, Renkema K, Klingel K, Schulze-Bahr E, Schermer B, Bergmann C, Altmüller J, Thiele H, Beck B, Dahan K, Sabatini D, Liebau M, Vargas-Poussou R, Knoers N, Konrad M, de Baaij J
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2021;32(11):2885-2899.
Clinical practice recommendations for recurrence of focal and segmental glomerulosclerosis/steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
Weber L, Tönshoff B, Grenda R, Bouts A, Topaloglu R, Gülhan B, Printza N, Awan A, Battelino N, Ehren R, Hoyer P, Novljan G, Marks S, Oh J, Prytula A, Seeman T, Sweeney C, Dello Strologo L, Pape L
PEDIATR TRANSPLANT. 2021;25(3):e13955.
The use of cinacalcet after pediatric renal Transplantation: an international CERTAIN Registry analysis
Bernardor J, Schmitt C, Oh J, Sellier-Leclerc A, Büscher A, Dello Strologo L, Genc G, John U, Weitz M, Zirngibl M, Krupka K, Tönshoff B, Bacchetta J
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2020;35(9):1707-1718.
Severe neurological outcomes after very early bilateral nephrectomies in patients with autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease (ARPKD)
Burgmaier K, Ariceta G, Bald M, Buescher A, Burgmaier M, Erger F, Gessner M, Gokce I, König J, Kowalewska C, Massella L, Mastrangelo A, Mekahli D, Pape L, Patzer L, Potemkina A, Schalk G, Schild R, Shroff R, Szczepanska M, Taranta-Janusz K, Tkaczyk M, Weber L, Wühl E, Wurm D, Wygoda S, Zagozdzon I, Dötsch J, Oh J, Schaefer F, Liebau M
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):16025.
Bone and Mineral Metabolism in Children with Nephropathic Cystinosis Compared with other CKD Entities
Ewert A, Leifheit-Nestler M, Hohenfellner K, Büscher A, Kemper M, Oh J, Billing H, Thumfart J, Stangl G, Baur A, Föller M, Feger M, Weber L, Acham-Roschitz B, Arbeiter K, Tönshoff B, Zivicnjak M, Haffner D
J CLIN ENDOCR METAB. 2020;105(8):.
Nierenzysten und zystische Nierenerkrankungen bei Kindern (AWMF S2k-Leitlinie)
Gimpel C, Bergmann C, Brinkert F, Cetiner M, Gembruch U, Haffner D, Kemper M, König J, Liebau M, Maier R, Oh J, Pape L, Riechardt S, Rolle U, Rossi R, Stegmann J, Vester U, Kaisenberg C, Weber S, Schaefer F
KLIN PADIATR. 2020;232(5):228-248.
Serum indoxyl sulfate concentrations associate with progression of chronic kidney disease in children
Holle J, Kirchner M, Okun J, Bayazit A, Obrycki L, Canpolat N, Bulut I, Azukaitis K, Duzova A, Ranchin B, Shroff R, Candan C, Oh J, Klaus G, Lugani F, Gimpel C, Büscher R, Yilmaz A, Baskin E, Erdogan H, Zaloszyc A, Özcelik G, Drozdz D, Jankauskiene A, Nobili F, Melk A, Querfeld U, Schaefer F
PLOS ONE. 2020;15(10):e0240446.
Sucking patterns are not predictive of further feeding development in healthy preterm infants
Hübl N, Costa S, Kaufmann N, Oh J, Willmes K
INFANT BEHAV DEV. 2020;58:101412.
Clinical Interventions and All-Cause Mortality of Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease: An Umbrella Systematic Review of Meta-Analyses
Kim J, Steingroever J, Lee K, Oh J, Choi M, Lee J, Larkins N, Schaefer F, Hong S, Jeong G, Shin J, Kronbichler A
J CLIN MED. 2020;9(2):.
Review on long-term non-renal complications of childhood nephrotic syndrome
Lee J, Kronbichler A, Shin J, Oh J
ACTA PAEDIATR. 2020;109(3):460-470.
Practice of lipoprotein apheresis and short-term efficacy in children with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia: Data from an international registry
Luirink I, Hutten B, Greber-Platzer S, Kolovou G, Dann E, de Ferranti S, Taylan C, Bruckert E, Saheb S, Oh J, Driemeyer J, Farnier M, Pape L, Schmitt C, Novoa F, Maeser M, Masana L, Shahrani A, Wiegman A, Groothoff J
ATHEROSCLEROSIS. 2020;299:24-31.
Podocytes Produce and Secrete Functional Complement C3 and Complement Factor H
Mühlig A, Keir L, Abt J, Heidelbach H, Horton R, Welsh G, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Licht C, Coward R, Fester L, Saleem M, Oh J
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2020;11:1833.
In situ Visualization of C3/C5 Convertases to Differentiate Complement Activation
Person F, Petschull T, Wulf S, Buescheck F, Biniaminov S, Fehrle W, Oh J, Skerka C, Zipfel P, Wiech T
KIDNEY INT REP. 2020;5(6):927-930.
Sex and age as determinants for high blood pressure in pediatric renal transplant recipients: a longitudinal analysis of the CERTAIN Registry
Sugianto R, Schmidt B, Memaran N, Duzova A, Topaloglu R, Seeman T, König S, Dello Strologo L, Murer L, Özçakar Z, Bald M, Shenoy M, Buescher A, Hoyer P, Pohl M, Billing H, Oh J, Staude H, Pohl M, Genc G, Klaus G, Alparslan C, Grenda R, Rubik J, Krupka K, Tönshoff B, Wühl E, Melk A
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2020;35(3):415-426.
Twelve-month outcome in juvenile proliferative lupus Nephritis: results of the German registry study
Suhlrie A, Hennies I, Gellermann J, Büscher A, Hoyer P, Waldegger S, Wygoda S, Beetz R, Lange-Sperandio B, Klaus G, Konrad M, Holder M, Staude H, Rascher W, Oh J, Pape L, Tönshoff B, Haffner D
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2020;35(7):1235-1246.
Cardiovascular Outcome of Pediatric Patients With Bi-Allelic (Homozygous) Familial Hypercholesterolemia Before and After Initiation of Multimodal Lipid Lowering Therapy Including Lipoprotein Apheresis
Taylan C, Driemeyer J, Schmitt C, Pape L, Büscher R, Galiano M, König J, Schürfeld C, Spitthöver R, Versen A, Koziolek M, Marsen T, Stein H, Schaefer J, Heibges A, Klingel R, Oh J, Weber L, Klaus G
AM J CARDIOL. 2020;136:38-48.
Lithocholic bile acid induces apoptosis in human nephroblastoma cells: a non-selective treatment option
Trah J, Arand J, Oh J, Pagerols-Raluy L, Trochimiuk M, Appl B, Heidelbach H, Vincent D, Saleem M, Reinshagen K, Mühlig A, Boettcher M
SCI REP-UK. 2020;10(1):20349.
Effect of hemodialysis on impedance cardiography (electrical velocimetry) parameters in children
Wilken M, Oh J, Pinnschmidt H, Singer D, Blohm M
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2020;35(4):669-676.
Oxalate retinopathy is irreversible despite early combined liver-kidney transplantation in primary hyperoxaluria type 1
Atiskova Y, Dulz S, Schmäschke K, Oh J, Grabhorn E, Kemper M, Brinkert F
AM J TRANSPLANT. 2019;19(12):3328-3334.
Low levels of urinary epidermal growth factor predict chronic kidney disease progression in children
Azukaitis K, Ju W, Kirchner M, Nair V, Smith M, Fang Z, Thurn-Valsassina D, Bayazit A, Niemirska A, Canpolat N, Bulut I, Yalcinkaya F, Paripovic D, Harambat J, Cakar N, Alpay H, Lugani F, Mencarelli F, Civilibal M, Erdogan H, Gellermann J, Vidal E, Tabel Y, Gimpel C, Ertan P, Yavascan O, Melk A, Querfeld U, Wühl E, Kretzler M, Schaefer F
KIDNEY INT. 2019;96(1):214-221.
Greater Susceptibility for Metabolic Syndrome in Pediatric Solid Organ and Stem Cell Transplant Recipients
Blöte R, Memaran N, Borchert-Mörlins B, Thurn-Valsassina D, Goldschmidt I, Beier R, Sauer M, Müller C, Sarganas G, Oh J, Büscher R, Kemper M, Sugianto R, Epping J, Schmidt B, Melk A
TRANSPLANTATION. 2019;103(11):2423-2433.
Clostridium difficile infection after pediatric solid organ transplantation: a practical single-center experience
Breuer C, Döring S, Rohde H, Rutkowski S, Müller I, Oh J
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2019;34(7):1269-1275.
International consensus statement on the diagnosis and management of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease in children and young people
Gimpel C, Bergmann C, Bockenhauer D, Breysem L, Cadnapaphornchai M, Cetiner M, Dudley J, Emma F, Konrad M, Harris T, Harris P, König J, Liebau M, Marlais M, Mekahli D, Metcalfe A, Oh J, Perrone R, Sinha M, Titieni A, Torra R, Weber S, Winyard P, Schaefer F
NAT REV NEPHROL. 2019;15(11):713-726.
Acute dialysis in children: Results of a European Survey.
Guzzo I, de Galasso L, Mir S, Bulut I, Jankauskiene A, Burokiene V, Cvetkovic M, Kostic M, Bayazit A, Yildizdas D, Schmitt C, Paglialonga F, Montini G, Yilmaz E, Oh J, Weber L, Taylan C, Hayes W, Shroff R, Vidal E, Murer L, Mencarelli F, Pasini A, Teixeira A, Afonso A, Drozdz D, Schaefer F, Picca S
J NEPHROL. 2019;32(3):445-451.
Epidemiology of and Risk Factors for BK Polyomavirus Replication and Nephropathy in Pediatric Renal Transplant Recipients: An International CERTAIN Registry Study
Höcker B, Schneble L, Murer L, Carraro A, Pape L, Kranz B, Oh J, Zirngibl M, Dello Strologo L, Büscher A, Weber L, Awan A, Pohl M, Bald M, Printza N, Rusai K, Peruzzi L, Topaloglu R, Fichtner A, Krupka K, Köster L, Bruckner T, Schnitzler P, Hirsch H, Tönshoff B
TRANSPLANTATION. 2019;103(6):1224-1233.
Levamisole in Children with Idiopathic Nephrotic Syndrome: Clinical Efficacy and Pathophysiological Aspects
Mühlig A, Lee J, Kemper M, Kronbichler A, Yang J, Lee J, Shin J, Oh J
J CLIN MED. 2019;8(6):.
HNF1B nephropathy has a slow-progressive phenotype in childhood-with the exception of very early onset cases: results of the German Multicenter HNF1B Childhood Registry.
Okorn C, Goertz A, Vester U, Beck B, Bergmann C, Habbig S, König J, Konrad M, Müller D, Oh J, Ortiz-Brüchle N, Patzer L, Schild R, Seeman T, Staude H, Thumfart J, Tönshoff B, Walden U, Weber L, Zaniew M, Zappel H, Hoyer P, Weber S
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2019;34(6):1065-1075.
Genotype-phenotype variability of retinal manifestation in primary hyperoxaluria type 1
Dulz S, Bigdon E, Atiskova Y, Schuettauf F, Cerkauskiene R, Oh J, Brinkert F
OPHTHALMIC GENET. 2018;39(2):275-277.
JC polyomavirus replication and associated disease in pediatric renal Transplantation: an international CERTAIN Registry study
Höcker B, Tabatabai J, Schneble L, Oh J, Thiel F, Pape L, Rusai K, Topaloglu R, Kranz B, Klaus G, Printza N, Yavascan O, Fichtner A, Krupka K, Bruckner T, Waldherr R, Pawlita M, Schnitzler P, Hirsch H, Tönshoff B
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2018;33(12):2343-2352.
Cystinose: Diagnostik, cystinentspeichernde Therapie und Transition
Kaufeld J, Weber L, Kurschat C, Canaan-Kuehl S, Brand E, Oh J, Pape L
INTERNIST. 2018;59(8):861-867.
Multimodal lipid-lowering treatment in pediatric patients with homozygous familial hypercholesterolemia-target attainment requires further increase of intensity
Klaus G, Taylan C, Büscher R, Schmitt C, Pape L, Oh J, Driemeyer J, Galiano M, König J, Schürfeld C, Spitthöver R, Schaefer J, Weber L, Heibges A, Klingel R
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2018;33(7):1199-1208.
Venous anastomosis by piggyback technique to avoid twisting of the pediatric en bloc kidney grafts
Li J, Schild R, Herrmann J, Oh J, Fischer L, Koch M
PEDIATR TRANSPLANT. 2018;22(2):e13132.
Eculizumab in STEC-HUS - need for a proper randomized controlled trial
Loos S, Oh J, Kemper M
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2018;33(8):1277-1281.
Nephrotic Syndrome: Genetics, Mechanism, and Therapies
Shin J, Kronbichler A, Oh J, Meijers B
BIOMED RES INT . 2018;2018:6215946.
Complement Activation in Peritoneal Dialysis-Induced Arteriolopathy
Bartosova M, Schaefer B, Bermejo J, Tarantino S, Lasitschka F, Macher-Goeppinger S, Sinn P, Warady B, Zaloszyc A, Parapatics K, Májek P, Bennett K, Oh J, Aufricht C, Schaefer F, Kratochwill K, Schmitt C
Factors associated with cardiovascular target organ damage in children after renal transplantation
Borchert-Mörlins B, Thurn D, Schmidt B, Büscher A, Oh J, Kier T, Bauer E, Baig S, Kanzelmeyer N, Kemper M, Büscher R, Melk A
Immunohistochemical and serological characterization of membranous nephropathy in children and adolescents
Dettmar A, Wiech T, Kemper M, Soave A, Rink M, Oh J, Stahl R, Hoxha E
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2017;33(3):463-472.
Glutaric Aciduria Type 1 and Acute Renal Failure: Case Report and Suggested Pathomechanisms
du Moulin M, Thies B, Blohm M, Oh J, Kemper M, Santer R, Mühlhausen C
JIMD reports. 2017.
Functional assessment of the kidneys in a 10 month-old child with renal artery stenosis by intravoxel incoherent motion
Herrmann J, Ittrich H, Kaul M, Groth M, Tozakidou M, Blohm M, Oh J, Adam G
NEPHROLOGY. 2017;22(3):257-260.
Case report - atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome triggered by influenza B
Kobbe R, Schild R, Christner M, Oh J, Loos S, Kemper M
BMC NEPHROL. 2017;18(1):96.
Recent Progress in Deciphering the Etiopathogenesis of Primary Membranous Nephropathy
Kronbichler A, Oh J, Meijers B, Mayer G, Shin J
BIOMED RES INT . 2017;2017:1936372.
Intermediate Follow-up of Pediatric Patients With Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome During the 2011 Outbreak Caused by E. coli O104:H4
Loos S, Aulbert W, Hoppe B, Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Kranz B, Wahl C, Staude H, Humberg A, Benz K, Krause M, Pohl M, Liebau M, Schild R, Lemke J, Beringer O, Müller D, Härtel C, Wigger M, Vester U, Konrad M, Haffner D, Pape L, Oh J, Kemper M
CLIN INFECT DIS. 2017;64(12):1637-1643.
Frühe beidseitige Nephrektomie bei Säuglingen mit pränataler ARPKD: Prognoseverbesserung oder unnötiger Aufwand?
Riechardt S, Koch M, Oh J, Fisch M
UROLOGE. 2017;56(7):882-886.
Association of Serum Soluble Urokinase Receptor Levels With Progression of Kidney Disease in Children
Schaefer F, Trachtman H, Wühl E, Kirchner M, Hayek S, Anarat A, Duzova A, Mir S, Paripovic D, Yilmaz A, Lugani F, Arbeiter K, Litwin M, Oh J, Matteucci M, Gellermann J, Wygoda S, Jankauskiene A, Klaus G, Dusek J, Testa S, Zurowska A, Caldas Afonso A, Tracy M, Wei C, Sever S, Smoyer W, Reiser J
JAMA PEDIATR. 2017;171(11):e172914.
Long-Term Outcome of Steroid-Resistant Nephrotic Syndrome in Children
Trautmann A, Schnaidt S, Lipska-Ziętkiewicz B, Bodria M, Ozaltin F, Emma F, Anarat A, Melk A, Azocar M, Oh J, Saeed B, Gheisari A, Caliskan S, Gellermann J, Higuita L, Jankauskiene A, Drozdz D, Mir S, Balat A, Szczepanska M, Paripovic D, Zurowska A, Bogdanovic R, Yilmaz A, Ranchin B, Baskin E, Erdogan O, Remuzzi G, Firszt-Adamczyk A, Kuzma-Mroczkowska E, Litwin M, Murer L, Tkaczyk M, Jardim H, Wasilewska A, Printza N, Fidan K, Simkova E, Borzecka H, Staude H, Hees K, Schaefer F
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2017;28(10):3055-3065.
Infection-Related Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis in Children
Dettmar A, Oh J
BIOMED RES INT . 2016;2016:7351964.
Pathogenesis of minimal change nephrotic Syndrome: an immunological concept
Kim S, Park S, Han K, Kronbichler A, Saleem M, Oh J, Lim B, Shin J
KOREAN J PEDIATR. 2016;59(5):205-11.
Immunologic Changes Implicated in the Pathogenesis of Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis
Kronbichler A, Leierer J, Oh J, Meijers B, Shin J
BIOMED RES INT . 2016;2016:2150451.
Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis: Genetics, Mechanism, and Therapies
Kronbichler A, Oh J, Meijers B, Shin J
BIOMED RES INT . 2016;2016:9643785.
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Impaired phosphorylation of JAK2-STAT5b signaling in fibroblasts from uremic children
Ugarte F, Irarrazabal C, Oh J, Dettmar A, Ceballos M, Rojo A, Ibacache M, Suazo C, Lozano M, Delgado I, Cavada G, Azocar M, Delucchi A, Cano F
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2016;31(6):965-74.
Nephrin Contributes to Insulin Secretion and Affects Mammalian Target of Rapamycin Signaling Independently of Insulin Receptor
Villarreal R, Mitrofanova A, Maiguel D, Morales X, Jeon J, Grahammer F, Leibiger I, Guzman J, Fachado A, Yoo T, Busher Katin A, Gellermann J, Merscher S, Burke G, Berggren P, Oh J, Huber T, Fornoni A
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2016;27(4):1029-41.
Langzeitverlauf nach STEC-HUS Epidemie (2011) assoziiert mit Shiga-Toxin produzierenden E.coli O104:H4 in Deutschland: erste Ergebnisse
Aulbert W, Loos S, Kranz B, Konrad M, Wigger M, Staude H, Krause M, Müller D, Lemke J, Beringer O, Kropp F, Haffner D, Pape L, Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Hoppe B, Oh J, Kemper M
2015. Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten. 2. Aufl. Dustri-Verlag, 39-110.
Successful detoxification and liver transplantation in a severe poisoning with a chemical wood preservative containing chromium, copper, and arsenic
Breuer C, Oh J, Nolkemper D, Achilles E, Fischer L, Eglite I, Güsmer C, Heitland P, Koester H, Brinkert F, Singer D, Blohm M
TRANSPLANTATION. 2015;99(4):e29-30.
Pathogenese und Therapie des steroidsensiblen (minimal change) nephrotischen Syndroms: Neue Aspekte
Dettmar A, Oh J
Päd Praxis. 2015;83(3):455-466.
Spezifische Symptomkombination der chronischen Quecksilberintoxikation: Arterielle Hypertension, Entwicklungsregression und Automutilation
Hermann K, Varwig-Janßen D, Budnik L, Nordholt G, Reinshagen K, Oh J, Santer R, Mühlhausen C
MONATSSCHR KINDERH. 2015;163(6):570-574.
Response to cyclosporine in steroid-resistant nephrotic Syndrome: discontinuation is possible
Klaassen I, Özgören B, Sadowski C, Möller K, Van Husen M, Lehnhardt A, Timmermann K, Freudenberg F, Helmchen U, Oh J, Kemper M
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2015;30(9):1477-1483.
Clinical and Molecular Characterization of Patients with Heterozygous Mutations in Wilms Tumor Suppressor Gene 1
Lehnhardt A, Karnatz N, Ahlenstiel-Grunow T, Benz K, Benz M, Budde K, Büscher A, Fehr T, Feldkötter M, Graf N, Höcker B, Jungraithmayr T, Klaus G, Koehler B, Konrad M, Kranz B, Montoya C, Müller D, Neuhaus T, Oh J, Pape L, Pohl M, Royer-Pokora B, Querfeld U, Schneppenheim R, Staude H, Spartà G, Timmermann K, Wilkening F, Wygoda S, Bergmann C, Kemper M
CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO. 2015;10(5):825-831.
Spectrum of Steroid-Resistant and Congenital Nephrotic Syndrome in Children: The PodoNet Registry Cohort
Trautmann A, Bodria M, Ozaltin F, Gheisari A, Melk A, Azocar M, Anarat A, Caliskan S, Emma F, Gellermann J, Oh J, Baskin E, Ksiazek J, Remuzzi G, Erdogan O, Akman S, Dusek J, Davitaia T, Özkaya O, Papachristou F, Firszt-Adamczyk A, Urasinski T, Testa S, Krmar R, Hyla-Klekot L, Pasini A, Özcakar Z, Sallay P, Cakar N, Galanti M, Terzic J, Aoun B, Caldas Afonso A, Szymanik-Grzelak H, Lipska B, Schnaidt S, Schaefer F
CLIN J AM SOC NEPHRO. 2015;10(4):592-600.
Neurological involvement in children with E. coli O104:H4-induced hemolytic uremic syndrome
Bauer A, Loos S, Wehrmann C, Horstmann D, Donnerstag F, Lemke J, Hillebrand G, Löbel U, Pape L, Haffner D, Bindt C, Ahlenstiel T, Melk A, Lehnhardt A, Kemper M, Oh J, Hartmann H
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2014;29(9):1607-1615.
Alterations in the Ubiquitin Proteasome System in Persistent but Not Reversible Proteinuric Diseases
Beeken M, Lindenmeyer M, Blattner S, Radón V, Oh J, Meyer T, Hildebrand D, Schlüter H, Reinicke-Vogt A, Knop J, Vivekanandan-Giri A, Münster S, Sachs M, Wiech T, Pennathur S, Cohen C, Kretzler M, Stahl R, Meyer-Schwesinger C
J AM SOC NEPHROL. 2014;25(11):2511-25.
Co-incident BK and Epstein-Barr virus replication in a 3-year-old immunocompetent boy
Breuer C, Hinsch A, Hiort J, Oh J, Hirsch H, Dalquen P
CLIN NEPHROL. 2014;82(4):278-282.
Protection of human podocytes from shiga toxin 2-induced phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases and apoptosis by human serum amyloid P component
Dettmar A, Binder E, Greiner F, Liebau M, Kurschat C, Jungraithmayr T, Saleem M, Schmitt C, Feifel E, Orth-Höller D, Kemper M, Pepys M, Würzner R, Oh J
INFECT IMMUN. 2014;82(5):1872-9.
Myeloperoxidase deficiency ameliorates progression of chronic kidney disease in mice
Lehners A, Lange S, Niemann G, Rosendahl A, Meyer-Schwesinger C, Oh J, Stahl R, Ehmke H, Benndorf R, Klinke A, Baldus S, Wenzel U
AM J PHYSIOL-RENAL. 2014;307(4):F407-17.
Genotype-phenotype associations in WT1 glomerulopathy
Lipska B, Ranchin B, Iatropoulos P, Gellermann J, Melk A, Ozaltin F, Caridi G, Seeman T, Tory K, Jankauskiene A, Zurowska A, Szczepanska M, Wasilewska A, Harambat J, Trautmann A, Peco-Antic A, Borzecka H, Moczulska A, Saeed B, Bogdanovic R, Kalyoncu M, Simkova E, Erdogan O, Vrljicak K, Teixeira A, Azocar M, Schaefer F
KIDNEY INT. 2014;85(5):1169-78.
Hypereosinophiles Syndrom (HES) nach Lebertransplantation
Aulbert W, Breuer C, Oh J, Briem-Richter A, Kobbe R, Ganschow R
2013. Monatszeitschrift Kinderheilkunde. Supplement 2. Aufl. Springer, 95-256.
Protective effects of the mTOR inhibitor everolimus on cytoskeletal injury in human podocytes are mediated by RhoA signaling
Jeruschke S, Büscher A, Oh J, Saleem M, Hoyer P, Weber S, Nalbant P
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(2):e55980.
Is rituximab effective in childhood nephrotic syndrome? Yes and no
Kemper M, Lehnhardt A, Zawischa A, Oh J
Gender differences in solitary functioning kidney: do they affect renal outcome? Response
Kummer S, Oh J
Genetic screening in adolescents with steroid-resistant nephrotic syndrome
Lipska B, Iatropoulos P, Maranta R, Caridi G, Ozaltin F, Anarat A, Balat A, Gellermann J, Trautmann A, Erdogan O, Saeed B, Emre S, Bogdanovic R, Azocar M, Balasz-Chmielewska I, Benetti E, Caliskan S, Mir S, Melk A, Ertan P, Baskin E, Jardim H, Davitaia T, Wasilewska A, Drozdz D, Szczepanska M, Jankauskiene A, Higuita L, Ardissino G, Ozkaya O, Kuzma-Mroczkowska E, Soylemezoglu O, Ranchin B, Medynska A, Tkaczyk M, Peco-Antic A, Akil I, Jarmolinski T, Firszt-Adamczyk A, Dusek J, Simonetti G, Gok F, Gheissari A, Emma F, Krmar R, Fischbach M, Printza N, Simkova E, Mele C, Ghiggeri G, Schaefer F
KIDNEY INT. 2013;84(1):206-13.
Das Hämolytisch Urämische Syndrom im Kindesalter
Loos S, Oh J, Kemper M
NIEREN HOCHDRUCK. 2013;42(3):126-133.
Abatacept in B7-1-positive proteinuric kidney disease
Yu C, Fornoni A, Weins A, Hakroush S, Maiguel D, Sageshima J, Chen L, Ciancio G, Faridi M, Behr D, Campbell K, Chang J, Chen H, Oh J, Faul C, Arnaout M, Fiorina P, Gupta V, Greka A, Burke G, Mundel P
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Approach to the management of slipped capital femoral epiphysis and primary hyperparathyroidism
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J PEDIATR ENDOCR MET. 2012;25(3-4):239-44.
Non-enhanced ECG-gated respiratory-triggered 3-D steady-state free-precession MR angiography with slab-selective inversion: initial experience in visualisation of renal arteries in free-breathing children without renal artery abnormality
Klee D, Lanzman R, Blondin D, Schmitt P, Oh J, Salgin B, Mayatepek E, Antoch G, Schaper J
PEDIATR RADIOL. 2012;42(7):785-90.
The influence of gender and sexual hormones on incidence and outcome of chronic kidney disease.
Kummer S, von Gersdorff G, Kemper M, Oh J
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2012;27(8):1213-1219.
Elevated serum levels of B-cell activating factor in pediatric renal transplant patients.
Lehnhardt A, Dunst F, Van Husen M, Loos S, Oh J, Eiermann T, Koch M, Kemper M
PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2012;27(8):1389-1395.
An outbreak of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli O104:H4 hemolytic uremic syndrome in Germany: presentation and short-term outcome in children.
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Minimal change (steroid sensitive) nephrotic syndrome in children: new aspects on pathogenesis and treatment.
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Fibroblast growth factor 23 and calcium phosphate homeostasis after pediatric renal transplantation.
Van Husen M, Lehnhardt A, Fischer A, Brinkert F, Loos S, Oh J, Kemper M
PEDIATR TRANSPLANT. 2012;16(5):443-450.
The lectin-like domain of thrombomodulin ameliorates diabetic glomerulopathy via complement inhibition
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Large and ongoing outbreak of haemolytic uraemic syndrome, Germany, May 2011
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Estrogen receptor alpha expression in podocytes mediates protection against apoptosis in-vitro and in-vivo.
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Liver fibrosis in recessive multicystic kidney diseases: transient elastography for early detection.
Kummer S, Sagir A, Pandey S, Feldkötter M, Habbig S, Körber F, Ney D, Hoppe B, Häussinger D, Mayatepek E, Oh J
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Chronic pancreatitis in branched-chain organic acidurias--a case of methylmalonic aciduria and an overview of the literature.
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Stimulation of the calcium-sensing receptor stabilizes the podocyte cytoskeleton, improves cell survival, and reduces toxin-induced glomerulosclerosis
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Open-source genomic analysis of Shiga-toxin-producing E. coli O104:H4.
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Therapy-refractory gastrointestinal motility disorder in a child with c-kit mutations
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Mandibular aneurysmal bone cyst in a child misdiagnosed as acute osteomyelitis: a case report and a review of the literature
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Second-line Options for Refractory Steroid-sensitive and -resistant Nephrotic Syndrome
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Early clinical experiences with the new influenza A (H1N1/09)
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Defined carboxy-terminal fragments of insulin-like growth factor (IGF) binding protein-2 exert similar mitogenic activity on cultured rat growth plate chondrocytes as IGF-I
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Cinacalcet does not affect longitudinal growth but increases body weight gain in experimental uraemia
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Activated protein C protects against diabetic nephropathy by inhibiting endothelial and podocyte apoptosis
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Synaptopodin regulates the actin-bundling activity of alpha-actinin in an isoform-specific manner
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Promotion of importin alpha-mediated nuclear import by the phosphorylation-dependent binding of cargo protein to 14-3-3
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Impaired autofeedback regulation of hypothalamic norepinephrine release in experimental uremia
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Psychosocial rehabilitation and satisfaction with life in adults with childhood-onset of end-stage renal disease
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PEDIATR NEPHROL. 2005;20(9):1288-94.
Dynamic (re)organization of the podocyte actin cytoskeleton in the nephrotic syndrome
Oh J, Reiser J, Mundel P
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Podocyte migration during nephrotic syndrome requires a coordinated interplay between cathepsin L and alpha3 integrin
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Induction of B7-1 in podocytes is associated with nephrotic syndrome
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Circulating inhibitor of gonadotropin releasing hormone secretion by hypothalamic neurons in uremia
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Advanced coronary and carotid arteriopathy in young adults with childhood-onset chronic renal failure
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