Christoph Oing
Dr. med.
Christoph Oing
  • Funktionsoberarzt
  • Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
  • Facharzt für Innere Medizin und Hämatologie und Onkologie



Deutsch (Muttersprache)






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Hyperthyroidism in non-seminomatous testicular germ cell tumors: two case reports and literature review
Favero D, Oing C, Seidel C, Rescigno P, Catalano F, Cremante M, Rebuzzi S, Gatto F, Rosti G, Ferone D, Fornarini G, Cocchiara F
FRONT ONCOL. 2024;14:.

Combining PARP Inhibitors and Androgen Receptor Signalling Inhibitors in Metastatic Prostate Cancer: A Quantitative Synthesis and Meta-analysis
Messina C, Giunta E, Signori A, Rebuzzi S, Banna G, Maniam A, Buti S, Cattrini C, Fornarini G, Bauckneht M, Greystoke A, Plummer R, Oing C, Rescigno P
EUR UROL ONCOL. 2024;7(2):179-188.

Efficacy and safety of high-dose chemotherapy as the first or subsequent salvage treatment line in patients with relapsed or refractory germ cell cancer: an international multicentric analysis
Seidel C, Schaefers C, Connolly E, Weickhardt A, Grimison P, Wong V, De Giorgi U, Hentrich M, Zschäbitz S, Ochsenreither S, Vincenzi B, Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Engel N, Alsdorf W, Tran B
ESMO OPEN. 2024;9(5):103449.

Definition and Diagnosis of Oligometastatic Bladder Cancer: A Delphi Consensus Study Endorsed by the European Association of Urology, European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology, and European Society of Medical Oncology Genitourinary Faculty
Bamias A, Stenzl A, Brown S, Albiges L, Babjuk M, Birtle A, Briganti A, Burger M, Choudhury A, Colecchia M, De Santis M, Fanti S, Fonteyne V, Gallucci M, Rivas J, Huddart R, Junker K, Kroeze S, Loriot Y, Merseburger A, Montironi R, Necchi A, Oing C, Oldenburg J, Ost P, Pinkawa M, Ribal M, Rouprêt M, Thoeny H, Zilli T, Hoskin P
EUR UROL. 2023;84(4):381-389.

Preclinical patient-derived modeling of castration-resistant prostate cancer facilitates individualized assessment of homologous recombination repair deficient disease
Elsesy M, Oh-Hohenhorst S, Oing C, Eckhardt A, Burdak-Rothkamm S, Alawi M, Müller C, Schüller U, Maurer T, von Amsberg G, Petersen C, Rothkamm K, Mansour W
MOL ONCOL. 2023;17(6):1129-1147.

Testicular Tumors: High Likelihood of Cure With Interdisciplinary Management
Krege S, Oing C, Bokemeyer C
DTSCH ARZTEBL INT. 2023;120(49):843-854.

Young oncologists' perspective on the role and future of the clinician-scientist in oncology
Lim K, Westphalen C, Berghoff A, Cardone C, Connolly E, Güven D, Kfoury M, Kocakavuk E, Mandó P, Mariamidze E, Matikas A, Moutafi M, Oing C, Pihlak R, Punie K, Sánchez-Bayona R, Sobczuk P, Starzer A, Tečić Vuger A, Zhu H, Cruz-Ordinario M, Altuna S, Canário R, Vuylsteke P, Banerjee S, de Azambuja E, Cervantes A, Lambertini M, Mateo J, Amaral T
ESMO OPEN. 2023;8(5):101625.

Career and Professional Development for Young Oncologists
Mair M, Cardone C, Connolly E, Kfoury M, Lambertini M, Lim K, Mariamidze E, Matikas A, Pihlak R, Punie K, Oing C, Sánchez-Bayona R, Sobczuk P, Zhu H, Berghoff A, Amaral T
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2023;46(3):67-71.

Systemic treatment of metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer-upfront triplet versus doublet combination therapy
Oing C, Bristow R
ESMO OPEN. 2023;8(2):101194.

European Association of Urology Guidelines on Testicular Cancer: 2023 Update
Patrikidou A, Cazzaniga W, Berney D, Boormans J, de Angst I, Di Nardo D, Fankhauser C, Fischer S, Gravina C, Gremmels H, Heidenreich A, Janisch F, Leão R, Nicolai N, Oing C, Oldenburg J, Shepherd R, Tandstad T, Nicol D
EUR UROL. 2023;84(3):289-301.

Proteomic profiling of cisplatin-resistant and cisplatin-sensitive germ cell tumour cell lines using quantitative mass spectrometry
Fichtner A, Bohnenberger H, Elakad O, Richter A, Lenz C, Oing C, Ströbel P, Kueffer S, Nettersheim D, Bremmer F
WORLD J UROL. 2022;40(2):373-383.

Primary mediastinal germ cell tumours: an immunohistochemical and molecular diagnostic approach
Fichtner A, Richter A, Filmar S, Kircher S, Rosenwald A, Küffer S, Nettersheim D, Oing C, Marx A, Ströbel P, Bremmer F
HISTOPATHOLOGY. 2022;80(2):381-396.

Therapy of clinical stage IIA and IIB seminoma: a systematic review
Heinzelbecker J, Schmidt S, Lackner J, Busch J, Bokemeyer C, Classen J, Dieing A, Hakenberg O, Krege S, Papachristofilou A, Pfister D, Ruf C, Schmelz H, Schmidberger H, Souchon R, Winter C, Zengerling F, Kliesch S, Albers P, Oing C
WORLD J UROL. 2022;40(12):2829-2841.

The impact of COVID-19 on oncology professionals-one year on: lessons learned from the ESMO Resilience Task Force survey series
Lim K, Murali K, Thorne E, Punie K, Kamposioras K, Oing C, O'Connor M, Élez E, Amaral T, Garrido P, Lambertini M, Devnani B, Westphalen C, Morgan G, Haanen J, Hardy C, Banerjee S
ESMO OPEN. 2022;7(1):.

Approaches of stem cell mobilization in a large cohort of metastatic germ cell cancer patients
Madanchi R, Engel N, Alsdorf W, Oing C, Frenzel C, Paulsen F, Bokemeyer C, Seidel C
BONE MARROW TRANSPL. 2022;57(5):729-733.

Erstmalige interdiszipläre DKK-Programmplanung durch Zusammenschluss onkologischer Nachwuchsgruppen
Maurer M, Huber T, Sommer N, Mäurer I, Lazaridis L, Bodensohn R, Ziegler S, Fleischmann D, Käsmann L, Staudacher J, Kropf-Sanchen C, Scherg A, Wickert J, Pietzner K, Oing C, Beyer G, Hollenbach M, Nestler T, Siech C, Meyer R, Heinrich K, Stahler A
Forum. Das offizielle Magazin der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft e.V.. 2022;2022(37):19-23.

Hodentumoren aus klinischer Sicht: Was Urolog:Innen und Onkolog:Innen von Patholog:Innen über Hodentumoren wissen müssen
Oing C, Fankhauser C
PATHOLOGIE. 2022;43(6):434-440.

First-line salvage treatment options for germ cell tumor patients failing stage-adapted primary treatment: A comprehensive review compiled by the German Testicular Cancer Study Group
Pfister D, Oechsle K, Schmidt S, Busch J, Bokemeyer C, Heidenreich A, Heinzelbecker J, Ruf C, Winter C, Zengerling F, Kliesch S, Albers P, Oing C
WORLD J UROL. 2022;40(12):2853-2861.

Testicular germ cell tumours' clinical stage I: comparison of surveillance with adjuvant treatment strategies regarding recurrence rates and overall survival-a systematic review
Ruf C, Schmidt S, Kliesch S, Oing C, Pfister D, Busch J, Heinzelbecker J, Winter C, Zengerling F, Albers P, Oechsle K, Krege S, Lackner J, Dieckmann K
WORLD J UROL. 2022;40(12):2889-2900.

Peritoneal carcinosis in male germ cell tumor patients: a registry study compiled by the German Testicular Cancer Study Group (GTCSG)
Seidel C, Hentrich M, Zschäbitz S, Paffenholz P, Heidenreich A, Nestler T, Tran B, Fischer S, Daugaard G, Ochsenreither S, Brito M, Zengerling F, Schwab C, Bokemeyer C, Oing C
WORLD J UROL. 2022;40(2):355-361.

Patterns of Disease Progression and Outcome of Patients With Testicular Seminoma Who Relapse After Adjuvant or Curative Radiation Therapy
Terbuch A, Posch F, Bauernhofer T, Jost P, Partl R, Stranzl-Lawatsch H, Baciarello G, Fizazi K, Giannatempo P, Verzoni E, Sweeney C, Ravi P, Tran B, Basso U, White J, Vincenzi B, Oing C, Cutuli H, Dieckmann K, Gamulin M, Chovanec M, Fankhauser C, Heidenreich A, Mohamad O, Thibault C, Fischer S, Gillessen S
INT J RADIAT ONCOL. 2022;113(4):825-832.

Chromosome 3p25.3 Gain Is Associated With Cisplatin Resistance and Is an Independent Predictor of Poor Outcome in Male Malignant Germ Cell Tumors
Timmerman D, Eleveld T, Sriram S, Dorssers L, Gillis A, Schmidtova S, Kalavska K, van de Werken H, Oing C, Honecker F, Mego M, Looijenga L
J CLIN ONCOL. 2022;40(26):3077-3087.

The impact of COVID-19 on oncology professionals: results of the ESMO Resilience Task Force survey collaboration
Banerjee S, Lim K, Murali K, Kamposioras K, Punie K, Oing C, O'Connor M, Thorne E, Devnani B, Lambertini M, Westphalen C, Garrido P, Amaral T, Morgan G, Haanen J, Hardy C
ESMO OPEN. 2021;6(2):.

Cisplatinrefraktäre Keimzelltumoren – molekulare Grundlagen und klinische Konzepte
Bokemeyer C, Skowron M, Peters M, Nettersheim D, Oing C
ONKOLOGE. 2021;27(1):46-53.

Late adverse effects and quality of life in survivors of testicular germ cell tumour
Chovanec M, Lauritsen J, Bandak M, Oing C, Kier G, Kreiberg M, Rosenvilde J, Wagner T, Bokemeyer C, Daugaard G
NAT REV UROL. 2021;18(4):227-245.

"Per aspera ad astra".. die Facharztreife
Christopeit M, Oing C, Höffken K
ONKOLOGE. 2021;2021(27, suppl issue 1):2-4.

ASO Visual Abstract: Radical Hemiscrotectomy and En Bloc Orchidectomy-Surgical Technique, Perioperative and Oncologic Outcomes of a Supra-Regional UK Referral Centre
Fankhauser C, Issa A, Lee E, Oing C, Oliveira P, Parnham A, Oates J, Sangar V, Gulamhusein A, Clarke N
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2021;28(Suppl 3):563-564.

Radical Hemiscrotectomy and En Bloc Orchidectomy: Surgical Technique and Perioperative and Oncologic Outcomes of a Supra-Regional UK Referral Centre
Fankhauser C, Issa A, Lee E, Oing C, Oliveira P, Parnham A, Oates J, Sangar V, Gulamhusein A, Clarke N
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2021;28(13):9217-9222.

The detection of isochromosome i(12p) in malignant germ cell tumours and tumours with somatic malignant transformation by the use of quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction
Fichtner A, Richter A, Filmar S, Gaisa N, Schweyer S, Reis H, Nettersheim D, Oing C, Gayer F, Leha A, Küffer S, Ströbel P, Kaulfuß S, Bremmer F
HISTOPATHOLOGY. 2021;78(4):593-606.

ESMO20 YO for YO: highlights on metastatic renal cell carcinoma-the CheckMate-9ER trial
Kfoury M, Oing C

Management of Germ Cell Tumours of the Testes in Adult Patients: German Clinical Practice Guideline, PART II - Recommendations for the Treatment of Advanced, Recurrent, and Refractory Disease and Extragonadal and Sex Cord/Stromal Tumours and for the Management of Follow-Up, Toxicity, Quality of Life, Palliative Care, and Supportive Therapy
Kliesch S, Schmidt S, Wilborn D, Aigner C, Albrecht W, Bedke J, Beintker M, Beyersdorff D, Bokemeyer C, Busch J, Classen J, de Wit M, Dieckmann K, Diemer T, Dieing A, Gockel M, Göckel-Beining B, Hakenberg O, Heidenreich A, Heinzelbecker J, Herkommer K, Hermanns T, Kaufmann S, Kornmann M, Kotzerke J, Krege S, Kristiansen G, Lorch A, Müller A, Oechsle K, Ohloff T, Oing C, Otto U, Pfister D, Pichler R, Recken H, Rick O, Rudolph Y, Ruf C, Schirren J, Schmelz H, Schmidberger H, Schrader M, Schweyer S, Seeling S, Souchon R, Winter C, Wittekind C, Zengerling F, Zermann D, Zillmann R, Albers P
UROL INT. 2021;105(3-4):181-191.

Management of Germ Cell Tumours of the Testis in Adult Patients. German Clinical Practice Guideline Part I: Epidemiology, Classification, Diagnosis, Prognosis, Fertility Preservation, and Treatment Recommendations for Localized Stages
Kliesch S, Schmidt S, Wilborn D, Aigner C, Albrecht W, Bedke J, Beintker M, Beyersdorff D, Bokemeyer C, Busch J, Classen J, de Wit M, Dieckmann K, Diemer T, Dieing A, Gockel M, Göckel-Beining B, Hakenberg O, Heidenreich A, Heinzelbecker J, Herkommer K, Hermanns T, Kaufmann S, Kornmann M, Kotzerke J, Krege S, Kristiansen G, Lorch A, Müller A, Oechsle K, Ohloff T, Oing C, Otto U, Pfister D, Pichler R, Recken H, Rick O, Rudolph Y, Ruf C, Schirren J, Schmelz H, Schmidberger H, Schrader M, Schweyer S, Seeling S, Souchon R, Winter C, Wittekind C, Zengerling F, Zermann D, Zillmann R, Albers P
UROL INT. 2021;105(3-4):169-180.

The concerns of oncology professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic: results from the ESMO Resilience Task Force survey II
Lim K, Murali K, Kamposioras K, Punie K, Oing C, O'Connor M, Thorne E, Amaral T, Garrido P, Lambertini M, Devnani B, Westphalen C, Morgan G, Haanen J, Hardy C, Banerjee S
ESMO OPEN. 2021;6(4):100199.

The component of the m6A writer complex VIRMA is implicated in aggressive tumor phenotype, DNA damage response and cisplatin resistance in germ cell tumors
Miranda-Gonçalves V, Lobo J, Guimarães-Teixeira C, Barros-Silva D, Guimarães R, Cantante M, Braga I, Maurício J, Oing C, Honecker F, Nettersheim D, Looijenga L, Henrique R, Jerónimo C
J EXP CLIN CANC RES. 2021;40(1):.

Editorial Comment to Advanced germ cell tumor patients undergoing post-chemotherapy retroperitoneal lymph node dissection: Impact of residual teratoma on prognosis
Oing C
INT J UROL. 2021;28(8):847-848.

28/m mit Rückenschmerzen und Vorwölbung der Bauchwand
Oing C, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2021;2021(27 supplement 1):5-11.

Aktuelle Therapiekonzepte bei keimzelltumoren des Mannes
Oing C, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2021;2021:1-13.

Erweiterung der Kombinationsmöglichkeiten in der Erstlinientherapie des metastasierten klarzelligen Nierenzellkarzinoms mit Nivolumab plus Cabozantinib: Ergebnisse der CheckMate-9ER-Studie
Oing C, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2021;27(2):168-171.

Primär mediastinale Keimzelltumoren – eine interdisziplinäre Herausforderung
Oing C, Schirren M, Sponholz S, Seidel C, Schirren J, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2021;27(1):36-45.

Prostate Cancer
Rebello R, Oing C, Knudsen K, Loeb S, Johnson D, Reiter R, Gillessen S, Van der Kwast T, Bristow R
NAT REV DIS PRIMERS. 2021;7(1):9.

The prognostic significance of lactate dehydrogenase levels in seminoma patients with advanced disease: an analysis by the Global Germ Cell Tumor Collaborative Group (G3)
Seidel C, Daugaard G, Nestler T, Tryakin A, Fedyanin M, Fankhauser C, Hermanns T, Aparicio J, Heinzelbecker J, Paffenholz P, Heidenreich A, De Giorgi U, Cathomas R, Lorch A, Fingerhut A, Gayer F, Bremmer F, Giannatempo P, Necchi A, Raggi D, Aurilio G, Casadei C, Hentrich M, Tran B, Dieckmann K, Brito M, Ruf C, Mazzocca A, Vincenzi B, Stahl O, Bokemeyer C, Oing C
WORLD J UROL. 2021;39(9):3407-3414.

The developmental origin of cancers defines basic principles of cisplatin resistance
Skowron M, Oing C, Bremmer F, Ströbel P, Murray M, Coleman N, Amatruda J, Honecker F, Bokemeyer C, Albers P, Nettersheim D
CANCER LETT. 2021;519:199-210.

Second-Generation Antiandrogen Therapy Radiosensitizes Prostate Cancer Regardless of Castration State through Inhibition of DNA Double Strand Break Repair
Elsesy M, Oh-Hohenhorst S, Löser A, Oing C, Mutiara S, Köcher S, Meien S, Zielinski A, Burdak-Rothkamm S, Tilki D, Huland H, Schwarz R, Petersen C, Bokemeyer C, Rothkamm K, Mansour W
CANCERS. 2020;12(9):.

Influence of abiraterone and enzalutamide on body composition in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer
Fischer S, Clements S, McWilliam A, Green A, Descamps T, Oing C, Gillessen S
Cancer treatment and research communications. 2020;25:100256.

Efficacy of HDAC Inhibitors Belinostat and Panobinostat against Cisplatin-Sensitive and Cisplatin-Resistant Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
Lobo J, Guimarães-Teixeira C, Barros-Silva D, Miranda-Gonçalves V, Camilo V, Guimarães R, Cantante M, Braga I, Maurício J, Oing C, Honecker F, Nettersheim D, Looijenga L, Henrique R, Jerónimo C
CANCERS. 2020;12(10):.

Management of germ cell tumors during the outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease-19 pandemic: a survey of international expertise centers
Nappi L, Ottaviano M, Rescigno P, Tortora M, Banna G, Baciarello G, Basso U, Canil C, Cavo A, Rocca M, Czaykowski P, De Giorgi U, Del Muro X, Di Napoli M, Fornarini G, Gietema J, Heng D, Hotte S, Kollmannsberger C, Maruzzo M, Messina C, Morelli F, Mulder S, Nichols C, Nolè F, Oing C, Sava T, Secondino S, Simone G, Soulieres D, Vincenzi B, Zucali P, De Placido S, Palmieri G
ONCOLOGIST. 2020;25(10):e1509-e1515.

Treatment of refractory germ-cell tumours with single-agent cabazitaxel: a German Testicular Cancer Study Group case series
Oing C, Hentrich M, Lorch A, Gläser D, Rumpold H, Ochsenreither S, Richter S, Dieing A, Zschäbitz S, Pereira R, Bokemeyer C, Seidel C
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2020;146(2):449-455.

Was der Onkologe vom Pathologen über Hodentumoren wissen muss
Oing C, Peters M, Bremmer F
PATHOLOGE. 2020;41(Suppl 2):111-117.

Human chorionic gonadotropin-positive seminoma patients: A registry compiled by the global germ cell tumor collaborative group (G3)
Seidel C, Daugaard G, Nestler T, Tryakin A, Fedyanin M, Fankhauser C, Hermanns T, Aparicio J, Heinzelbecker J, Paffenholz P, Heidenreich A, De Giorgi U, Cathomas R, Lorch A, Fingerhut A, Gayer F, Bremmer F, Giannatempo P, Necchi A, Aurilio G, Casadei C, Tran B, Dieckmann K, Brito M, Ruf C, Oing C, Bokemeyer C
EUR J CANCER. 2020;132:127-135.

Current pharmacotherapy for testicular germ cell cancer
Alsdorf W, Seidel C, Bokemeyer C, Oing C
EXPERT OPIN PHARMACO. 2019;20(7):837-850.

Proteomic Comparison of Malignant Human Germ Cell Tumor Cell Lines
Bremmer F, Bohnenberger H, Küffer S, Oellerich T, Serve H, Urlaub H, Strauss A, Maatoug Y, Behnes C, Oing C, Radzun H, Ströbel P, Balabanov S, Honecker F
DIS MARKERS. 2019;2019:8298524.

Serum Levels of MicroRNA-371a-3p (M371 Test) as a New Biomarker of Testicular Germ Cell Tumors: Results of a Prospective Multicentric Study
Dieckmann K, Radtke A, Geczi L, Matthies C, Anheuser P, Eckardt U, Sommer J, Zengerling F, Trenti E, Pichler R, Belz H, Zastrow S, Winter A, Melchior S, Hammel J, Kranz J, Bolten M, Krege S, Haben B, Loidl W, Ruf C, Heinzelbecker J, Heidenreich A, Cremers J, Oing C, Hermanns T, Fankhauser C, Gillessen S, Reichegger H, Cathomas R, Pichler M, Hentrich M, Eredics K, Lorch A, Wülfing C, Peine S, Wosniok W, Bokemeyer C, Belge G
J CLIN ONCOL. 2019;37(16):1412-1423.

Everolimus in patients with multiply relapsed or cisplatin refractory germ cell tumors: results of a phase II, single-arm, open-label multicenter trial (RADIT) of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group
Fenner M, Oing C, Dieing A, Gauler T, Oechsle K, Lorch A, Hentrich M, Kopp H, Bokemeyer C, Honecker F
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2019;145(3):717-723.

Aktuelle Forschung pädiatrischer und adulter Keimzelltumoren: Ein Bericht vom ersten „Düsseldorfer Testis Cancer Day“
Nettersheim D, Oing C, Schönberger S, Skowron M, Vermeulen M, Müller M, Watolla M, Bremmer F, Pfister D, Calaminus G, Looijenga L, Lorch A, Albers P
UROLOGE. 2019;58(7):804-808.

Lokal-ablative Radiotherapie des oligometastasierten Prostatakarzinoms mit Überlebensvorteil
Oing C, Petersen C, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2019;25(9):827-828.

Epigenetic treatment combinations to effectively target cisplatin-resistant germ cell tumors-past, presentand future considerataions
Oing C, Skowron M, Bokemeyer C, Nettersheim D
ANDROLOGY-US. 2019;2019(4):487497.

Epigenetic treatment combinations to effectively target cisplatin-resistant germ cell tumors: past, present, and future considerations
Oing C, Skowron M, Bokemeyer C, Nettersheim D
ANDROLOGY-US. 2019;7(4):487-497.

Expression of miRN-371a-3p in seminal plasma and ejaculate is associated with sperm concentration
Radkte A, Diekmann K, Grobelny F, Salzbrunn A, Oing C, Schulze W, Belge G
ANDROLOGY-US. 2019;469-474.

Expression of miRNA-371a-3p in seminal plasma and ejaculate is associated with sperm concentration
Radtke A, Dieckmann K, Grobelny F, Salzbrunn A, Oing C, Schulze W, Belge G
ANDROLOGY-US. 2019;7(4):469-474.

TP53 and Prognosis in mCRPC Survival: Biology or Coincidence?
Rebello R, Oing C, Gillessen S, Bristow R
CLIN CANCER RES. 2019;25(6):1699-1701.

Awareness of predatory journals and open access among medical oncologists: results of an online survey
Richtig G, Richtig E, Böhm A, Oing C, Bozorgmehr F, Kruger S, Kiesewetter B, Zielinski C, Berghoff A
ESMO OPEN. 2019;4(6):e000580.

Positronenemissionstomographie bei Keimzelltumoren des Mannes: Einsatzmöglichkeiten und Grenzen
Schriefer P, Hartmann M, Oechsle K, Meyer C, Klutmann S, Fisch M, Bokemeyer C, Oing C
UROLOGE. 2019;58(4):418-423.

The prognostic impact of different tumor marker levels in nonseminomatous germ cell tumor patients with intermediate prognosis: A registry of the International Global Germ Cell Tumor Collaborative Group (G3)
Seidel C, Daugaard G, Tryakin A, Necchi A, Cohn-Cedermark G, Ståhl O, Hentrich M, Brito M, Albany C, Taza F, Gerl A, Oechsle K, Oing C, Bokemeyer C
UROL ONCOL-SEMIN ORI. 2019;37(11):809.e19-809.e25.

Questioning the Value of Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography for Residual Lesions After Chemotherapy for Metastatic Seminoma: Results of an International Global Germ Cell Cancer Group Registry
Cathomas R, Klingbiel D, Bernard B, Lorch A, Garcia Del Muro X, Morelli F, De Giorgi U, Fedyanin M, Oing C, Haugnes H, Hentrich M, Fankhauser C, Gillessen S, Beyer J
J CLIN ONCOL. 2018;JCO1800210.

ESMO Consensus Conference on testicular germ cell cancer: past, present, and future considerations: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up
Honecker F, Aparicio J, Berney D, Beyer J, Bokemeyer C, Cathomas R, Clarke N, Cohn-Cedermark G, Daugaard G, Dieckmann K, Fizazi K, Fosså S, Germa-Lluch J, Giannatempo P, Gietema J, Gillessen S, Haugnes H, Heidenreich A, Hemminki K, Huddart R, Jewett M, Joly F, Lauritsen J, Lorch A, Necchi A, Nicolai N, Oing C, Oldenburg J, Ondruš D, Papachristofilou A, Powles T, Sohaib A, Ståhl O, Tandstad T, Toner G, Horwich A
ANN ONCOL. 2018;29(8):1658-1686.

Loss of PTEN-assisted G2/M checkpoint impedes homologous recombination repair and enhances radio-curability and PARP inhibitor treatment response in prostate cancer
Mansour W, Tennstedt P, Volquardsen J, Oing C, Kluth M, Hube-Magg C, Borgmann K, Simon R, Petersen C, Dikomey E, Rothkamm K
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):3947.

Biological basis and early clinical results of immunotherapy for cisplatin-resistant germ cell cancer
Oing C, Bokemeyer C
CURR OPIN UROL. 2018;28(5):479-484.

Palliative treatment of germ cell cancer
Oing C, Giannatempo P, Honecker F, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Beyer J
CANCER TREAT REV. 2018;71:102-107.

The Role of Salvage High-Dose Chemotherapy in Relapsed Male Germ Cell Tumors
Oing C, Lorch A
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2018;41(6):365-369.

Therapeutic approaches for refractory germ cell cancer
Oing C, Seidel C, Bokemeyer C
EXPERT REV ANTICANC. 2018;18(4):389-397.

BCL2-overexpressing prostate cancer cells rely on PARP1-dependent end-joining and are sensitive to combined PARP inhibitor and radiation therapy
Oing C, Tennstedt P, Simon R, Volquardsen J, Borgmann K, Bokemeyer C, Petersen C, Dikomey E, Rothkamm K, Mansour W
CANCER LETT. 2018;423:60-70.

5-Azacitidine Exerts Prolonged Pro-Apoptotic Effects and Overcomes Cisplatin-Resistance in Non-Seminomatous Germ Cell Tumor Cells
Oing C, Verem I, Mansour W, Bokemeyer C, Dyshlovoy S, Honecker F
INT J MOL SCI. 2018;20(1):21.

Kapitel 11 - Tumore des Urogenitaltrakts
Bokemeyer C, Oing C
2017. Handbuch ONKOLOGIE 2017. 1. Aufl. Wiesbaden: med publico GmbH, 1 - 38.

Corrigendum re: "Serum Levels of MicroRNA miR-371a-3p: A Sensitive and Specific New Biomarker for Germ Cell Tumours" [Eur Urol 2017;71:213-20]
Dieckmann K, Radtke A, Spiekermann M, Balks T, Matthies C, Becker P, Ruf C, Oing C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Hammel J, Melchior S, Wosniok W, Belge G
EUR UROL. 2017;71(5):e161.

Serum Levels of MicroRNA miR-371a-3p: A Sensitive and Specific New Biomarker for Germ Cell Tumours
Dieckmann K, Radtke A, Spiekermann M, Balks T, Matthies C, Becker P, Ruf C, Oing C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Hammel J, Melchior S, Wosniok W, Belge G
EUR UROL. 2017;71(2):213-220.

Retinal toxicity after cisplatin-based chemotherapy in patients with germ cell cancer
Dulz S, Asselborn N, Dieckmann K, Matthies C, Wagner W, Weidmann J, Seidel C, Oing C, Berger L, Alsdorf W, Mankichian B, Meyer C, Vetterlein M, Gild P, Ludwig T, Soave A, Schriefer P, Becker A, Ahyai S, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Wagenfeld L, Fisch M, Hartmann M, Chun F, Kluth L
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2017;143(7):1319-1325.

Specific Characteristics of Patients with Advanced Genitourinary Cancer Receiving Specialized Inpatient Palliative Care
Iversen K, Oechsle K, Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Seidel C
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2017;40(10):609-614.

Platinum-refractory germ cell tumors: an update on current treatment options and developments
Oing C, Alsdorf W, von Amsberg G, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C
WORLD J UROL. 2017;35(8):1167-1175.

Immuncheckpointinhibition beim Urothelkarzinom: Pembrolizumab als neuer Therapiestandard in der Zweitlinientherapie?
Oing C, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2017;23:678-680.

„Neue Substanzen in der Therapie des metastasierten Nierenzellkarzinoms – was, wann und für wen?“: Neuer Tyrosinkinaseinhibitor für die Zweitlinie
Oing C, Bokemeyer C
InFo Onkologie. 2017;03:12-14.

Neues zum Einsatz von Tumormarkern bei Hodentumoren: Inadäquater Markerabfall und miR-371a-3p
Oing C, Bokemeyer C
LEADING OPINIONS Hämatologie & Onkologie. 2017;13(7):14-15.

Monoubiquitination of histone H2B – a potential new target in treatment resistant germ cell tumors.
Oing C, Dyshlovoy S, Burandt E, Amsberg G, Honecker F, Bokemeyer C, Rothkamm K, Mansour W
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2017;40:95-96.

Impact of Primary Metastatic Bone Disease in Germ Cell Tumors: Results of an International Global Germ Cell Tumor Collaborative Group G3 Registry Study
Oing C, Oechsle K, Necchi A, Loriot Y, De Giorgi U, Fléchon A, Daugaard G, Fedyanin M, Faré E, Bokemeyer C
ANN ONCOL. 2017;28(3):576-582.

Cisplatin-refraktäre Keimzelltumoren: Resistenzmechanismen − Therapiestandards − neue Entwicklungen
Oing C, Seidel C, Alsdorf W, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2017;23(2):123-128.

Cisplatin-refraktäre Keimzelltumoren: Resistenzmechanismen − Therapiestandards − neue Entwicklungen
Oing C, Seidel C, Alsdorf W, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2017;23(2):123-128.

Systemische Behandlung des Harnblasenkarzinoms: Klassische Chemotherapie und neue Optionen
Oing C, von Amsberg G, Bokemeyer C
Im Fokus Onkologie. 2017;20(9):50-56.

Cabazitaxel overcomes cisplatin resistance in germ cell tumour cells
Gerwing M, Jacobsen C, Dyshlovoy S, Hauschild J, Rohlfing T, Oing C, Venz S, Oldenburg J, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, von Amsberg G, Honecker F
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2016;142(9):1979-94.

Keimzelltumoren des Mannes
Lorch A, Albers P, Beyer J, Cathomas R, Oing C, Souchon R, Stöger H, Bokemeyer C

Ongoing Clinical Trials in Testicular Cancer: The TIGER Trial
Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Lorch A
ONCOL RES TREAT. 2016;39(9):553-556.

Investigational targeted therapies for the treatment of testicular germ cell tumors
Oing C, Kollmannsberger C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C
EXPERT OPIN INV DRUG. 2016;25(9):1033-43.

PARP-Inhibition - eine neue Therapieoption bei Prostatakarzinomen mit DNA-Reparaturdefizienz
Oing C, Mansour W, Bokemeyer C
InFo Onkologie. 2016;(02):2-3.

Second Line Chemotherapy for Advanced and Metastatic Urothelial Carcinoma: Vinflunine and Beyond-A Comprehensive Review of the Current Literature
Oing C, Rink M, Oechsle K, Seidel C, von Amsberg G, Bokemeyer C
J UROLOGY. 2016;195(2):254-63.

Pharmacotherapeutic treatment of germ cell tumors - standard of care and recent developments
Oing C, Seidel C, von Amsberg G, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C
EXPERT OPIN PHARMACO. 2016;17(4):545-60.

Involvement of ATM in homologous recombination after end resection and RAD51 nucleofilament formation
Bakr A, Oing C, Köcher S, Borgmann K, Dornreiter I, Petersen C, Dikomey E, Mansour Khalfallah W
NUCLEIC ACIDS RES. 2015;43(6):3154-66.

Tumore des Urogenitaltrakts
Bokemeyer C, Oing C
2015. OnkoUpdate 2015. 1. Aufl. med publico GmbH, 1-55.

Symptom burden in long-term germ cell tumor survivors
Oechsle K, Hartmann M, Mehnert A, Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Vehling S

First salvage treatment of germ cell tumor patients with bone metastases: retrospective analysis of a large international database
Oing C, Lorch A, Bokemeyer C, Honecker F, Beyer J, Berger L, Oechsle K
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2015;141(5):923-31.

Anxiety and depression in long-term testicular germ cell tumor survivors
Vehling S, Mehnert A, Hartmann M, Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K

First salvage treatment in patients with advanced germ cell cancer after cisplatin-based chemotherapy: analysis of a registry of the German Testicular Cancer Study Group (GTCSG)
Berger L, Bokemeyer C, Lorch A, Hentrich M, Kopp H, Gauler T, Beyer J, de Wit M, Mayer F, Boehlke I, Oing C, Honecker F, Oechsle K
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2014;140(7):1211-1220.

Tumore des Urogenitaltrakts
Bokemeyer C, Oing C
2014. OnkoUpdate 2014. 1. Aufl. med publico GmbH, 1-40.

State of the Art: Hodentumore im klinischen Stadium I: Adjuvante Therapieoptionen nach inguinaler Orchiektomie
Oing C
Urologik. 2014;21(2):22-25.

Testicular Germ Cell Tumors
Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K
2014. Nuclear Oncology. 1. Aufl. Philadelphia, PA 19103 USA: Wolters Kluwer, 241-250.

Nodal, pulmonary and pleural gliomatosis in a 42-year-old-male with non-seminomatous testicular germ cell cancer
Oing C, Wagner R, Bokemeyer C, Honecker F
HISTOPATHOLOGY. 2014;65(1):142-3.

Tumore des Urogenitaltrakts
Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K, Oing C
2013. OnkoUpDate. Wiesbaden: med publico GmbH, .

Spättoxizität und Survivorship bei Keimzelltumoren
Oechsle K, Schilling G, Oing C, Bokemeyer C
ONKOLOGE. 2013;19(7):573-581.

Bone metastases in germ cell tumor patients.
Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Kollmannsberger C, Mayer F, Berger L, Oing C, Honecker F
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2012;138(6):947-952.

Aberrant DNA hypermethylation of the ITIH5 tumor suppressor gene in acute myeloid leukemia.
Oing C, Jost E, Dahl E, Wilop S, Brümmendorf T, Galm O
CLIN EPIGENETICS. 2011;2(2):419-423.

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