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Atrophy of cerebellar lobule VI and primary motor cortex in cervical dystonia - a region of interest-based study
Grimm K, Sadeghi F, Schön G, Okar A, Gelderblom M, Schulz R, Zittel S
J NEURAL TRANSM. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

α-Methylacyl-CoA Racemase Deficiency in a Patient with Ataxia, Spasticity, and Segmental Dystonia
Rashedi R, Gelderblom M, Prilop L, Bester M, Haack T, Zittel S
MOV DISORD CLIN PRAC. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].

Median nerve lesions in pediatric displaced supracondylar humerus fracture: A prospective neurological, electrodiagnostic and ultrasound characterization
Schädlich I, Buschbaum S, Magnus T, Reinshagen K, Wintges K, Gelderblom M
EUR J NEUROL. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];e16459.

A preclinical randomized controlled multi-centre trial of anti-interleukin-17A treatment for acute ischaemic stroke
Gelderblom M, Koch S, Strecker J, Jørgensen C, Garcia-Bonilla L, Ludewig P, Schädlich I, Piepke M, Degenhardt K, Bernreuther C, Pinnschmidt H, Arumugam T, Thomalla G, Faber C, Sedlacik J, Gerloff C, Minnerup J, Clausen B, Anrather J, Magnus T
BRAIN COMMUN. 2023;5(2):fcad090.

Cerebellar Modulation of Sensorimotor Associative Plasticity Is Impaired in Cervical Dystonia
Grimm K, Prilop L, Schön G, Gelderblom M, Misselhorn J, Gerloff C, Zittel S
MOVEMENT DISORD. 2023;38(11):2084-2093.

Tremor is associated with familial clustering of dystonia
Loens S, Hamami F, Lohmann K, Odorfer T, Ip C, Zittel S, Zeuner K, Everding J, Becktepe J, Marth K, Borngräber F, Kollewe K, Kamm C, Kühn A, Gelderblom M, Volkmann J, Klein C, Bäumer T
PARKINSONISM RELAT D. 2023;110:105400.

Association of White Blood Cell Count With Clinical Outcome Independent of Treatment With Alteplase in Acute Ischemic Stroke
Barow E, Quandt F, Cheng B, Gelderblom M, Jensen M, Königsberg A, Boutitie F, Nighoghossian N, Ebinger M, Endres M, Fiebach J, Thijs V, Lemmens R, Muir K, Pedraza S, Simonsen C, Gerloff C, Thomalla G
FRONT NEUROL. 2022;13:.

Spatial Distribution and Long-Term Alterations of Peripheral Nerve Lesions in Schwannomatosis
Godel T, Bäumer P, Farschtschi S, Hofstadler B, Heiland S, Gelderblom M, Bendszus M, Mautner V
DIAGNOSTICS. 2022;12(4):.

Long-term Follow-up and Histological Correlation of Peripheral Nervous System Alterations in Neurofibromatosis Type 2
Godel T, Bäumer P, Farschtschi S, Püschel K, Hofstadler B, Heiland S, Gelderblom M, Bendszus M, Hagel C, Mautner V
CLIN NEURORADIOL. 2022;32(1):277-285.

Multisystemic neurodegeneration caused by biallelic pentanucleotide expansions in RFC1
Herrmann L, Gelderblom M, Bester M, Deininger N, Schütze T, Hidding U, Gross C, Buena-Atienza E, Dufke C, Gerloff C, Haack T, Zittel S
PARKINSONISM RELAT D. 2022;95:54-56.

Inflammatory type 2 conventional dendritic cells contribute to murine and human cholangitis
Müller A, Casar C, Preti M, Krzikalla D, Gottwick C, Averhoff P, Rosenstiel P, Gelderblom M, Altfeld M, Lohse A, Steinmann S, Sebode M, Krause J, Schwinge D, Schramm C, Carambia A, Herkel J
J HEPATOL. 2022;77(6):1532-1544.

Interleukin-1 Mediates Ischemic Brain Injury via Induction of IL-17A in γδ T Cells and CXCL1 in Astrocytes
Schädlich I, Vienhues J, Jander A, Piepke M, Magnus T, Lambertsen K, Clausen B, Gelderblom M
NEUROMOL MED. 2022;24(4):437-451.

Recurrent amnesia caused by early seizures after hippocampal infarction: A case report
Schlemm E, Magnus T, Rimmele L, Münsterberg J, Bester M, Kessner S, Gelderblom M, Gerloff C
BMC NEUROL. 2022;22(1):.

Blocking P2X7 by intracerebroventricular injection of P2X7-specific nanobodies reduces stroke lesions
Wilmes M, Pinto Espinoza C, Ludewig P, Stabernack J, Liesz A, Nicke A, Gelderblom M, Gerloff C, Falzoni S, Tolosa E, Di Virgilio F, Rissiek B, Plesnilla N, Koch-Nolte F, Magnus T
J NEUROINFLAMM. 2022;19(1):.

HEV-Associated Neuralgic Amyotrophy : A Multicentric Case Series
Bannasch J, Berger B, Schwartkopp C, Berning M, Goetze O, Panning M, Fritz-Weltin M, Trendelenburg G, Gelderblom M, Lütgehetmann M, Stute F, Horvatits T, Dirks M, Antoni C, Behrendt P, Pischke S
PATHOGENS. 2021;10(6):.

Imaging-based prediction of histological clot composition from admission CT imaging
Hanning U, Sporns P, Psychogios M, Jeibmann A, Minnerup J, Gelderblom M, Schulte K, Nawabi J, Broocks G, Meyer L, Krähling H, Brehm A, Wildgruber M, Fiehler J, Kniep H
J NEUROINTERV SURG. 2021;13(11):1053-1057.

Identification of the factor XII contact activation site enables sensitive coagulation diagnostics
Heestermans M, Naudin C, Mailer R, Konrath S, Klaetschke K, Jämsä A, Frye M, Deppermann C, Pula G, Kuta P, Friese M, Gelderblom M, Sickmann A, Preston R, Nofer J, Rose-John S, Butler L, Salomon O, Stavrou E, Renné T
NAT COMMUN. 2021;12(1):5596 - 5613.

Xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 regulates procoagulant platelet polyphosphate
Mailer R, Allende M, Heestermans M, Schweizer M, Deppermann C, Frye M, Pula G, Odeberg J, Gelderblom M, Rose-John S, Sickmann A, Blankenberg S, Huber T, Kubisch C, Maas C, Gambaryan S, Firsov D, Stavrou E, Butler L, Renné T
BLOOD. 2021;137(10):1392-1405.

Interleukin-10 improves stroke outcome by controlling the detrimental Interleukin-17A response
Piepke M, Clausen B, Ludewig P, Vienhues J, Bedke T, Javidi E, Rissiek B, Jank L, Brockmann L, Sandrock I, Degenhardt K, Jander A, Roth V, Schädlich I, Prinz I, Flavell R, Kobayashi Y, Renné T, Gerloff C, Huber S, Magnus T, Gelderblom M
J NEUROINFLAMM. 2021;18(1):.

A Multi-center Genome-wide Association Study of Cervical Dystonia
Sun Y, Li C, Hui Q, Huang Y, Barbano R, Rodriguez R, Malaty I, Reich S, Bambarger K, Holmes K, Jankovic J, Patel N, Roze E, Vidailhet M, Berman B, LeDoux M, Espay A, Agarwal P, Pirio-Richardson S, Frank S, Ondo W, Saunders-Pullman R, Chouinard S, Natividad S, Berardelli A, Pantelyat A, Brashear A, Fox S, Kasten M, Krämer U, Neis M, Bäumer T, Loens S, Borsche M, Zittel S, Maurer A, Gelderblom M, Volkmann J, Odorfer T, Kühn A, Borngräber F, König I, Cruchaga C, Cotton A, Kilic-Berkmen G, Freeman A, Factor S, Scorr L, Bremner J, Vaccarino V, Quyyumi A, Klein C, Perlmutter J, Lohmann K, Jinnah H
MOVEMENT DISORD. 2021;36(12):2795-2801.

Platelet endothelial cell adhesion molecule-1 is a gatekeeper of neutrophil transendothelial migration in ischemic stroke
Winneberger J, Schöls S, Lessmann K, Rández-Garbayo J, Bauer A, Mohamud Yusuf A, Hermann D, Gunzer M, Schneider S, Fiehler J, Gerloff C, Gelderblom M, Ludewig P, Magnus T
BRAIN BEHAV IMMUN. 2021;93:277-287.

„Stroke-mimics“: kontrastmittelinduzierte Neurotoxizität als seltene Ursache: kontrastmittelinduzierte Neurotoxizität als seltene Ursache
Deb-Chatterji M, Schäfer L, Grzyska U, Gelderblom M
NERVENARZT. 2020;91(2):148-149.

C-Fiber Loss as a Possible Cause of Neuropathic Pain in Schwannomatosis
Farschtschi S, Mainka T, Glatzel M, Hannekum A, Hauck M, Gelderblom M, Hagel C, Friedrich R, Schuhmann M, Schulz A, Morrison H, Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Luhmann J, Gerloff C, Bendszus M, Bäumer P, Mautner V
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(10):.

Dendritic Cells and Microglia Have Non-redundant Functions in the Inflamed Brain with Protective Effects of Type 1 cDCs
Gallizioli M, Miró-Mur F, Otxoa-de-Amezaga A, Cugota R, Salas-Perdomo A, Justicia C, Brait V, Ruiz-Jaén F, Arbaizar-Rovirosa M, Pedragosa J, Bonfill-Teixidor E, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Cano E, Del Fresno C, Sancho D, Planas A
CELL REP. 2020;33(3):108291.

Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIg) Induce a Protective Phenotype in Microglia Preventing Neuronal Cell Death in Ischaemic Stroke
Häußler V, Daehn T, Rissiek B, Roth V, Gerloff C, Arumugam T, Magnus T, Gelderblom M
NEUROMOL MED. 2020;22(1):121-132.

Deficits in developmental neurogenesis and dendritic spine maturation in mice lacking the serine protease inhibitor neuroserpin
Hermann M, Reumann R, Schostak K, Kement D, Gelderblom M, Bernreuther C, Frischknecht R, Schipanski A, Marik S, Krasemann S, Sepulveda-Falla D, Schweizer M, Magnus T, Glatzel M, Galliciotti G
MOL CELL NEUROSCI. 2020;102:103420.

Homoarginine- and Creatine-Dependent Gene Regulation in Murine Brains with l-Arginine:Glycine Amidinotransferase Deficiency
Jensen M, Müller C, Schwedhelm E, Arunachalam P, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Gerloff C, Zeller T, Choe C
INT J MOL SCI. 2020;21(5):.

TRPV4-Mediated Regulation of the Blood Brain Barrier Is Abolished During Inflammation
Rosenkranz S, Shaposhnykov A, Schnapauff O, Epping L, Vieira V, Heidermann K, Schattling B, Tsvilovskyy V, Liedtke W, Meuth S, Freichel M, Gelderblom M, Friese M
FRONT CELL DEV BIOL. 2020;8:849.

Schädlich I, Gelderblom M
Info Neurol Psych. 2020;2020(22):32-43.

Peripheral nervous system alterations in infant and adult neurofibromatosis type 2
Godel T, Bäumer P, Farschtschi S, Gugel I, Kronlage M, Hofstadler B, Heiland S, Gelderblom M, Bendszus M, Mautner V
NEUROLOGY. 2019;93(6):e590-e598.

Fatal PCR-negative herpes simplex virus-1 encephalitis with GABAA receptor antibodies
Schuster S, Abrante L, Matschke J, Lütgehetmann M, Holst B, Gelderblom M, Braass H, Leypoldt F, Magnus T

Stroke-mimics: An acute brainstem syndrome after intravenous contrast medium application as a rare cause of contrast-induced neurotoxicity
Deb-Chatterji M, Schäfer L, Grzyska U, Gelderblom M
CLIN NEUROL NEUROSUR. 2018;174:244-246.

IL-23 (Interleukin-23)-Producing Conventional Dendritic Cells Control the Detrimental IL-17 (Interleukin-17) Response in Stroke
Gelderblom M, Gallizioli M, Ludewig P, Thom V, Arunachalam P, Rissiek B, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Korn T, Arumugam T, Sedlacik J, Gerloff C, Tolosa E, Planas A, Magnus T
STROKE. 2018;49(1):155-164.

Danger signals in stroke and their role on microglia activation after ischemia
Gülke E, Gelderblom M, Magnus T
THER ADV NEUROL DISO. 2018;11:1-14.

Nerve trauma of the lower extremity: evaluation of 60,422 leg injured patients from the TraumaRegister DGU (R) between 2002 and 2015
Huckhagel T, Nüchtern J, Regelsberger J, Gelderblom M, Lefering R

IL-33 modulates inflammatory brain injury but exacerbates systemic immunosuppression following ischemic stroke
Zhang S, Piepke M, Chu H, Broughton B, Shim R, Wong C, Lee S, Evans M, Vinh A, Sakkal S, Arumugam T, Magnus T, Huber S, Gelderblom M, Drummond G, Sobey C, Kim H
JCI INSIGHT. 2018;3(18):.

An atypical role for the myeloid receptor Mincle in central nervous system injury
Arumugam T, Manzanero S, Furtado M, Biggins P, Hsieh Y, Gelderblom M, MacDonald K, Salimova E, Li Y, Korn O, Dewar D, Macrae I, Ashman R, Tang S, Rosenthal N, Ruitenberg M, Magnus T, Wells C
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2017;37(6):2098-2111.

CCR6 (CC Chemokine Receptor 6) Is Essential for the Migration of Detrimental Natural Interleukin-17-Producing γδ T Cells in Stroke
Arunachalam P, Ludewig P, Melich P, Arumugam T, Gerloff C, Prinz I, Magnus T, Gelderblom M
STROKE. 2017;48(7):1957-1965.

Recent progress in translational research on neurovascular and neurodegenerative disorders
Demuth H, Dijkhuizen R, Farr T, Gelderblom M, Horsburgh K, Iadecola C, Mcleod D, Michalski D, Murphy T, Orbe J, Otte W, Petzold G, Plesnila N, Reiser G, Reymann K, Rueger M, Saur D, Savitz S, Schilling S, Spratt N, Turner R, Vemuganti R, Vivien D, Yepes M, Zille M, Boltze J
RESTOR NEUROL NEUROS. 2017;35(1):87-103.

Muscle action potential scans and ultrasound imaging in neurofibromatosis type 2
Farschtschi S, Gelderblom M, Buschbaum S, Bostock H, Grafe P, Mautner V
MUSCLE NERVE. 2017;55(3):350-358.

Gelderblom M
2017. Hans-Christoph Diener / Christian Gerloff / Marianne Dieterich (Hrsg.) Therapie und Verlauf neurologischer Erkrankungen. 7. Aufl. 1120-1130.

Gelderblom M

Somatosensory evoked potentials in patients with high-grade aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage
Mende K, Gelderblom M, Schwarz C, Czorlich P, Schmidt N, Vettorazzi E, Regelsberger J, Westphal M, Abboud T
NEUROSURG FOCUS. 2017;43(5):E17.

Ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferase ARTC2.1 functionally modulates FcγR1 and FcγR2B on murine microglia
Rissiek B, Menzel S, Leutert M, Cordes M, Behr S, Jank L, Ludewig P, Gelderblom M, Rissiek A, Adriouch S, Haag F, Hottiger M, Koch-Nolte F, Magnus T
SCI REP-UK. 2017;7(1):16477.

Therapeutic Potential of Intravenous Immunoglobulin in Acute Brain Injury
Thom V, Arumugam T, Magnus T, Gelderblom M
FRONT IMMUNOL. 2017;8:875.

Muskelaktionspotenzial-Scan und Ultraschall zur Erfassung der Neuropathie bei der Neurofibromatose Typ 2
Farschtschi S, Gelderblom M, Buschbaum S, Bostock H, Grafe P, Mautner V
2016. 20. Tagung der Arbeitsgemeinschaft Neurofibromatose. .

Dendritic cells in brain diseases
Ludewig P, Gallizioli M, Urra X, Behr S, Brait V, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Planas A
BBA-MOL BASIS DIS. 2016;1862(3):352-67.

Neuralgische Schulteramyotrophie: Eine extrahepatische Manifestation der Hepatitis E
Pischke S, Ryll U, De Weerth A, Ufer F, Gelderblom M
DEUT MED WOCHENSCHR. 2016;141(17):1239-42.

IL-17 production by CSF lymphocytes as a biomarker for cerebral vasculitis
Thom V, Schmidt S, Gelderblom M, Hackbusch R, Kolster M, Schuster S, Thomalla G, Keminer O, Pleß O, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Wegscheider K, Gerloff C, Magnus T, Tolosa E
NEUROL-NEUROIMMUNOL. 2016;3(2):e214.

Faszikuläre Mikroläsionen und Neuropathie bei der Schwannomatose
Farschtschi S, Bäumer P, Anna-Lena H, Hauck M, Gelderblom M, Peter G, Pham M, Mautner V
2015. 88. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie mit Fortbildungsakademie. .

Danger signals in stroke
Gelderblom M, Sobey C, Kleinschnitz C, Magnus T
AGEING RES REV. 2015;24(Pt A, Special Issue):77-82 .

Evidence that collaboration between HIF-1α and Notch-1 promotes neuronal cell death in ischemic stroke
Cheng Y, Park J, Manzanero S, Choi Y, Baik S, Okun E, Gelderblom M, Fann D, Magnus T, Launikonis B, Mattson M, Sobey C, Jo D, Arumugam T
NEUROBIOL DIS. 2014;62:286-95.

Role of CCR2 in inflammatory conditions of the central nervous system
Chu H, Arumugam T, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Drummond G, Sobey C
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2014;34(9):1425-9.

Immune cell infiltration in malignant middle cerebral artery infarction:comparison with transient cerebral ischemia
Chu H, Kim H, Lee S, Moore J, Chan C, Vinh A, Gelderblom M, Arumugam T, Broughton B, Drummond G, Sobey C
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2014;34(3):450-459.

Neuropathischer Schmerz ohne Neuropathie bei der Schwannomatose
Farschtschi S, Bäumer P, Anna-Lena H, Hauck M, Gelderblom M, Peter G, Mautner V
2014. 87. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Neurologie mit Fortbildungsakademie. .

γδ T cells as early sensors of tissue damage and mediators of secondary neurodegeneration
Gelderblom M, Arunachalam P, Magnus T

Transient receptor potential melastatin subfamily member 2 cation channel regulates detrimental immune cell invasion in ischemic stroke
Gelderblom M, Melzer N, Schattling B, Göb E, Hicking G, Arunachalam P, Bittner S, Ufer F, Herrmann A, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Gerloff C, Kleinschnitz C, Meuth S, Friese M, Magnus T
STROKE. 2014;45(11):3395-3402.

Blocking of α4 Integrin Does Not Protect From Acute Ischemic Stroke in Mice
Langhauser F, Kraft P, Göb E, Leinweber J, Schuhmann M, Lorenz K, Gelderblom M, Bittner S, Meuth S, Wiendl H, Magnus T, Kleinschnitz C
STROKE. 2014;45(6):1799-+.

PI3Kδ inhibition reduces TNF secretion and neuroinflammation in a mouse cerebral stroke model
Low P, Manzanero S, Mohannak N, Narayana V, Nguyen T, Kvaskoff D, Brennan F, Ruitenberg M, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Kim H, Broughton B, Sobey C, Vanhaesebroeck B, Stow J, Arumugam T, Meunier F
NAT COMMUN. 2014;5:3450.

Intravenous immunoglobulin suppresses NLRP1 and NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated neuronal death in ischemic stroke
Fann D, Lee S, Manzanero S, Tang S, Gelderblom M, Chunduri P, Bernreuther C, Glatzel M, Cheng Y, Thundyil J, Widiapradja A, Lok K, Foo S, Wang Y, Li Y, Drummond G, Basta M, Magnus T, Jo D, Mattson M, Sobey C, Arumugam T
CELL DEATH DIS. 2013;4:e790.

Plasma levels of neuron specific enolase quantify the extent of neuronal injury in murine models of ischemic stroke and multiple sclerosis
Gelderblom M, Daehn T, Schattling B, Ludewig P, Bernreuther C, Arunachalam P, Matschke J, Glatzel M, Gerloff C, Friese M, Magnus T
NEUROBIOL DIS. 2013;59:177-82.

Deficiency in serine protease inhibitor neuroserpin exacerbates ischemic brain injury by increased postischemic inflammation
Gelderblom M, Neumann M, Ludewig P, Bernreuther C, Krasemann S, Arunachalam P, Gerloff C, Glatzel M, Magnus T
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(5):e63118.

Recovery from severe frontotemporal dysfunction at 3years after N-methyl-d-aspartic acid (NMDA) receptor antibody encephalitis.
Leypoldt F, Gelderblom M, Schöttle D, Hoffmann S, Wandinger K
J CLIN NEUROSCI. 2013;20(4):611-613.

Carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule 1 inhibits MMP-9-mediated blood-brain-barrier breakdown in a mouse model for ischemic stroke
Ludewig P, Sedlacik J, Gelderblom M, Bernreuther C, Korkusuz Y, Wagener C, Gerloff C, Fiehler J, Magnus T, Horst A
CIRC RES. 2013;113(8):1013-22.

The flavonoid fisetin attenuates postischemic immune cell infiltration, activation and infarct size after transient cerebral middle artery occlusion in mice.
Gelderblom M, Leypoldt F, Lewerenz J, Birkenmayer G, Orozco D, Ludewig P, Thundyil J, Arumugam T, Gerloff C, Tolosa E, Maher P, Magnus T
J CEREBR BLOOD F MET. 2012;32(5):835-843.

Neutralization of the IL-17 axis diminishes neutrophil invasion and protects from ischemic stroke.
Gelderblom M, Weymar A, Bernreuther C, Velden J, Arunachalam P, Steinbach K, Orthey E, Arumugam T, Leypoldt F, Simova O, Thom V, Friese M, Prinz I, Hölscher C, Glatzel M, Korn T, Gerloff C, Tolosa E, Magnus T
BLOOD. 2012;120(18):3793-3802.

Fluorodeoxyglucose positron emission tomography in anti-N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor encephalitis: distinct pattern of disease.
Leypoldt F, Buchert R, Kleiter I, Marienhagen J, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Dalmau J, Gerloff C, Lewerenz J
J NEUROL NEUROSUR PS. 2012;83(7):681-686.

C5a receptor (CD88) inhibition improves hypothermia-induced neuroprotection in an in vitro ischemic model.
Thundyil J, Pavlovski D, Hsieh Y, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Fairlie D, Arumugam T
NEUROMOL MED. 2012;14(1):30-39.

Intravenous immunoglobulin protects neurons against amyloid beta-peptide toxicity and ischemic stroke by attenuating multiple cell death pathways.
Widiapradja A, Vegh V, Lok K, Manzanero S, Thundyil J, Gelderblom M, Cheng Y, Pavlovski D, Tang S, Jo D, Magnus T, Chan S, Sobey C, Reutens D, Basta M, Mattson M, Arumugam T
J NEUROCHEM. 2012;122(2):321-332.

Evidence that gamma-secretase-mediated Notch signaling induces neuronal cell death via the nuclear factor-kappaB-Bcl-2-interacting mediator of cell death pathway in ischemic stroke.
Arumugam T, Cheng Y, Choi Y, Choi Y, Yang S, Yun Y, Park J, Yang D, Thundyil J, Gelderblom M, Karamyan V, Tang S, Chan S, Magnus T, Sobey C, Jo D
MOL PHARMACOL. 2011;80(1):23-31.

CD38 exacerbates focal cytokine production, postischemic inflammation and brain injury after focal cerebral ischemia.
Choe C, Lardong K, Gelderblom M, Ludewig P, Leypoldt F, Koch Nolte F, Gerloff C, Magnus T
PLOS ONE. 2011;6(5):19046.

Intestinal ischemia-reperfusion injury leads to inflammatory changes in the brain.
Hsieh Y, McCartney K, Moore T, Thundyil J, Gelderblom M, Manzanero S, Arumugam T
SHOCK. 2011;36(4):424-430.

Calorie restriction and stroke.
Manzanero S, Gelderblom M, Magnus T, Arumugam T
Exp Transl Stroke Med. 2011;3:8.

Benefits and pitfalls of scientific research during undergraduate medical education.
Kuhnigk O, Böthern A, Reimer J, Schäfer I, Biegler A, Jueptner M, Gelderblom M, Harendza S
GMS J MED EDU. 2010;27(5):72.

Temporal and spatial dynamics of cerebral immune cell accumulation in stroke.
Gelderblom M, Leypoldt F, Steinbach K, Behrens D, Choe C, Siler D, Arumugam T, Orthey E, Gerloff C, Tolosa E, Magnus T
STROKE. 2009;40(5):1849-1857.

Dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase-1 transgenic mice are not protected from ischemic stroke.
Leypoldt F, Choe C, Gelderblom M, von Leitner E, Atzler D, Schwedhelm E, Gerloff C, Sydow K, Böger R, Magnus T
PLOS ONE. 2009;4(10):7337.

The neuropeptide head activator is a high-affinity ligand for the orphan G-protein-coupled receptor GPR37.
Rezgaoui M, Süsens U, Ignatov A, Gelderblom M, Glassmeier G, Franke I, Urny J, Imai Y, Takahashi R, Schaller H
J CELL SCI. 2006;119(3):542-549.

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