Akademische Karrierewege

In der frühen Phase der wissenschaftlichen Qualifikation besteht häufig Unsicherheit, wie eine akademische Karriere geplant werden sollte bzw. geplant werden kann.

In dieser Phase stehen folgende Orientierungsfragen im Vordergrund:

  • Wie entwickle ich ein PostDoc-Forschungsthema, das sich von meinem Promotionsthema abgrenzt?
  • Wie stelle ich einen erfolgreichen Ersantrag bei einem Drittmittelgeber?
  • Wie entwickle ich eigene wissenschaftliche Netzwerke?
  • Wie plane ich einen Auslandsaufenthalt?

Die Orientierungsangebote und -verweise in den Formaten EXPLORE, INTERACT und EXCEL sollen Sie bei einer Entscheidung für die wissenschaftliche Laufbahn unterstützen.



The CAMP2PROPOSAL Programme is a series offered by the Dean’s Office for Research to support medical scientists in writing their first third party funding proposal. It will be run for a period of eight months and will involve expert talks and input, networking opportunities, writing workshops and the chance to benefit from peer support. We will kick off in March 2025 with talks by successful grantees and then meet again once a month for practical sessions. In the middle of the series, a networking event will be held where you will have the opportunity to meet experts and postdoctoral researchers who are slightly more advanced in their career stages. They will share their experience with you.

The six practical sessions will be held in the form of writing workshops modelled on teaching methods from Advanced English as a Foreign Language (EfL) classes with a specific focus on the language of grant proposals. There will be language input, followed by practice. Afterwards, there will be a group writing session where you will have a quiet and supportive space to prepare and work on your funding application.

To apply, please send your short CV and this application form via email to Elaine Hussey by Friday 7 February 2025. Please note that spaces are limited to 20 participants.

2025 Dates and locationsEvent
Tuesday 4 March
N43 Lecture Hall
15:00 to 18:00
Kick-off event
Talks, Q&A session and networking

Prof. Petra Arck, Vice Dean for Research, and invited speakers
Wed. 26 March
N55 SR 306
14:00 to 18:00
Writing grant applications
Language input + group writing session
Wed. 23 April
N55 SR 301
14:00 to 18:00
Writing grant applications
Language input + group writing session
Wed. 7 May
N55 SR 201
14:00 to 18:00
Writing grant applications
Language input + group writing session
Tues. 10 June
N55 SR 310/11
15:00 to 18:00
Networking event
Meet the experts
Invited guests and speakers
Wed. 23 July
N27 SR 12
14:00 to 18:00
Writing grant applications
Language input and group writing session
Wed. 24 September
N55 SR 306
14:00 to 18:00
Writing grant applications
Language input and group writing session
Wed. 5 November
N55 SR 306
14:00 to 18:00
Wrap up of programme
Review of the programme
Progress reports
Plan for follow up meetings


Akademische Karrierewege2025- tbdtbd


DFG Prospects Research Career Series:

18/2/2025, 1:30- 3 p.m.: Heisenberg Programme (in English)

26/3/2025, 9:30- 11 a.m.: DFG Funding Opportunities for Postdocs (in English)

28/04/2025, 1:15 - 2:45 p.m. - Emmy Noether-Programm

26/05/2025, 3:30 - 5 p.m. - Walter Benjamin Programme (in English)

27/06/2025, 10:30 - 12 a.m.. DFG-Förderangebote für eine wissenschaftliche Karriere

More information at the DFG website


Scientific Speed Dating- planned next date: spring 2025

Are you:

  • in search of new ideas, impulses and methods to include in your scientific work?
  • in need of an expert for a certain scientific method or clinical issue?
  • eager to present your skills and expertise? Would you like to: connect with fellow UKE researchers?
  • expand your scientific network?
  • head towards fruitful cooperations?

Then you should sign up for the Scientific Speed Dating event and get to know your fellow young researchers from various disciplines. Get in touch with each other in casual 7-minute chats and explore what the person opposite you is involved in scientifically or clinically. Take the time to enjoy a free pizza and you can figure out how to best connect your research and how your future work can benefit from your new contacts. Please contact us at explore@uke.de if you are interested to participate.