- Oberarzt
- Facharzt für Viszeralchirurgie
- Spezielle Viszeralchirurgie
Identification and characterization of tumor and stromal derived liquid biopsy analytes in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Götze J, Meißner K, Pereira-Veiga T, Belloum Y, Schneegans S, Kropidlowski J, Gorgulho J, Busch A, Honselmann K, Schönrock M, Putscher A, Peine S, Nitschke C, Simon R, Spindler V, Izbicki J, Hackert T, Bokemeyer C, Pantel K, Uzunoglu F, Sinn M, Wikman H
J EXP CLIN CANC RES. 2025;44(1):14.
Pancreatic surgery outcomes: multicentre prospective snapshot study in 67 countries
BRIT J SURG. 2024;111(1):.
A prognostic model for use before elective surgery to estimate the risk of postoperative pulmonary complications (GSU-Pulmonary Score): a development and validation study in three international cohorts
LANCET DIGIT HEALTH. 2024;6(7):e507-e519.
Potential association between PSCA rs2976395 functional variant and pancreatic cancer risk
Corradi C, Lencioni G, Felici A, Rizzato C, Gentiluomo M, Ermini S, Archibugi L, Mickevicius A, Lucchesi M, Malecka-Wojciesko E, Basso D, Arcidiacono P, Petrone M, Carrara S, Götz M, Bunduc S, Holleczek B, Aoki M, Uzunoglu F, Zanette D, Mambrini A, Jamroziak K, Oliverius M, Lovecek M, Cavestro G, Milanetto A, Peduzzi G, Duchonova B, Izbicki J, Zalinkevicius R, Hlavac V, van Eijck C, Brenner H, Vanella G, Vokacova K, Soucek P, Tavano F, Perri F, Capurso G, Hussein T, Kiudelis M, Kupcinskas J, Busch O, Morelli L, Theodoropoulos G, Testoni S, Adamonis K, Neoptolemos J, Gazouli M, Pasquali C, Kormos Z, Skalicky P, Pezzilli R, Sperti C, Kauffmann E, Büchler M, Schöttker B, Hegyi P, Capretti G, Lawlor R, Canzian F, Campa D
INT J CANCER. 2024;155(8):1432-1442.
KRAS and GNAS mutations in cell-free DNA and in circulating epithelial cells in patients with intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms-an observational pilot study
Nitschke C, Tölle M, Walter P, Meißner K, Goetz M, Kropidlowski J, Berger A, Izbicki J, Nickel F, Hackert T, Pantel K, Wikman H, Uzunoglu F
MOL ONCOL. 2024 [Epub ahead of print].
Impact of Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Protocol Compliance on Outcome After Pancreatic Surgery: Results From a Certified ERAS Center
Ritter A, Welsch T, Brodersen F, Auinger J, Moll-Khosrawi P, Goetz M, Bardenhagen J, Nitschke C, Schneider T, Wellge B, Suling A, Uzunoglu F, Heumann A, Nickel F, Hackert T, Izbicki J
Annals of surgery open : perspectives of surgical history, education, and clinical approaches. 2024;5(4):e501.
Robotische Pankreatoduodenektomie: Variationen der Pankreasanastomose in modifizierter Blumgart-Technik
Seeger P, Distler M, Thomaschewski M, Zimmermann M, Heumann A, Uzunoglu F, Grützmann R, Weber G, Brunner M, Kersting S, Hackert T, Keck T, Nickel F
ZBL CHIR. 2024;149(3):226-230.
Perioperative management of pancreatic exocrine insufficiency-evidence-based proposal for a paradigm shift in pancreatic surgery
Stern L, Schuette M, Goetz M, Nitschke C, Bardenhagen J, Scognamiglio P, Stüben B, Calavrezos L, Amin T, Heumann A, Lohse A, de Heer G, Izbicki J, Uzunoglu F
HPB. 2024;26(1):117-124.
Polymorphisms in transcription factor binding sites and enhancer regions and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk
Ünal P, Lu Y, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, van Eijck C, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Szentesi A, Gazouli M, Kreivenaite E, Tavano F, Małecka-Wojciesko E, Erőss B, Oliverius M, Bunduc S, Nóbrega Aoki M, Vodickova L, Boggi U, Giaccherini M, Kondrackiene J, Chammas R, Palmieri O, Theodoropoulos G, Bijlsma M, Basso D, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Soucek P, Izbicki J, Kiudelis V, Vanella G, Arcidiacono P, Włodarczyk B, Hackert T, Schöttker B, Uzunoglu F, Bambi F, Goetz M, Hlavac V, Brenner H, Perri F, Carrara S, Landi S, Hegyi P, Dijk F, Maiello E, Capretti G, Testoni S, Petrone M, Stocker H, Ermini S, Archibugi L, Gentiluomo M, Cavestro G, Pezzilli R, Di Franco G, Milanetto A, Sperti C, Neoptolemos J, Morelli L, Vokacova K, Pasquali C, Lawlor R, Bazzocchi F, Kupcinskas J, Capurso G, Campa D, Canzian F
HUM GENOMICS. 2024;18(1):12.
Minimally invasive versus open surgery for nonfunctioning pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Wei K, Zheng Q, Cheng L, Li W, Nießen A, Uzunoglu F, Nickel F, Tian J, Wang Z, Hackert T
INT J SURG. 2024;110(12):8250-8255.
The PANcreatic Disease ReseArch (PANDoRA) consortium: Ten years' experience of association studies to understand the genetic architecture of pancreatic cancer
Campa D, Gentiluomo M, Stein A, Aoki M, Oliverius M, Vodičková L, Jamroziak K, Theodoropoulos G, Pasquali C, Greenhalf W, Arcidiacono P, Uzunoglu F, Pezzilli R, Luchini C, Puzzono M, Loos M, Giaccherini M, Katzke V, Mambrini A, Kiudeliene E, Federico K, Johansen J, Hussein T, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, van Eijck C, Brenner H, Farinella R, Pérez J, Lovecek M, Büchler M, Hlavac V, Izbicki J, Hackert T, Chammas R, Zerbi A, Lawlor R, Felici A, Götz M, Capurso G, Ginocchi L, Gazouli M, Kupcinskas J, Cavestro G, Vodicka P, Moz S, Neoptolemos J, Kunovsky L, Bojesen S, Carrara S, Gioffreda D, Morkunas E, Abian O, Bunduc S, Basso D, Boggi U, Wlodarczyk B, Szentesi A, Vanella G, Chen I, Bijlsma M, Kiudelis V, Landi S, Schöttker B, Corradi C, Giese N, Kaaks R, Peduzzi G, Hegyi P, Morelli L, Furbetta N, Soucek P, Latiano A, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Lindgaard S, Dijk F, Milanetto A, Tavano F, Cervena K, Erőss B, Testoni S, Verhagen-Oldenampsen J, Małecka-Wojciesko E, Costello E, Salvia R, Maiello E, Ermini S, Sperti C, Holleczek B, Perri F, Skieceviciene J, Archibugi L, Lucchesi M, Rizzato C, Canzian F
CRIT REV ONCOL HEMAT. 2023;186:104020.
A scan of all coding region variants of the human genome, identifies 13q12.2-rs9579139 and 15q24.1-rs2277598 as novel risk loci for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
Giaccherini M, Gori L, Gentiluomo M, Farinella R, Cervena K, Skieceviciene J, Dijk F, Capurso G, Vezakis A, Archibugi L, Chammas R, Hussein T, Tavano F, Hegyi P, Lovecek M, Izbicki J, Brenner H, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Dell'Anna G, Kupcinskas J, Ermini S, Aoki M, Neoptolemos J, Gazouli M, Pasquali C, Pezzilli R, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Oliverius M, Al-Saeedi M, Lucchesi M, Furbetta N, Carrara S, van Eijck C, Maleckas A, Milanetto A, Lawlor R, Schöttker B, Boggi U, Morelli L, Ginocchi L, Ponz de Leon Pisani R, Sperti C, Zerbi A, Arcidiacono P, Uzunoglu F, Bunduc S, Holleczek B, Gioffreda D, Małecka-Wojciesko E, Kiudelis M, Szentesi A, van Laarhoven H, Soucek P, Götz M, Erőss B, Cavestro G, Basso D, Perri F, Landi S, Canzian F, Campa D
CARCINOGENESIS. 2023;44(8-9):642-649.
Mindestmengen und Zertifizierungen der onkologischen Viszeralchirurgie in Deutschland – Fluch oder Segen?
Kemper M, Polonski A, Uzunoglu F, Melling N, Reeh M, Izbicki J, Graß J
Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date. 2023;17(1):89-100.
Peripheral and Portal Venous KRAS ctDNA Detection as Independent Prognostic Markers of Early Tumor Recurrence in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Nitschke C, Markmann B, Walter P, Badbaran A, Tölle M, Kropidlowski J, Belloum Y, Goetz M, Bardenhagen J, Stern L, Tintelnot J, Schönlein M, Sinn M, van der Leest P, Simon R, Heumann A, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Wikman H, Uzunoglu F
CLIN CHEM. 2023;69(3):295-307.
Exploring the Neandertal legacy of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma risk in Eurasians
Piccardi M, Gentiluomo M, Bertoncini S, Pezzilli R, Erőss B, Bunduc S, Uzunoglu F, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Vanagas T, Sperti C, Oliverius M, Aoki M, Ermini S, Hussein T, Boggi U, Jamroziak K, Maiello E, Morelli L, Vodickova L, Di Franco G, Landi S, Szentesi A, Lovecek M, Puzzono M, Tavano F, van Laarhoven H, Zerbi A, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Stocker H, Costello E, Capurso G, Ginocchi L, Lawlor R, Vanella G, Bazzocchi F, Izbicki J, Latiano A, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Ponz de Leon Pisani R, Schöttker B, Soucek P, Hegyi P, Gazouli M, Hackert T, Kupcinskas J, Poskiene L, Tacelli M, Roth S, Carrara S, Perri F, Hlavac V, Theodoropoulos G, Busch O, Mambrini A, van Eijck C, Arcidiacono P, Scarpa A, Pasquali C, Basso D, Lucchesi M, Milanetto A, Neoptolemos J, Cavestro G, Janciauskas D, Chen X, Chammas R, Goetz M, Brenner H, Archibugi L, Dannemann M, Canzian F, Tofanelli S, Campa D
BIOL RES. 2023;56(1):46.
Effects of Exercise Training on Patient-Specific Outcomes in Pancreatic Cancer Patients: A Scoping Review
Rosebrock K, Sinn M, Uzunoglu F, Bokemeyer C, Jensen W, Salchow J
CANCERS. 2023;15(24):.
A Simple Classification Of Pancreatic Duct Size and Texture Predicts Postoperative Pancreatic Fistula: A classification of the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)
Schuh F, Mihaljevic A, Probst P, Trudeau M, Müller P, Marchegiani G, Besselink M, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Falconi M, Fernandez-Del Castillo C, Adham M, Z'graggen K, Friess H, Werner J, Weitz J, Strobel O, Hackert T, Radenkovic D, Kelemen D, Wolfgang C, Miao Y, Shrikhande S, Lillemoe K, Dervenis C, Bassi C, Neoptolemos J, Diener M, Vollmer C, Büchler M
ANN SURG. 2023;277(3):e597-e608.
Microbiota-derived 3-IAA influences chemotherapy efficacy in pancreatic cancer
Tintelnot J, Xu Y, Lesker T, Schönlein M, Konczalla L, Giannou A, Pelczar P, Kylies D, Puelles V, Bielecka A, Peschka M, Cortesi F, Riecken K, Jung M, Amend L, Bröring T, Trajkovic-Arsic M, Siveke J, Renné T, Zhang D, Boeck S, Strowig T, Uzunoglu F, Güngör C, Stein A, Izbicki J, Bokemeyer C, Sinn M, Kimmelman A, Huber S, Gagliani N
NATURE. 2023;615(7950):168-174.
SARS-CoV-2 infection and venous thromboembolism after surgery: an international prospective cohort study
ANAESTHESIA. 2022;77(1):28-39.
Effective sealing of biliary and pancreatic fistulas with a novel biodegradable polyurethane-based tissue sealant patch
Bahar A, Goetz M, Uzunoglu F, Güngör C, Reeh M, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M, Heumann A
HPB. 2022;24(5):624-634.
Simultaneous Distal Pancreatic Resection and Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy (HIPEC) for Peritoneal Carcinomatosis in Adenocarcinoma of the Pancreas - A Case Report
Bardenhagen J, Goetz M, Izbicki J, Uzunoglu F
CHIRURGIA-BUCHAREST. 2022;117(4):486-492.
Outcomes of gynecologic cancer surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: an international, multicenter, prospective CovidSurg-Gynecologic Oncology Cancer study
Fotopoulou C, Khan T, Bracinik J, Glasbey J, Abu-Rustum N, Chiva L, Fagotti A, Fujiwara K, Ghebre R, Gutelkin M, Konney T, Ng J, Pareja R, Kottayasamy Seenivasagam R, Sehouli J, Surappa S, Bhangu A, Leung E, Sundar S
AM J OBSTET GYNECOL. 2022;227(5):735.e1-735.e25.
A Critical Role of the IL-22-IL-22 Binding Protein Axis in Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Giannou A, Lücke J, Kleinschmidt D, Shiri A, Steglich B, Nawrocki M, Zhang T, Zazara D, Kempski J, Zhao L, Giannou O, Agalioti T, Brockmann L, Bertram F, Sabihi M, Böttcher M, Ewald F, Schulze K, von Felden J, Machicote A, Maroulis I, Arck P, Graß J, Mercanoglu B, Reeh M, Wolter S, Tachezy M, Seese H, Theodorakopoulou M, Lykoudis P, Heumann A, Uzunoglu F, Ghadban T, Mann O, Izbicki J, Li J, Duprée A, Melling N, Gagliani N, Huber S
CANCERS. 2022;14(24):.
Tumor-Stroma Interaction in PDAC as a New Approach for Liquid Biopsy and its Potential Clinical Implications
Götze J, Nitschke C, Uzunoglu F, Pantel K, Sinn M, Wikman H
Solid-pseudopapilläre Neoplasien des Pankreas: Diagnostik, chirurgische Therapie und postoperatives Outcome
Kersting S, Götz M, Uzunoglu F, Uhl W, Izbicki J, Blessin N, Janot-Matuschek M
CHIRURG. 2022;93(1):72-81.
CD147 expression lacks prognostic relevance in esophageal cancer
Küsters N, Grupp K, Grass J, Bachmann K, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Tachezy M, Perez D, Reeh M, Izbicki J, Melling N
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2022;148(4):837-844.
Circulating Cancer Associated Macrophage-like Cells as a Potential New Prognostic Marker in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Nitschke C, Markmann B, Konczalla L, Kropidlowski J, Pereira-Veiga T, Scognamiglio P, Schönrock M, Sinn M, Tölle M, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Uzunoglu F, Wikman H
BIOMEDICINES. 2022;10(11):.
Characterization of RARRES1 Expression on Circulating Tumor Cells as Unfavorable Prognostic Marker in Resected Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Patients
Nitschke C, Markmann B, Tölle M, Kropidlowski J, Belloum Y, Goetz M, Schlüter H, Kwiatkowski M, Sinn M, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Güngör C, Uzunoglu F, Wikman H
CANCERS. 2022;14(18):.
Effect of COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns on planned cancer surgery for 15 tumour types in 61 countries: an international, prospective, cohort study
LANCET ONCOL. 2021;22(11):1507-1517.
Head and neck cancer surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic: An international, multicenter, observational cohort study
CANCER-AM CANCER SOC. 2021;127(14):2476-2488.
Preoperative nasopharyngeal swab testing and postoperative pulmonary complications in patients undergoing elective surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
BRIT J SURG. 2021;108(1):88-96.
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination modelling for safe surgery to save lives: data from an international prospective cohort study
BRIT J SURG. 2021;108(9):1056-1063.
Timing of surgery following SARS-CoV-2 infection: an international prospective cohort study.
ANAESTHESIA. 2021;76(6):748-758.
Evaluation of the Hamburg-Glasgow Classification in Pancreatic Cancer: Preoperative Staging by Combining Disseminated Tumor Load and Systemic Inflammation
Abdalla T, Almanfalouti V, Effenberger K, Uzunoglu F, Ghadban T, Dupreé A, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2021;13(23):.
Elective Cancer Surgery in COVID-19-Free Surgical Pathways During the SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic: An International, Multicenter, Comparative Cohort Study
Glasbey J, Bhangu A
J CLIN ONCOL. 2021;39(1):66-78.
Acute Mesenteric Infarction: The Chameleon of Acute Abdomen Evaluating the Quality of the Diagnostic Parameters in Acute Mesenteric Ischemia
Grotelueschen R, Miller V, Heidelmann L, Melling N, Ghadban T, Grupp K, Reeh M, Welte M, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Bachmann K
DIGEST SURG. 2021;38(2):149-157.
Association of Genetic Variants Affecting microRNAs and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Lu Y, Corradi C, Gentiluomo M, López de Maturana E, Theodoropoulos G, Roth S, Maiello E, Morelli L, Archibugi L, Izbicki J, Sarlós P, Kiudelis V, Oliverius M, Aoki M, Vashist Y, van Eijck C, Gazouli M, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Mambrini A, Pezzilli R, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Hegyi P, Souček P, Neoptolemos J, Di Franco G, Sperti C, Kauffmann E, Hlaváč V, Uzunoğlu F, Ermini S, Małecka-Panas E, Lucchesi M, Vanella G, Dijk F, Mohelníková-Duchoňová B, Bambi F, Petrone M, Jamroziak K, Guo F, Kolarova K, Capretti G, Milanetto A, Ginocchi L, Loveček M, Puzzono M, van Laarhoven H, Carrara S, Ivanauskas A, Papiris K, Basso D, Arcidiacono P, Izbéki F, Chammas R, Vodicka P, Hackert T, Pasquali C, Piredda M, Costello-Goldring E, Cavestro G, Szentesi A, Tavano F, Włodarczyk B, Brenner H, Kreivenaite E, Gao X, Bunduc S, Vermeulen R, Schneider M, Latiano A, Gioffreda D, Testoni S, Kupcinskas J, Lawlor R, Capurso G, Malats N, Campa D, Canzian F
FRONT GENET. 2021;12:693933.
Identification of Recessively Inherited Genetic Variants Potentially Linked to Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Lu Y, Gentiluomo M, Macauda A, Gioffreda D, Gazouli M, Petrone M, Kelemen D, Ginocchi L, Morelli L, Papiris K, Greenhalf W, Izbicki J, Kiudelis V, Mohelníková-Duchoňová B, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Vodicka P, Brenner H, Diener M, Pezzilli R, Ivanauskas A, Salvia R, Szentesi A, Aoki M, Németh B, Sperti C, Jamroziak K, Chammas R, Oliverius M, Archibugi L, Ermini S, Novák J, Kupcinskas J, Strouhal O, Souček P, Cavestro G, Milanetto A, Vanella G, Neoptolemos J, Theodoropoulos G, van Laarhoven H, Mambrini A, Moz S, Kala Z, Loveček M, Basso D, Uzunoglu F, Hackert T, Testoni S, Hlaváč V, Andriulli A, Lucchesi M, Tavano F, Carrara S, Hegyi P, Arcidiacono P, Busch O, Lawlor R, Puzzono M, Boggi U, Guo F, Małecka-Panas E, Capurso G, Landi S, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Strobel O, Gao X, Vashist Y, Campa D, Canzian F
FRONT ONCOL. 2021;11:.
Genetic Polymorphisms Involved in Mitochondrial Metabolism and Pancreatic Cancer Risk
Peduzzi G, Gentiluomo M, Tavano F, Arcidiacono P, Ermini S, Vodicka P, Boggi U, Cavestro G, Capurso G, Morelli L, Milanetto A, Pezzilli R, Lawlor R, Carrara S, Lovecek M, Souček P, Guo F, Hackert T, Uzunoğlu F, Gazouli M, Párniczky A, Kupcinskas J, Bijlsma M, Bueno-de-Mesquita B, Vermeulen R, van Eijck C, Jamroziak K, Talar-Wojnarowska R, Greenhalf W, Gioffreda D, Petrone M, Landi S, Archibugi L, Puzzono M, Funel N, Sperti C, Piredda M, Mohelnikova-Duchonova B, Lu Y, Hlaváč V, Gao X, Schneider M, Izbicki J, Theodoropoulos G, Bunduc S, Kreivenaite E, Busch O, Małecka-Panas E, Costello E, Perri F, Testoni S, Vanella G, Pasquali C, Oliverius M, Brenner H, Loos M, Götz M, Georgiou K, Erőss B, Maiello E, Szentesi A, Bazzocchi F, Basso D, Neoptolemos J, Hegyi P, Kiudelis V, Canzian F, Campa D
CANCER EPIDEM BIOMAR. 2021;30(12):2342-2345.
Evidence Map of Pancreatic Surgery-A living systematic review with meta-analyses by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)
Probst P, Hüttner F, Meydan Ö, Abu Hilal M, Adham M, Barreto S, Besselink M, Busch O, Bockhorn M, Del Chiaro M, Conlon K, Castillo C, Friess H, Fusai G, Gianotti L, Hackert T, Halloran C, Izbicki J, Kalkum E, Kelemen D, Kenngott H, Kretschmer R, Landré V, Lillemoe K, Miao Y, Marchegiani G, Mihaljevic A, Radenkovic D, Salvia R, Sandini M, Serrablo A, Shrikhande S, Shukla P, Siriwardena A, Strobel O, Uzunoglu F, Vollmer C, Weitz J, Wolfgang C, Zerbi A, Bassi C, Dervenis C, Neoptolemos J, Büchler M, Diener M
SURGERY. 2021;170(5):1517-1524.
Delaying surgery for patients with a previous SARS-CoV-2 infection
BRIT J SURG. 2020;107(12):e601-e602.
Elective surgery cancellations due to the COVID-19 pandemic: global predictive modelling to inform surgical recovery plans: Elective surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
BRIT J SURG. 2020;107(11):1440-1449.
Outcomes from elective colorectal cancer surgery during the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic
COLORECTAL DIS. 2020;2020(00):1-18.
Surgical Management of Non-Malignant Esophageal Perforations: A Single-Center Analysis Over a 15-Year Period
Karstens K, Bellon E, Tachezy M, Izbicki J, Ghadban T, Duprée A, Uzunoglu F, Bachmann K, Koenig A, Reeh M
DIGEST SURG. 2020;37(4):302-311.
Comparison of the 8th UICC staging system for esophageal and gastric cancers in Siewert type II junctional adenocarcinomas
Karstens K, Ghadban T, Sawez S, Konczalla L, Woestemeier A, Bachmann K, Uzunoglu F, Tachezy M, Vettorazzi E, Izbicki J, Reeh M
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2020;46(4 Pt A):638-643.
The decrease of BMI and albumin levels influences the rate of anastomotic leaks in patients following reconstruction after emergency diverting esophagectomy
Karstens K, Stüben B, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Bachmann K, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Reeh M
ESOPHAGUS-TOKYO. 2020;17(2):183-189.
Biperiden and mepazine effectively inhibit MALT1 activity and tumor growth in pancreatic cancer
Konczalla L, Perez D, Wenzel N, Wolters-Eisfeld G, Klemp C, Lüddeke J, Wolski A, Landschulze D, Meier C, Buchholz A, Yao D, Hofmann B, Graß J, Spriestersbach S, Grupp K, Schumacher U, Betzel C, Kapis S, Nuguid T, Steinberg P, Püschel K, Sauter G, Bockhorn M, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Güngör C, El Gammal A
INT J CANCER. 2020;146(6):1618-1630.
ALCAM contributes to brain metastasis formation in non-small-cell lung cancer through interaction with the vascular endothelium
Münsterberg J, Loreth D, Brylka L, Werner S, Karbanova J, Gandrass M, Schneegans S, Besler K, Hamester F, Robador J, Bauer A, Werner Schneider S, Wrage M, Lamszus K, Matschke J, Vashist Y, Uzunoglu G, Steurer S, Horst A, Oliveira-Ferrer L, Glatzel M, Schinke T, Corbeil D, Pantel K, Maire C, Wikman H
NEURO-ONCOLOGY. 2020;22(7):955-966.
Perforation of the ascending colon during implantation of an indwelling peritoneal catheter: a case report
Paparoupa M, Wege H, Creutzfeldt A, Sebode M, Uzunoglu F, Boenisch O, Nierhaus A, Izbicki J, Kluge S
BMC GASTROENTEROL. 2020;20(1):345.
Clinical Relevance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Esophageal Cancer Detected by a Combined MACS Enrichment Method
Woestemeier A, Harms-Effenberger K, Karstens K, Konczalla L, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M, Pantel K, Reeh M
CANCERS. 2020;12(3):718.
Decentralized colorectal cancer care in Germany over the last decade is associated with high in-hospital morbidity and mortality
Ghadban T, Reeh M, Bockhorn M, Grotelueschen R, Bachmann K, Grupp K, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Perez D
CANCER MANAG RES. 2019;11:2101-2107.
C-Reactive Protein in the Prediction of Localization of Gastrointestinal Perforation
Grupp K, Grotelüschen R, Uzunoglu F, Hofmann B, König A, Perez D, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Bachmann K
EUR SURG RES. 2019;60(5-6):179-185.
Prospective Comparison of the Prognostic Relevance of Circulating Tumor Cells in Blood and Disseminated Tumor Cells in Bone Marrow of a Single Patient's Cohort With Esophageal Cancer
Konczalla L, Ghadban T, Effenberger K, Wöstemeier A, Riethdorf S, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bockhorn M, Reeh M
ANN SURG. 2019;273(2):299-305.
Centralization of Pancreatic Surgery in Europe
Polonski A, Izbicki J, Uzunoglu F
J GASTROINTEST SURG. 2019;23(10):2081-2092.
Letter to Editor Reply to: "Centralization of Pancreatic Surgery in Europe: an Update"
Uzunoglu F, Heumann A, Polonski A, Izbicki J
J GASTROINTEST SURG. 2019;23(11):2324-2325.
Evaluation of the MDACC clinical classification system for pancreatic cancer patients in an European multicenter cohort
Uzunoglu F, Welte M, Gavazzi F, Maggino L, Perinel J, Salvia R, Janot M, Reeh M, Perez D, Montorsi M, Zerbi A, Adham M, Uhl W, Bassi C, Izbicki J, Malleo G, Bockhorn M
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2019;45(5):793-799.
Reduced RBM3 expression is associated with aggressive tumor features in esophageal cancer but not significantly linked to patient outcome
Grupp K, Hofmann B, Kutup A, Bachmann K, Bogoevski D, Melling N, Uzunoglu F, El Gammal A, Koop C, Simon R, Steurer S, Krech T, Burdak-Rothkamm S, Jacobsen F, Sauter G, Izbicki J, Wilczak W
BMC CANCER. 2018;18(1):1106.
Expression of ICAM-1, E-cadherin, periostin and midkine in metastases of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinomas
Grupp K, Melling N, Bogoevska V, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, El Gammal A, Nentwich M, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
EXP MOL PATHOL. 2018;104(2):109-113.
FOXO1 overexpression and loss of pSerine256-FOXO1 expression predicts clinical outcome in esophageal adenocarcinomas
Grupp K, Uzunoglu F, Melling N, Hofmann B, El Gammal A, Grotelüschen R, Heumann A, Bellon E, Reeh M, Wolters-Eisfeld G, Ghabdan T, Nentwich M, Bachmann K, Bockhorn M, Bogoevski D, Izbicki J, Kutup A
SCI REP-UK. 2018;8(1):17370.
Absence of HER2 Expression of Circulating Tumor Cells in Patients with Non-Metastatic Esophageal Cancer
Woestemeier A, Ghadban T, Riethdorf S, Harms-Effenberger K, Konczalla L, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bockhorn M, Reeh M
ANTICANCER RES. 2018;38(10):5665-5669.
Duodenumerhaltende Pankreaskopfresektion
Meiners J, Perez D, Izbicki J, Uzunoglu F
2017. Expertise Pankreas. Izbicki J, Perez D (Hrsg.). 1. Aufl. Georg Thieme Verlag KG, 98-102.
Blood fibrinogen levels discriminate low- and high-risk intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs)
Nentwich M, Menzel K, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Ghadban T, Bachmann K, Schrader J, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Perez D
EJSO-EUR J SURG ONC. 2017;43(4):758-762.
Allogenic Blood Transfusion is Associated with Poor Perioperative and Long-Term Outcome in Esophageal Cancer
Reeh M, Ghadban T, Dedow J, Vettorazzi E, Uzunoglu F, Nentwich M, Kluge S, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
WORLD J SURG. 2017;41(1):208-215.
Hamburg-Glasgow classification: preoperative staging by combination of disseminated tumour load and systemic inflammation in oesophageal carcinoma
Reeh M, Ghadban T, Uzunoglu F, Nentwich M, Bockhorn M, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
BRIT J CANCER. 2017;117(5):612-618.
Diverse prognostic value of the GTn promoter polymorphism in squamous cell and adeno carcinoma of the esophageus
Ghadban T, Miro J, Trump F, Tsui T, Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Gebauer F, Bachmann K, Wellner U, Kalinin V, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
CLIN GENET. 2016;90(4):343-50.
Characterization of different CTC subpopulations in non-small cell lung cancer
Hanssen A, Wagner J, Gorges T, Tänzer A, Uzunoglu F, Driemel C, Stoecklein N, Knoefel W, Angenendt S, Hauch S, Atanackovic D, Loges S, Riethdorf S, Pantel K, Wikman H
SCI REP-UK. 2016;6:28010.
Glasgow Prognostic Score may be a prognostic index for overall and perioperative survival in gastric cancer without perioperative treatment
Melling N, Grüning A, Tachezy M, Nentwich M, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Vashist Y, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
SURGERY. 2016;159(6):1548-56.
Non-trauma Emergency Pancreatoduodenectomies: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis
Nentwich M, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Bachmann K, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
WORLD J SURG. 2016;40(9):2261-6.
The PER (Preoperative Esophagectomy Risk) Score: A Simple Risk Score to Predict Short-Term and Long-Term Outcome in Patients with Surgically Treated Esophageal Cancer
Reeh M, Metze J, Uzunoglu F, Nentwich M, Ghadban T, Wellner U, Bockhorn M, Kluge S, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
MEDICINE. 2016;95(7):e2724.
The Author Reply
Reeh M, Uzunoglu F
HEPATOB PANCREAT DIS. 2016;15(1):109-10.
Evaluation of the germline single nucleotide polymorphism rs583522 in the TNFAIP3 gene as a prognostic marker in esophageal cancer
Ghadban T, Schmidt-Yang M, Uzunoglu F, Perez D, El Gammal A, Miro J, Wellner U, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
CANCER GENET-NY. 2015;208(12):595–601.
Correction to: An A/C germline single-nucleotide polymorphism in the TNFAIP3 gene is associated with advanced disease stage and survival in only surgically treated esophageal cancer
Ghadban T, Schmidt-Yang M, Uzunoglu F, Perez D, Tsui T, El Gammal A, Erbes P, Zilbermints V, Wellner U, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
J HUM GENET. 2015;60(2):107.
Salvage Completion Pancreatectomies as Damage Control for Post-pancreatic Surgery Complications: A Single-Center Retrospective Analysis
Nentwich M, El Gammal A, Lemcke T, Ghadban T, Bellon E, Melling N, Bachmann K, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M
WORLD J SURG. 2015;39(6):1550-6.
Circulating Tumor Cells as a Biomarker for Preoperative Prognostic Staging in Patients With Esophageal Cancer
Reeh M, Harms-Effenberger K, Koenig A, Riethdorf S, Eichstädt D, Vettorazzi E, Uzunoglu F, Vashist Y, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Bockhorn M
ANN SURG. 2015;261(6):1124-30.
Locally advanced esophageal carcinoma: is there still a role of surgery alone without neoadjuvant treatment?
Reeh M, Nentwich M, Asani S, Uzunoglu F, Bockhorn M, Sauter G, Rösch T, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
J GASTROINTEST SURG. 2015;19(4):587-93.
Identification of HERC5 and its potential role in NSCLC progression
Wrage M, Hagmann W, Kemming D, Uzunoglu F, Riethdorf S, Harms-Effenberger K, Westphal M, Lamszus K, Kim S, Becker N, Izbicki J, Sandoval J, Esteller M, Pantel K, Risch A, Wikman-Kocher H
INT J CANCER. 2015;136(10):2264-72.
Borderline resectable pancreatic cancer: A consensus statement by the International Study Group of Pancreatic Surgery (ISGPS)
Bockhorn M, Uzunoglu F, Adham M, Imrie C, Milicevic M, Sandberg A, Asbun H, Bassi C, Büchler M, Charnley R, Conlon K, Cruz L, Dervenis C, Fingerhutt A, Friess H, Gouma D, Hartwig W, Lillemoe K, Montorsi M, Neoptolemos J, Shrikhande S, Takaori K, Traverso W, Vashist Y, Vollmer C, Yeo C, Izbicki J
SURGERY. 2014;155(6):977-988.
An A/C germline single-nucleotide polymorphism in the TNFAIP3 gene is associated with advanced disease stage and survival in only surgically treated esophageal cancer
Ghadban T, Schmidt-Yang M, Uzunoglu F, Perez D, Tsui T, El Gammal A, Erbes P, Zilbermints V, Wellner U, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
J HUM GENET. 2014;59(12):661-666.
Multimodale Therapie des Ösophaguskarzinoms: Pro und Kontra
Hölscher A, Fetzner U, Uzunoglu F, Izbicki J
Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie up2date. 2014;8(3):199-214.
Depth of submucosal tumor infiltration and its relevance in lymphatic metastasis formation for T1b squamous cell and adenocarcinomas of the esophagus
Nentwich M, Loga K, Reeh M, Uzunoglu F, Marx A, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
J GASTROINTEST SURG. 2014;18(2):242-9.
The multifunctional growth factor midkine promotes proliferation and migration in pancreatic cancer
Rawnaq T, Dietrich L, Wolters-Eisfeld G, Uzunoglu F, Vashist Y, Bachmann K, Simon R, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M, Güngör C
MOL CANCER RES. 2014;12(5):670-80.
Loss of 4q21.23-22.1 is a Prognostic Marker for Disease Free and Overall Survival in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
Uzunoglu F, Dethlefsen E, Hanssen A, Wrage M, Deutsch L, Harms-Effenberger K, Vashist Y, Reeh M, Sauter G, Simon R, Bockhorn M, Pantel K, Izbicki J, Wikman-Kocher H
PLOS ONE. 2014;9(12):e113315.
The potential for targeting HER2 therapeutically in esophageal cancer - a grasp at straws?
Uzunoglu F, Koenig A, Izbicki J
EXPERT OPIN THER TAR. 2014;18(12):1421-6.
Preoperative Pancreatic Resection (PREPARE) score: a prospective multicenter-based morbidity risk score
Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Vettorazzi E, Ruschke T, Hannah P, Nentwich M, Vashist Y, Bogoevski D, König A, Janot M, Gavazzi F, Zerbi A, Todaro V, Malleo G, Uhl W, Montorsi M, Bassi C, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M
ANN SURG. 2014;260(5):857-64.
Single versus double Roux-en-Y reconstruction techniques in pancreaticoduodenectomy: a comparative single-center study
Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Wollstein R, Melling N, Perez D, Vashist Y, Bogoevski D, Izbicki J, Bockhorn M
WORLD J SURG. 2014;38(12):3228-3234.
Concordance of HER2 status in primary tumour and lymph node metastases in patients with esophageal carcinoma
König A, Reeh M, Dancau A, Rathjens M, Gros S, Uzunoglu F, Bockhorn M, Simon R, Sauter G, Marx A, Izbicki J
ANTICANCER RES. 2013;33(11):4975-82.
Lymphatic invasion predicts survival in patients with early node-negative non-small cell lung cancer
Nentwich M, Bohn B, Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Quaas A, Grob T, Perez D, Kutup A, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
J THORAC CARDIOV SUR. 2013;146(4):781-7.
LigaSure™ vs. conventional dissection techniques in pancreatic surgery--a prospective randomised single-centre trial.
Uzunoglu F, Bockhorn M, Fink J, Reeh M, Vettorazzi E, Gawad K, Bogoevski D, Vashist Y, Tsui T, Koenig A, Mann O, Izbicki J
J GASTROINTEST SURG. 2013;17(3):494-500.
The T393C polymorphism of GNAS1 is a predictor for relapse and survival in resectable non-small cell lung cancer.
Uzunoglu F, Heumann A, Musici S, Kutup A, König A, Roch N, Thomssen A, Dohrmann T, Tsui T, Mann O, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
LUNG CANCER. 2013;79(2):151-155.
VEGFR-2, CXCR-2 and PAR-1 germline polymorphisms as predictors of survival in pancreatic carcinoma
Uzunoglu F, Kolbe J, Wikman H, Güngör C, Bohn B, Nentwich M, Reeh M, König A, Bockhorn M, Kutup A, Mann O, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
ANN ONCOL. 2013;24(5):1282-90.
Surgery of esophageal cancer
Uzunoglu F, Reeh M, Kutup A, Izbicki J
LANGENBECK ARCH SURG. 2013;398(2):189-93.
C-X-C motif receptor 2, endostatin and proteinase-activated receptor 1 polymorphisms as prognostic factors in NSCLC
Uzunoglu F, Yavari N, Bohn B, Nentwich M, Reeh M, Pantel K, Perez D, Tsui T, Bockhorn M, Mann O, Izbicki J, Wikman H, Vashist Y
LUNG CANCER. 2013;81(1):123-9.
Opposite roles of FOXA1 and NKX2-1 in lung cancer progression.
Deutsch L, Wrage M, Koops S, Glatzel M, Uzunoglu F, Kutup A, Hinsch A, Sauter G, Izbicki J, Pantel K, Wikman H
GENE CHROMOSOME CANC. 2012;51(6):618-629.
An attempt at validation of the Seventh edition of the classification by the International Union Against Cancer for esophageal carcinoma.
Reeh M, Nentwich M, von Loga K, Schade J, Uzunoglu F, König A, Bockhorn M, Rösch T, Izbicki J, Bogoevski D
ANN THORAC SURG. 2012;93(3):890-896.
Vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 gene polymorphisms as predictors for tumor recurrence and overall survival in non-small-cell lung cancer.
Uzunoglu F, Kaufmann C, Wikman H, Güngör C, Bohn B, Nentwich M, Reeh M, Pantel K, Bockhorn M, Kutup A, Mann O, Izbicki J, Vashist Y
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2012;19(7):2159-2168.
Notfallsternotomie bei perkutaner zentralvenöser Punktion - ein Fallbericht
Uzunoglu F, Koenig A, Bockhorn M, Cataldegirmen G, Izbicki J, Benhidjeb T
ZBL CHIR. 2012;137(3):262-3.
[Emergency sternotomy during percutaneous central venous catheterisation - a case report].
Uzunoglu F, König A, Bockhorn M, Cataldegirmen G, Izbicki J, Benhidjeb T
ZBL CHIR. 2012;137(3):262-263.
Ultrasonic dissection versus conventional dissection techniques in pancreatic surgery: a randomized multicentre study.
Uzunoglu F, Stehr A, Fink J, Vettorazzi E, König A, Gawad K, Vashist Y, Kutup A, Mann O, Gavazzi F, Zerbi A, Bassi C, Dervenis C, Montorsi M, Bockhorn M, Izbicki J
ANN SURG. 2012;256(5):675-680.
The GNAS1 T393C single nucleotide polymorphism predicts the natural postoperative course of complete resected esophageal cancer.
Vashist Y, Kutup A, Musici S, Yekebas E, Mina S, Uzunoglu F, Zehler O, König A, Cataldegirmen G, Bockhorn M, Harms-Effenberger K, Kalinin V, Pantel K, Izbicki J
MOL CELL ONCOL. 2011;34(4):281-288.
Glasgow Prognostic Score is a predictor of perioperative and long-term outcome in patients with only surgically treated esophageal cancer.
Vashist Y, Loos J, Dedow J, Tachezy M, Uzunoglu F, Kutup A, Yekebas E, Izbicki J
ANN SURG ONCOL. 2011;18(4):1130-1138.
Heme oxygenase-1 promoter polymorphism is a predictor of disease relapse in pancreatic neuroendocrine tumors.
Vashist Y, Uzunoglu F, Deutsch L, Kalinin V, Zehler O, Alzadjali A, Kutup A, Izbicki J, Yekebas E
J SURG RES. 2011;166(2):121-127.
Heme oxygenase-1 germ line GTn promoter polymorphism is an independent prognosticator of tumor recurrence and survival in pancreatic cancer.
Vashist Y, Uzunoglu F, Kutup A, Gebauer F, König A, Deutsch L, Zehler O, Busch P, Kalinin V, Izbicki J, Yekebas E
J SURG ONCOL. 2011;104(3):305-311.
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