The following national and international studies and projects provide an overview about the research topics Child Public Health is concerned with.
- Current Projects
- Completed Projects
- Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life
Current Projects
The COMO Study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the physical and mental health and health behavior of children and adolescents against the background of socio-ecological contexts in Germany.
Further information COMO Study
The NUM 2.0 sub-project coverCHILD deals with the unique situation of children, young people and their families in times of the corona pandemic. It is about understanding how children and young people have come through the pandemic so far - health-wise, emotionally and socially - what support they need now and how their health needs and interests can also be protected in future crises.
Further information coverCHILDThe COPSY Study investigates the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of children and adolescents in Germany.
Further information COPSY Study
The project INTEGRATE-ADHD focusses on the comparison and integration of administrative and epidemiological diagnostic data of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) through clinical assessment in Germany.
Further information INTEGRATE-ADHD
The BELLA study is the module on mental health and health-related quality of life within the German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS).
Further information BELLA study
The study ADOPT-Epidemiology is part of the research collaboration Affective Dysregulation in Childhood – Optimizing Prevention and Treatment (ADOPT). The sub-project is responsible for the development of reliable assessment tools for Affective Dysregulation in children, which will be administered in a population-based sample in Germany.
Further information ADOPT
The HBSC study ("Health Behaviour in School-aged Children") is an ongoing international WHO study aiming to examine the relationship between health behaviour and the subjective reported health of children and adolescents.
Further information HBSC
The Kids-CAT study is developing, validating, standardizing and implementing the first German computer-adaptive test to assess health-related Quality of Life in healthy and chronically ill children and adolescents.
Further information Kids-CAT
Within the Refugee Children Study, the research section "Child Public Health" is responsible for diagnostics and accompanying research in the Outpatient Center for Refugees at the UKE. It is targeted to assess traumatizing experiences, mental health issues, risk behaviours, and treatment objectives of refugee children and therefore to support physicians and therapists in their treatment planning.
Further information Refugee Children Study
The paediatric PROMIS project serves the improvement of assessment and conceptualisation of child health.
Further information PROMIS
Completed Projects
MOCHA is a major European research project for the comparative evaluation of different models of child health care in Europe. The research section "Child Public Health" was the local representative for Germany.
Further information MOCHA
The EBWo project (Benefits of education for the well-being of parents, children, adolescents and young adults) focussed systematically on the non-monetary benefits of education for the health and well-being in children, adolescents and adults taking account of the life-courses and key transition stages.
Further information EBWo
The AOK family study summarises results of different studies to provide concrete recommendations for action to families.
Further information AOK family study
The Child-EuroQoL project was initiated by the EuroQol Group to develop a child friendly version of the EQ-5D instrument.
Further information Child-EuroQol
The EvAKuJ study is an observational study for evaluating ambulant treatment and hospital treatment of overweight children and adolescents in Germany.
Further information EvAKuJ study
The model project "Treasure Hunt” by the HAG focuses on health promotion in day care centres, which aims strengthening the mental wellbeing of children.
Further information model project Treasure Hunt
PrimaSchule is an evaluation study for improving the scholastic health promotion considering especially socially disadvantaged groups and migrants.
Further information PrimaSchule
The RICHE Project („Research Into Child Health in Europe“) is set up to investigate Child and Adolescent Health in Europe. The main objectives are the identification of gaps and priorities in child health research at the EU level and the development of a Roadmap for the future of European Child and Adolescent Health Research.
Further information RICHE
The U-Evaluation Study is about evaluation of the exemplary reminder and notification system for statutory early detection screening U6 (10th till 12th month of life) and U7 (21st till 24th month of life) in Hamburg.
Further information U-Evaluation Study
Within the WHO Expertise the background paper “Socioeconomic inequalities in mental health among adolescents in Europe” was draw up, which deals with social disparity regarding the mental health of children and adolescents in Europe.
Further information WHO Expertise
Measurement of Health-Related Quality of Life
The KIDSCREEN study developed and conducted the psychometric testing of the generic KIDSCREEN questionnaire which is a standardised and cross-culturally applicable measure to assess health-related quality of life in children and adolescents.
Further information KIDSCREEN
The KINDLR is a short (only 24 items) and flexible instrument to evaluate health-related quality of life in children which is psychometrically tested.
Further information KINDL