Invitation to FOR2625 Seminar with Shawn Ferguson
Shawn Ferguson - Yale School of Medicine (New Haven, USA)
Axonal Lysosome Dysfunction in Alzheimer’s Disease
September 20, 2022, 02:00 PM
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Research Campus N27
seminar room 00.014
Martinistr. 52, 20246 Hamburg
Invitation to FOR2625 Symposium LYSOSOMES & AUTOPHAGY
NEW DATE: May 5 - 6, 2022
Max Delbrück Communications Center, Berlin-Buch
Due to the coronavirus outbreak the FOR2625 symposium is postponed from April 2021 to May 2022!
The members of the Research Unit FOR2625 "Mechanisms of Lysosomal Homeostasis" invite scientists from all over the world to join our International FOR2625 Symposium on LYSOSOMES & AUTOPHAGY.
Outstanding scientists have confirmed their participation in our two-day program and will present their newest findings on the molecular machinery of the endo-lysosomal system and autophagy. The symposium offers a great opportunity for young and more advanced researchers to meet internationally renowned experts and discuss their projects during scientific sessions as well as during social events.
Registration will open in November 2021 und is limited to 160 participants.
For further information please visit www.lysosomes2021.de
open position for student assistant
Our working group currently offers a job position for a student assitant as scientific support in our laboratory. The position with 38 h per month is availabe in the first half of 2021 and limited to 3 months with optional prolongation of the contract.
Students of biology, molecular life sciences or similar subjects from the 5th master semester onwards are welcome to send their application to braulke(at)uke.de.
2nd funding period of Research Unit FOR2625 approved
End of September the German Research Foundation approved the 2nd funding period of the Research Unit FOR 2625 "Mechanisms of Lysosomal Homeostasis" with a funding volume of 3.98 million euro.
The Research Unit was established in October 2017 and consists of eleven German and one Dutch research groups. It aims at elucidating the biogenesis, functions and turnover of lysosomes as a whole, and protein-protein and lipid-protein interactions at the cytosolic surface of lysosomes. Analysing the molecular mechanisms that maintain lysosomal homeostasis will contribute to understand the cause of lysosomal disorders, thereby enabling the development of long-term preclinical therapeutic strategies.
Participating Researchers of the second funding period: Thomas Braulke (Hamburg), Anja Bremm (Frankfurt/Main), Markus Damme (Kiel), Ivan Dikic (Frankfurt/Main), Volker Haucke (Berlin), Christian Hübner (Jena), Thomas Jentsch (Berlin), Judith Klumperman (Utrecht, NL), Tassula Proikas-Cezanne (Tübingen), Paul Saftig (Kiel), Tobias Stauber (Hamburg), Dominic Winter (Bonn)
Research for Rare: Study by Schulz et al. highlighted as Paper of the Month
The recently pushlished study by Angela Schulz and colleagues "Study of intraventricular Cerliponase Alfa for CLN2 disease" that was conducted within the frame of our research consortium NCL2TREAT is highlighted as Paper of the Month on the website of the research network "Research for Rare -German networks on rare diseases". The rare lysosomal storage disorder CLN2 is a late-infantile form of neuronal ceroid lipofuscinoses and is characterized by epilepsy, loss of speech, vision and motoric skills, and by early death. The study by Schulz et al. was published in the New England Journal of Medicine
and could show that an enzyme replacement therapy using the recombinant enzyme tripeptidyl peptidase 1 (cerliponase alfa) could positively influence the course of the disease and even stop the loss of motor and language function in a subset of patients.
NCL2TREAT portrayed in Research for Rare newsletter
The latest issue of the Research for Rare newsletter includes a potrait feature on our research network NCL2TREAT. (Article in German only.)
Giorgia Di Lorenzo awarded at 21st ESGLD Meeting in Lyon
Our PhD student Giorgia Di Lorenzo received the Young Scientist Award at the 21. meeting of the "European Study Group on Lysosomal Disorders" (September 14th - 17th 2017, Lyon/France). She was awarded in the categorie "best oral presentation" for her talk entitled Role of the gamma-subunit of GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase in the pathogenesis of mucolipidosis type III
As part of her PhD project Giorgia Di Lorenzo investigates the molecular mechanisms that lead to the lysosomal storage disorder mucolipidosis type III, an inherited metabolic disease that is caused by defects in the GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase complex. This enzyme complex plays a key role in generating the mannose 6-phosphate recognition marker on lysosomal enzymes which is essential for their efficient transport to lysosomes. In mucolipidosis type III patients defects in a subunit of the GlcNAc-1-phosphotransferase complex lead to the missorting of several lysosomal enzymes. This in turn causes an accumulation of non-degradable cell material within the lysosomes resulting in typical symptoms like skeletal changes or heart valve abnormalites.