Training and Continuing Education at the UCCH

The numerous UCCH departments offer a great variety of training and continuing education activities for physicians, psychotherapists, scientists, nurses, medical doctoral students and doctoral students of life sciences as well as for medical students.

  • Training and Continuing Education for Physicians

    Specialist Medical Training and Rotations

    Specialist medical training for medical oncologists, radiooncologists and surgeons is offered by the respective UKE/UCCH departments. For assistant physicians in medical oncology, radiooncology or surgery it is furthermore possible to pass a 6-month rotation period at the UCCH Central Entry Port.

    Physicians from external UCCH cooperation partners (office-based physicians and hospitals) are offered to specialize in palliative medicine, leukemia treatment, stem cell transplantation or radiooncology by passing a 12-month rotation period at the UCCH.

    Clinician Scientist Program

    The 3-year Clinician Scientist Program initiated by the UKE Medical Faculty especially addresses young physicians with a strong interest in experimental research in order to allow them to pursue a research project of their choice parallel to their specialist medical training.

    Participants are completely released from their clinical duties in the first year and at 50 percent in the second and third year and they attend an accompanying training program in order to achieve methodical and general key skills.

    Finally the participants undergo an additional vocational training which qualifies them for future tasks in basic experimental and translational patient-oriented research. An extension of the program for further 3 years is planned in order to enable the participants to obtain their habilitation.

    Further information is available on the following website (in German):

    Clinician Scientist Program


    Dr. Katrin Klempahn ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 51808 , ), Vice Deanery for Research

    UCCH Research Fellowship

    The UCCH annually requests applications for so called "1/3 Research Fellowships" (UCCH Research Fellowships). Eligible for these fellowships are physicians in their 2nd to 5th year of specialist medical training who have a strong interest in experimental cancer research.

    Funds are provided for up to one year of research. While holding the fellowship positions the successful applicants are completely exempted from all duties of patient care work in their clinical departments and they are required to dedicate their time fully to the experimental research project. The funding of the fellowships is provided to one third by the Deanery of the Medical Faculty, to one third by the clinical departments where the applicants hold their current positions and to one third by the research departments that host the applicants during the fellowship period.

    A defining element and specific aim of the UCCH Research Fellowships is to strengthen existing and facilitate future collaborations and research links between clinical departments and experimental research departments. For that reason the hosting laboratory may not be located in the applicant’s current clinical department.

    Applicants are required to present their project proposals at the annual UCCH Research Retreat. Applications will be reviewed by a committee of UCCH senior scientists and the successful candidates will be announced at the UCCH Research Retreat.

    Applications for the UCCH Research Fellowships will be requested again in 2025.


    Dr. Natascha Kömm ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 57932 , )

    Please note that the Mildred Scheel Nachwuchszentrum Hamburg offers additional funding options, e. g. a short-term leave for Clinician Scientists. More information is available here .

    Complementary Medicine in Oncology

    The training course "Complementary Medicine in Oncology" deals with general aspects concerning the application of complementary therapy options for the treatment of cancer. The current course schedule may be requested under the e-mail address further below.


    Nicole Hettwer ( )

    Further information on training and continuing education opportunities for physicians such as the annual UCCH Research Retreat, the UCCH seminar series "Topics in Cancer Research" (topCaRe) or the joint UCCH and UCCSH seminar series "NORD-Seminar" is available on the following website:

    UCCH Research / Events

  • Training and Continuing Education for Life Scientists

    Hamburg School of Oncology

    The “Hamburg School of Oncology” offers training measures for UCCH early-career scientists (students and doctoral students of life sciences or medicine, postdoctoral fellows and junior physicians) who are particularly interested in translational cancer research. The various modules offered by the "Hamburg School of Oncology" provide young researchers with a better understanding of translational science and with impulses for possible adaptions of their own current or future research for maximum clinical impact.

    Further information is available on the following website:

    Hamburg School of Oncology


    Dr. Natascha Kömm ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 57932 , )

    Further information on training and continuing education opportunities for life scientists such as the annual UCCH Research Retreat, the UCCH seminar series "Topics in Cancer Research" (topCaRe) or the joint UCCH and UCCSH seminar series "NORD-Seminar" is available on the following website:

    UCCH Research / Events

  • Training and Continuing Education for Nurses

    General Oncology Nursing Training Program

    In collaboration with the UKE Academy for Training and Career the UCCH offers a 2-year General Oncology Nursing Training Program.

    Further information is available on the following website:

    UKE Academy for Training and Career


    Katja Stuschka ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 52267 , ), Dept. of Oncology and Hematology

  • Training and Continuing Education for PhD Students

    Doctoral Theses and PhD Programs

    Medical and life science doctoral theses are offered by all UKE/UCCH departments. Enquiries concerning doctoral theses/open positions have to be addressed to the respective clinic or institution directly.

    Furthermore the Vice Deanery for Research offers a PhD program for both medical students as well as for graduates of life sciences.

    Further information is available on the following websites:

    Medical PhD Program

    Non-medical PhD Program


    Dr. Katrin Klempahn ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 51808 , ), Vice Deanery for Research

    Hamburg School of Oncology

    The “Hamburg School of Oncology” offers training measures for UCCH early-career scientists (students and doctoral students of life sciences or medicine, postdoctoral fellows and junior physicians) who are particularly interested in translational cancer research. The various modules offered by the "Hamburg School of Oncology" provide young researchers with a better understanding of translational science and with impulses for possible adaptions of their own current or future research for maximum clinical impact.

    Further information is available on the following website:

    Hamburg School of Oncology


    Dr. Natascha Kömm ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 57932 , )

    Further information on training and continuing education opportunities for PhD students such as the annual UCCH Research Retreat, the UCCH seminar series "Topics in Cancer Research" (topCaRe) or the joint UCCH and UCCSH seminar series "NORD-Seminar" is available on the following website:

    UCCH Research / Events

  • Training and Continuing Education for Medical Students

    Second Track Oncology

    The integrated model study program iMED of the UKE Medical Faculty includes an elective curriculum (Second Tracks) which represents UKE’s main clinical and research topics in order to enable medical students to explore specific subjects according to their interests and to facilitate their early profile formation.

    During an initial orientation phase (4 semesters) the students get to know different elective modules. For the second specialization phase they have to choose one module which they finally pursue until 9th or 10th semester.

    One of the elective modules is the so called “Second Track Oncology” in which specialists train the students in terms of basic oncological knowledge concerning diagnosis and treatment of cancer as well as in terms of clinical and experimental cancer research.


    Prof. Dr. Kai Rothkamm ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 53593 , ), Department of Radiotherapy and Radiooncology

    Further information is available on the following website (in German):

    Model Study Program iMED

    Hamburg School of Oncology

    The “Hamburg School of Oncology” offers training measures for UCCH early-career scientists (students and doctoral students of life sciences or medicine, postdoctoral fellows and junior physicians) who are particularly interested in translational cancer research. The various modules offered by the "Hamburg School of Oncology" provide young researchers with a better understanding of translational science and with impulses for possible adaptions of their own current or future research for maximum clinical impact.

    Further information is available on the following website:

    Hamburg School of Oncology


    Dr. Natascha Kömm ( +49 (0) 40 7410 - 57932 , )