Medical Education
The Institute of Neuroanatomy and the Institute of Anatomye and Experimental Morphology are responsible for the education of medical and dental students in the subject of anatomy. Both institutes teach anatomy to physical education students and in the further education program MolExMed.
Information on lectures, examination dates in anatomy, neuroanatomy, histology etc. can be found in Moodle/Mephisto and in the semester course calendar.
Course coordinator - Medical Education
Priv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat.
- Associate Lecturer
N61 , 1st Floor
Course coordinator - Medical Dentristy

Prof. Dr. rer. nat.
- Research fellow
N61 , 3rd Floor, Room number 305
Students' Office
Neuroanatomy Lecturers
Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Roland BenderProf. Dr. rer. nat.Roland BenderPhoneE-mail
Dr. rer. nat. Bianka BrunneDr. rer. nat.Bianka Brunne
- Research fellow
N61 , 3rd Floor, Room number 308 -
Dr. rer. nat. Ulrich FickelLocation
N61 , 3rd Floor, Room number 304.1 -
Dr. phil. nat. Iris HaumannDr. phil. nat.Iris HaumannPhoneE-mail
Dr. rer. nat. Ricardo Vierk
PD Dr. rer. nat. Uwe WehrenbergPriv.-Doz. Dr. rer. nat.Uwe Wehrenberg
- Associate Lecturer
N61 , 1st Floor -
PD Dr. rer. nat. Sonja JohannPD Dr. rer. nat.Sonja Johann
- Research fellow
N61 , 2nd Floor, Room number 212 -
Dr. med. Lepu Zhou