EvAKuJ study

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The study „Treatment of adipositas in children and adolescents: Observational study for evaluation of outpatient and inpatient care in the Federal Republic of Germany (EvAKuJ study)” on behalf of and in cooperation with the Federal Centre for Health Education (BZgA) aims at improving the data situation about successful interventions in overweight children and adolescents to get closer to the aim of evidence based recommendations.

Therefore, the BZgA initiated an observational study over 3 ½ years in 2004, which is conducted by an interdisciplinary study group lead by Prof. R. W. Holl, University of Ulm. In addition to many various issues, the quality of life of patients of different interventions is examined.

Contact: Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ravens-Sieberer ( ravens-sieberer@uke.de )

More information www.bzga-kinderuebergewicht.de