Palliative care at the UKE
The goal of our palliative care is to ensure a high quality of life in the desired sourroundings as long as possible.
For supporting our patients and their loved ones in all their needs and problems, an interdisciplinary team of doctors, nurses, psychologists, social workers, physiotherapists, music and art therapists, pastors and voluteer workers is trained to give a helping hand.
Our partners in palliative care
The palliative care unit at the UKE is partner of the coordination office for hospice and palliative care Hamburg (German: "Hospiz & Palliativarbeit Koordinierungsstelle Hamburg"), which annually organizes the world hospice day.
As part of the annual Hamburg Hospice Week, the palliative medicine team participates in the lectures and events. An overview of the event and current announcements can be found on the website:
World Hospice Day Hamburg (German)
Our Förderverein der Palliativversorgung am UKE e.V. (German) is an active member of the Landesarbeitsgemeinschaft Hospiz- und Palliativarbeit Hamburg e.V. (LAG).
In addition, representatives of the palliative medicine team at the UKE are actively involved in the working groups of the German Society for Palliative Medicine and the CCC network (German)
Further information:
External reference
German Hospice and Palliative Association e.V. (German)