- Research fellow
Curriculum vitae
Ambivalent ageism and the pains and gains of informal caregiving for older adults: Findings from Germany
Zwar L, König H, Delfin E, Hajek A
ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT. 2025;129:105683.
Development and Validation of the Internalized Care Stigma Scale (ICSS): Measuring care stigma aimed at informal care for older adults in Germany
Zwar L, König H, Delfin E, Hajek A
GERONTOLOGIST. 2025 [Epub ahead of print].
Translation and Validation of the German Version of the Ikigai-9
Hajek A, Imai T, Zwar L, König H
SOCIETIES. 2024;14(3):39.
Validation of the German version of the 25-item hikikomori questionnaire 25
Hajek A, Teo A, Zwar L, König H
INT J METH PSYCH RES. 2024;33(2):.
Prevalence and determinants of loneliness among the oldest old living in institutionalized settings: Study findings from a representative survey
Hajek A, Zwar L, Gyasi R, Kretzler B, König H
Z GERONTOL GERIATR. 2024;57(3):214-219.
Psychosocial pathways linking differences in socioeconomic status to symptoms of depression
Zwar L
LANCET HEALTH LONGEV. 2024;5(9):100626.
Caregiving intensity and its association with subjective views of ageing among informal caregivers with different sociodemographic background: a longitudinal analysis from Germany
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
EUR J AGEING. 2024;21:4.
Look on the bright side: the relation between family values, positive aspects of care and caregiver burden
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
EUR J AGEING. 2024;21:23.
The potential of informal care for self-perceptions of aging among older community-dwelling adults: Longitudinal findings from the Health and Retirement Study
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
J GERONTOL B-PSYCHOL. 2024;79(3):gbad189.
Views of aging and mental health - The role of informal care provision: Longitudinal findings of the health and retirement study in the US
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2024;361:472-479.
Neighbourhood cohesion, loneliness and perceived social isolation prior and during the COVID-19 pandemic. Longitudinal evidence from the German Ageing Survey
Hajek A, Kretzler B, Walther C, Aarabi G, Zwar L, König H
SOC PSYCH PSYCH EPID. 2023;58(9):1411-1420.
Oral health, anxiety symptoms and depressive symptoms: findings from the survey of health, ageing and retirement in Europe
Hajek A, Lieske B, König H, Zwar L, Kretzler B, Moszka N, Aarabi G
PSYCHOGERIATRICS. 2023;23(4):571-577.
Religious affiliation and oral health-related quality of life: a cross-sectional study based on a nationally representative survey in Germany
Moszka N, Aarabi G, Lieske B, König H, Kretzler B, Zwar L, Hajek A
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2023;23:586.
Are informal caregivers more likely to believe in conspiracy theories during the COVID-19 pandemic? Findings of a representative study from Germany
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
AGING MENT HEALTH. 2023;27(3):588-594.
Can Informal Caregiving be Perceived as Rejuvenating? Changes in Perceptions of Ageing at Onset and End of Informal Caregiving during Different Stages of Life
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
GERONTOLOGY. 2023;69(4):483-494.
Changes in network size, quality and composition among informal caregivers in different welfare clusters: Longitudinal analyses based on pan-European survey (SHARE)
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
GERONTOLOGY. 2023;69(12):1461-1470.
Gender Differences in Mental Health, Quality of Life, and Caregiver Burden among Informal Caregivers during the Second Wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Germany: A Representative, Population-Based Study
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
GERONTOLOGY. 2023;69(2):149-162.
Mental health, social integration and support of informal caregivers during the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic: A population-based representative study from Germany
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
Personal human values, informal caregiving and the relevance of gender and age: Findings from the population-based German Aging Survey
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
ARCH GERONTOL GERIAT. 2023;110:104968.
Social support for informal caregivers of spouses and parents(-in-law) aged 60 years and older during the COVID-19 pandemic. Findings from a representative German Online Survey
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
J GERONTOL B-PSYCHOL. 2023;78(2):264-279.
Wishing for an end? Longitudinal analysis of suicidal ideation among informal caregivers inside and outside their household in different welfare systems of Europe
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
INT PSYCHOGERIATR. 2023;35(12):736-750.
Association between migration and oral health-related quality of life: results from a nationally representative online survey
Aarabi G, Walther C, Kretzler B, Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
BMC ORAL HEALTH. 2022;22(1):309.
Does Oral Health-Related Quality of Life Differ by Income Group? Findings from a Nationally Representative Survey
Hajek A, König H, Kretzler B, Zwar L, Lieske B, Seedorf U, Walther C, Aarabi G
INT J ENV RES PUB HE. 2022;19(17):.
Conspiracy mentality among informal caregivers as a risk factor for caregiver burden, mental health, perceived loneliness and social isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings of a representative online study from Germany
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
QUAL LIFE RES. 2022;31(11):3139-3151.
Informal caregiving during the COVID-19 pandemic: findings from a representative, population-based study during the second wave of the pandemic in Germany
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
AGING MENT HEALTH. 2022;26(10):2062-2070.
Perceived autonomy of informal care recipients and the relevance of self-esteem
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
PSYCHOL AGING. 2022;37(4):542-555.
Do oldest old individuals perceive receipt of informal care as a restriction or support of their autonomy?
Zwar L, König H, van der Leeden C, Lühmann D, Oey A, Wiese B, Weyerer S, Werle J, Fuchs A, Pentzek M, Luppa M, Löbner M, Weeg D, Mösch E, Heser K, Wagner M, Maier W, Riedel-Heller S, Scherer M, Hajek A
AGING MENT HEALTH. 2022;26(9):1862-1873.
Are informal family caregivers stigmatized differently based on their gender or employment status?: a German study on public stigma towards informal long-term caregivers of older individuals
Zwar L, Angermeyer M, Matschinger H, Riedel-Heller S, König H, Hajek A
BMC PUBLIC HEALTH. 2021;21(1):1868.
Public stigma towards informal caregiving in Germany: a descriptive study
Zwar L, Angermeyer M, Matschinger H, Riedel-Heller S, König H, Hajek A
AGING MENT HEALTH. 2021;25(8):1515-1524.
The importance of familiarity with caregiving for public caregiver stigma: Evidence from a cross-sectional study in Germany
Zwar L, Angermeyer M, Matschinger H, Riedel-Heller S, König H, Hajek A
Do Informal Caregivers Expect to Die Earlier? A Longitudinal Study with a Population-Based Sample on Subjective Life Expectancy of Informal Caregivers
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
GERONTOLOGY. 2021;67(4):467-481.
Psychosocial consequences of transitioning into informal caregiving in male and female caregivers: Findings from a population-based panel study
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
SOC SCI MED. 2020;264:.
The impact of receiving informal care on self-esteem and its moderation by social class
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
AGING MENT HEALTH. 2020;24(10):1736-1745.
Life satisfaction of informal care recipients: Findings from the German Ageing Survey
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
BRIT J HEALTH PSYCH. 2019;24(4):859-875.
Consequences of different types of informal caregiving for mental, self-rated, and physical health: longitudinal findings from the German Ageing Survey
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
QUAL LIFE RES. 2018;27(10):2667-2679.
The impact of different types of informal caregiving on cognitive functioning of older caregivers: Evidence from a longitudinal, population-based study in Germany
Zwar L, König H, Hajek A
SOC SCI MED. 2018;214:12 - 19.
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