Outpatient Clinics
If you are not sure whom to contact in case of newly diagnosed cancer or a suspected cancer diagnosis please refer to our UCCH Central Entry Port (please scroll down for contact information). Patients and their relatives as well as oncologists will be advised concerning appropriate clinics, and appointments with our specialists are usually available on short notice.
The University Cancer Center Hamburg (UCCH) represents the organizational unit of all departments and institutes at the University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE) involved in prevention, diagnosis, therapy and research of cancer and unifies all in- and outpatient activities in oncology. Thereby, interdisciplinary treatment of our patients is facilitated from the outset.
Besides the general interdisciplinary clinic the UCCH also offers different special consultations.
Schedule of UCCH outpatient clinics (German, as of October 2024)
Schedule of interdisciplinary tumorboards (German, as of January 2024)
Please ask our staff at the UCCH Central Entry Port (please scroll down for contact information) upon arrangement of your personal appointment which documents are needed for the consultation of our physicians (e. g. radiographs, results of blood analysis, MRT or CT results etc.).
Further consultation hours
In addition to the central contact point, the oncology outpatient clinic offers diagnostic measures, treatment and associated aftercare concepts.
To the consultation hours of the oncology outpatient clinic (DE)
Consultation hours held by the organ cancer centers are listed below:
Breast Center
Dysplasia unit
Gynecological Cancer Center
Skin Tumor Center
Pediatric Oncology Center
Head and Neck Tumor Center
Sarcoma Center
Uro-oncology center (prostate, kidney, bladder)
Visceral Oncology Center (intestine, pancreas, esophagus, liver)
Center for familial breast and ovarian cancer
Center for Hematological Neoplasms
Center for Personalized Medicine-Oncology
Information for international patients
The UKE International Office takes care of all international patients with home address outside Germany who are not member of a German health insurance or compulsory EU health insurance before, during and after their stay at UKE. Please contact the International Office for further information.