Sigrun Vehling
PD Dr. phil. Dipl.-Psych.
Sigrun Vehling
  • Working area 1
German (Mother tongue)


  • 2024
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ORPHYS – Behandlungsmanual für eine psychodynamische Kurzzeitpsychotherapie bei schwerer körperlicher Erkrankung
Philipp R, Walbaum C, Lindner R, Karger A, Maatouk I, Dinger U, Vehling S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2024;74(8):345-351.

Psychodynamic psychotherapy in serious physical illness: A systematic literature review of approaches and techniques for the treatment of existential distress and mental disorders
Philipp R, Walbaum C, Vehling S
DEATH STUD. 2024 [Epub ahead of print];1-22.

Death anxiety in patients with advanced cancer and their family caregivers
Walbaum C, Philipp R, Bokemeyer C, Härter M, Junghans J, Koch-Gromus U, Oechsle K, Schilling G, Vehling S

Existential distress among family caregivers of patients with advanced cancer: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Walbaum C, Philipp R, Oechsle K, Ullrich A, Vehling S
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2024;33(1):e6239.

Psychodynamische Psychotherapie bei existenzieller Belastung und schwerer Erkrankung
Vehling S, Walbaum C, Philipp R
PiD-Psychother Dialog. 2023;24(01):34-38.

Demoralisation and its link with depression, psychological adjustment and suicidality among cancer patients: A network psychometrics approach
Bobevski I, Kissane D, Vehling S, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Belvederi Murri M, Grassi L
CANCER MED-US. 2022;11(3):815–825.

Understanding avoidant attachment in a patient with terminal cancer: a psychoanalytic perspective
Philipp R, Krüger A, Lindner R, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Vehling S
PSYCHOANAL PSYCHOTHE. 2022;36(2):105-123.

Prevalence of mental disorders in patients with cancer compared to matched controls - secondary analysis of two nationally representative surveys
Vehling S, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Philipp R, Härter M, Kraywinkel K, Kuhnert R, Koch U
ACTA ONCOL. 2022;61(1):7-13.

Psychologische Anpassung bei fortschreitender Erkrankung und begrenzter Lebenserwartung
Vehling S, Philipp R
2022. Psychoonkologie in der palliativen Versorgung. Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Antje L, Annina S, Josef J (eds.). 1. ed. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 125-139.

Der Einfluss von subjektiven Krankheitstheorien auf Demoralisierung, Depression und Angst bei Patienten mit einer Krebserkrankung: eine Längsschnittstudie
Bockholt M, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Vehling S
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2021;71(11):464-472.

Cancer-Related Distress: How Often Does It Co-occur With a Mental Disorder? - Results of a Secondary Analysis
Ernst J, Friedrich M, Vehling S, Koch U, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A
FRONT PSYCHOL. 2021;12:.

Existential distress in patients with advanced cancer and their caregivers: study protocol of a longitudinal cohort study
Philipp R, Kalender A, Härter M, Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K, Koch-Gromus U, Vehling S
BMJ OPEN. 2021;11(4):.

The role of attachment avoidance: A longitudinal mediation model predicting existential distress in patients with advanced cancer
Philipp R, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Koranyi S, Härter M, Vehling S
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2021;30(7):1059-1067.

Thoughts of death and suicidality among patients with cancer: examining subtypes and their association with mental disorders
Vehling S, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A, Glaesmer H, Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K, Härter M, Koch-Gromus U
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2021;30(12):2023-2031.

Perceived Positive and Negative Life Changes in Testicular Cancer Survivors
Vehling S, Oechsle K, Hartmann M, Bokemeyer C, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A
MEDICINA-LITHUANIA. 2021;57(9):993.

Efficacy of the Managing Cancer and Living Meaningfully (CALM) individual psychotherapy for patients with advanced cancer: A single-blind randomized controlled trial
Mehnert A, Koranyi S, Philipp R, Scheffold K, Kriston L, Lehmann-Laue A, Engelmann D, Vehling S, Eisenecker C, Oechsle K, Schulz-Kindermann F, Rodin G, Härter M
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2020;29(11):1895-1904.

Perceived relatedness, death acceptance, and demoralization in patients with cancer
Philipp R, Mehnert A, Müller V, Reck M, Vehling S
SUPPORT CARE CANCER. 2020;28(6):2693-2700.

Psychoonkologische Unterstützung von Patienten und Angehörigen in der Terminalphase
Vehling S, Mehnert A
Forum. Das offizielle Magazin der Deutschen Krebsgesellschaft e.V.. 2020;33:.

Loss of resources and demoralization in the chronically ill
Dischinger M, Lange L, Vehling S
GEN HOSP PSYCHIAT. 2019;61:10-15.

Frequency and network analysis of depressive symptoms in patients with cancer compared to the general population
Hartung T, Fried E, Mehnert A, Hinz A, Vehling S
J AFFECT DISORDERS. 2019;256:295-301.

Measuring the quality of dying and death in advanced cancer: Item characteristics and factor structure of the Quality of Dying and Death Questionnaire
Mah K, Hales S, Weerakkody I, Liu L, Fernandes S, Rydall A, Vehling S, Zimmermann C, Rodin G
PALLIATIVE MED. 2019;33(3):369-380.

Characterizing death acceptance among patients with cancer
Philipp R, Mehnert A, Lo C, Muller V, Reck M, Vehling S
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2019;28(4):854-862.

Spiritual well-being mediates the association between attachment insecurity and psychological distress in advanced cancer patients
Scheffold K, Philipp R, Vehling S, Koranyi S, Engelmann D, Schulz-Kindermann F, Härter M, Mehnert-Theuerkauf A
SUPPORT CARE CANCER. 2019;27(11):4317-4325.

Psychische Aspekte: Angst und allgemeine psychische Belastung
Vehling S
2019. FAQ Palliativmedizin. Oechsle K, Scherg A (eds.). 1. ed. München: Urban & Fischer, 171-174.

Psychische Aspekte: Traurigkeit, Depression, Demoralisierung
Vehling S
2019. FAQ Palliativmedizin. Oechsle K, Scherg A (eds.). 1. ed. München: Urban & Fischer, 175-178.

Attachment security and existential distress among patients with advanced cancer
Vehling S, Tian Y, Malfitano C, Shnall J, Watt S, Mehnert A, Rydall A, Zimmermann C, Hales S, Lo C, Rodin G
J PSYCHOSOM RES. 2019;116:93-99.

Latent class analysis differentiation of adjustment disorder and demoralization, more severe depressive and anxiety disorders, and somatic symptoms in patients with cancer
Bobevski I, Kissane D, Vehling S, McKenzie D, Glaesmer H, Mehnert A
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2018;27(11):2623-2630.

Measuring the Psychosocial Dimensions of Quality of Life in Patients With Advanced Cancer
Grünke B, Philipp R, Vehling S, Scheffold K, Härter M, Oechsle K, Schulz-Kindermann F, Mehnert A, Lo C
J PAIN SYMPTOM MANAG. 2018;55(3):985-991.e1.

One in two cancer patients is significantly distressed: Prevalence and indicators of distress
Mehnert A, Hartung T, Friedrich M, Vehling S, Brähler E, Härter M, Keller M, Schulz H, Wegscheider K, Weis J, Koch-Gromus U, Faller H
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2018;27(1):75-82.

The daily dynamics of loss orientation and life engagement in advanced cancer: A pilot study to characterise patterns of adaptation at the end of life
Vehling S, Gerstorf D, Schulz-Kindermann F, Oechsle K, Philipp R, Scheffold K, Härter M, Mehnert A, Lo C
EUR J CANCER CARE. 2018;27(4):e12842.

Existential distress in cancer: Alleviating suffering from fundamental loss and change
Vehling S, Kissane D
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2018;27(11):2525-2530.

Existential distress and meaning-focused interventions in cancer survivorship
Vehling S, Philipp R
CURR OPIN SUPPORT PA. 2018;12(1):46-51.

Die Kommunikation schlechter Nachrichten bei Krebspatienten: Inhalte, Kommunikationspräferenzen und psychische Belastungen
Gebhardt C, Gorba C, Oechsle K, Vehling S, Koch-Gromus U, Mehnert A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2017;67(7):312-321.

Attachment Insecurity in Advanced Cancer Patients: Psychometric Properties of the German Version of the Brief Experiences in Close Relationships Scale (ECR-M16-G)
Philipp R, Vehling S, Scheffold K, Grünke B, Härter M, Mehnert A, Oechsle K, Schulz-Kindermann F, Lo C
J PAIN SYMPTOM MANAG. 2017;54(4):555-562.

Sinnbasierte Interventionen bei fortgeschritten erkrankten Patienten
Schulz-Kindermann F, Vehling S
ONKOLOGE. 2017;23(12):1011-1015.

The association of demoralization with mental disorders and suicidal ideation in patients with cancer
Vehling S, Kissane D, Lo C, Glaesmer H, Hartung T, Rodin G, Mehnert A
CANCER-AM CANCER SOC. 2017;123(17):3394-3401.

A concept map of death-related anxieties in patients with advanced cancer
Vehling S, Malfitano C, Shnall J, Watt S, Panday T, Chiu A, Rydall A, Zimmermann C, Hales S, Rodin G, Lo C
BMJ SUPPORT PALLIAT. 2017;7(4):427–434.

Detrimental social interactions predict loss of dignity among patients with cancer
Philipp R, Mehnert A, Lehmann C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Krüll A, Vehling S
SUPPORT CARE CANCER. 2016;24(6):2751-8.

Psychoonkologische Interventionen bei fortgeschritten erkrankten Patienten
Schulz-Kindermann F, Vehling S
Psychother Alter. 2016;13(2):165-176.

Dimensionality, Stability, and Validity of the Beck Hopelessness Scale in Cancer Patients Receiving Curative and Palliative Treatment
Spangenberg L, Zenger M, Garcia-Torres F, Mueller V, Reck M, Mehnert A, Vehling S
J PAIN SYMPTOM MANAG. 2016;51(3):615-22.

Sinnorientierte Interventionen
Vehling S
2016. Handbuch Psychoonkologie. 1. ed. Hogrefe Verlag GmbH and Co. KG, 676-688.

Krankheits- und behandlungsübergreifende psychosoziale Belastungen und Behandlungsbedarf
Weis J, Vehling S, Mehnert A, Koch-Gromus U
2016. Hanbuch Psychoonkologie. Mehnert A, Koch U (eds.). 1. ed. Hogrefe Verlag GmbH and Co. KG, 133-140.

Die Mitteilung schlechter Nachrichten durch den Arzt: Die deutsche Version des MPP- (Measure of Patients' Preferences) Fragebogens zu den kommunikativen Präferenzen von Krebspatienten
Ernst J, Friedrich M, Lehmann C, Vehling S, Oechsle K, Koch-Gromus U, Mehnert A

Age-related variation and predictors of long-term quality of life in germ cell tumor survivors
Hartung T, Mehnert A, Friedrich M, Hartmann M, Vehling S, Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K

Symptom burden in long-term germ cell tumor survivors
Oechsle K, Hartmann M, Mehnert A, Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Vehling S

The Preference to Discuss Expected Survival Is Associated with Loss of Meaning and Purpose in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
Vehling S, Kamphausen A, Oechsle K, Hroch S, Bokemeyer C, Mehnert A
J PALLIAT MED. 2015;18(11):970-976.

Anxiety and depression in long-term testicular germ cell tumor survivors
Vehling S, Mehnert A, Hartmann M, Oing C, Bokemeyer C, Oechsle K

Relationship Between Symptom Burden, Distress, and Sense of Dignity in Terminally Ill Cancer Patients
Oechsle K, Wais M, Vehling S, Bokemeyer C, Mehnert A

Assessment of patients' dignity in cancer care: preliminary psychometrics of the German version of the Patient Dignity Inventory (PDI-G)
Sautier L, Vehling S, Mehnert A
J PAIN SYMPTOM MANAG. 2014;47(1):181-8.

Sources of meaning in cancer patients - influences on global meaning, anxiety and depression in a longitudinal study
Scheffold K, Mehnert A, Müller V, Koch-Gromus U, Härter M, Vehling S
EUR J CANCER CARE. 2014;23(4):472-480.

Symptom burden, loss of dignity, and demoralization in patients with cancer: a mediation model
Vehling S, Mehnert A
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2014;23(3):283-290.

Prävalenz von Anpassungsstörung, Akuter und Posttraumatischer Belastungsstörung sowie somatoformen Störungen bei Krebspatienten
Mehnert A, Vehling S, Scheffold K, Ladehoff N, Schön G, Wegscheider K, Heckl U, Weis J, Koch-Gromus U
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2013;63(12):466-72.

Receiving palliative treatment moderates the effect of age and gender on demoralization in patients with cancer
Vehling S, Oechsle K, Koch-Gromus U, Mehnert A
PLOS ONE. 2013;8(3):e59417.

Prävalenz affektiver und Angststörungen bei Krebs: Systematischer Literaturreview und Metaanalyse
Vehling S, Koch-Gromus U, Ladehoff N, Schön G, Wegscheider K, Heckl U, Weis J, Mehnert A
PSYCHOTHER PSYCH MED. 2012;62(7):249-58.

Is advanced cancer associated with demoralization and lower global meaning? The role of tumor stage and physical problems in explaining existential distress in cancer patients.
Vehling S, Lehmann C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Krüll A, Koch-Gromus U, Mehnert A
PSYCHO-ONCOLOGY. 2012;21(1):54-63.

Sinnorientierte Interventionen in der Psychoonkologie
Mehnert A, Braack K, Vehling S
PSYCHOTHERAPEUT. 2011;56(5):394-399.

Demoralization and depression in patients with advanced cancer: validation of the German version of the demoralization scale.
Mehnert A, Vehling S, Höcker A, Lehmann C, Koch-Gromus U
J PAIN SYMPTOM MANAG. 2011;42(5):768-776.

Global meaning and meaning-related life attitudes: exploring their role in predicting depression, anxiety, and demoralization in cancer patients.
Vehling S, Lehmann C, Oechsle K, Bokemeyer C, Krüll A, Koch-Gromus U, Mehnert A
SUPPORT CARE CANCER. 2011;19(4):513-520.

Cancer patients: Loss of meaning, demoralization and embitterment.
Mehnert A, Vehling S
2010. Embitterment: Societal, psychological, and clinical perspectives. Springer, Wien: 1420-1453.

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