- Wiss. Leiter Forschungsinstitut Kinderkrebs-Zentrum Hamburg
- Studienleiter COALL-Studie
- Senior physician
- Medical Specialist in Pediatrics and Youth Medicine, with focus on Childrens' Hematology and Oncology
Areas of expertise
Pediatric hematology and oncology
Ikaros sets the threshold for negative B-cell selection by regulation of the signaling strength of the AKT pathway
Ehm P, Horn S, Hoffer K, Kriegs M, Horn M, Giehler S, Nalaskowski M, Rehbach C, Horstmann M, Jücker M
CELL COMMUN SIGNAL. 2024;22(1):360.
Integration of genetics and MRD to define low risk patients with B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with intermediate MRD levels at the end of induction
Moorman A, Enshaei A, Murdy D, Joy M, Boer J, den Boer M, Pieters R, de Haas V, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Johansson B, Marquart H, Schmiegelow K, Hancock J, Moppett J, Heyman M
LEUKEMIA. 2024;38(9):2023-2026.
An artificial intelligence-assisted clinical framework to facilitate diagnostics and translational discovery in hematologic neoplasia
Tang M, Antić Ž, Fardzadeh P, Pietzsch S, Schröder C, Eberhardt A, van Bömmel A, Escherich G, Hofmann W, Horstmann M, Illig T, McCrary J, Lentes J, Metzler M, Nejdl W, Schlegelberger B, Schrappe M, Zimmermann M, Miarka-Walczyk K, Pastorczak A, Cario G, Renard B, Stanulla M, Bergmann A
EBIOMEDICINE. 2024;104:105171.
SHIP1 Is Present but Strongly Downregulated in T-ALL, and after Restoration Suppresses Leukemia Growth in a T-ALL Xenotransplantation Mouse Model
Ehm P, Rietow R, Wegner W, Bußmann L, Kriegs M, Dierck K, Horn S, Streichert T, Horstmann M, Jücker M
CELLS-BASEL. 2023;12(13):1798.
The Prognostic Effect of IKZF1 Deletions in ETV6::RUNX1 and High Hyperdiploid Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Østergaard A, Enshaei A, Pieters R, Vora A, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Johansson B, Heyman M, Schmiegelow K, Hoogerbrugge P, den Boer M, Kuiper R, Moorman A, Boer J, van Leeuwen F
HEMASPHERE. 2023;7(5):e875.
Akute lymphoblastische Leukämie
Escherich G, Möricke A, Horstmann M, Schrappe M
2022. Kompendium Internistische Onkologie. Schmoll H (eds.). 5. ed. Berlin, Heidelberg: Springer, .
Clofarabine increases the eradication of minimal residual disease of primary B-precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia compared to high-dose cytarabine without improvement of outcome. Results from the randomized clinical trial 08-09 of the Cooperative Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Study Group
Escherich G, Zur Stadt U, Borkhardt A, Dilloo D, Faber J, Feuchtinger T, Imschweiler T, Jorch N, Pekrun A, Schmid I, Schramm F, Spohn M, Zimmermann M, Horstmann M
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2022;107(5):1026-1033.
Amsacrine combined with etoposide and methylprednisolone is a feasible and safe component in first-line intensified treatment of pediatric patients with high-risk acute lymphoblastic leukemia in CoALL08-09 trial
Mezger K, Ebert S, Muhle H, Stadt U, Borkhardt A, Dilloo D, Faber J, Feuchtinger T, Imschweiler T, Jorch N, Pekrun A, Schmid I, Schramm F, Zimmermann M, Horstmann M, Escherich G
Genome-wide interference of ZNF423 with B-lineage transcriptional circuitries in acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Iglesias P, Puller A, Seoane M, Spohn M, Raasch S, Klokow M, Müller J, Burkhardt L, Indenbirken D, Horstmann M
BLOOD ADV. 2021;5(5):1209-1223.
Leukemia-induced dysfunctional TIM-3+CD4+ bone marrow T cells increase risk of relapse in pediatric B-precursor ALL patients
Blaeschke F, Willier S, Stenger D, Lepenies M, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Zimmermann M, Rojas Ringeling F, Canzar S, Kaeuferle T, Rohlfs M, Binder V, Klein C, Feuchtinger T
LEUKEMIA. 2020;34(10):2607-2620.
A validated novel continuous prognostic index to deliver stratified medicine in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Enshaei A, O'Connor D, Bartram J, Hancock J, Harrison C, Hough R, Samarasinghe S, den Boer M, Boer J, de Groot-Kruseman H, Marquart H, Noren-Nystrom U, Schmiegelow K, Schwab C, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Heyman M, Pieters R, Vora A, Moppett J, Moorman A
BLOOD. 2020;135(17):1438-1446.
PAX5 biallelic genomic alterations define a novel subgroup of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Bastian L, Schroeder M, Eckert C, Schlee C, Tanchez J, Kämpf S, Wagner D, Schulze V, Isaakidis K, Lázaro-Navarro J, Hänzelmann S, James A, Ekici A, Burmeister T, Schwartz S, Schrappe M, Horstmann M, Vosberg S, Krebs S, Blum H, Hecht J, Greif P, Rieger M, Brüggemann M, Gökbuget N, Neumann M, Baldus C
LEUKEMIA. 2019;33(8):1895-1909.
High sensitivity and clonal stability of the genomic fusion as single marker for response monitoring in ETV6-RUNX1-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Hoffmann J, Krumbholz M, Gutiérrez H, Fillies M, Szymansky A, Bleckmann K, Zur Stadt U, Köhler R, Kuiper R, Horstmann M, von Stackelberg A, Eckert C, Metzler M
PEDIATR BLOOD CANCER. 2019;66(8):e27780.
IKZF1 Deletions with COBL Breakpoints Are Not Driven by RAG-Mediated Recombination Events in Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia
Lopes B, Meyer C, Barbosa T, Poubel C, Mansur M, Duployez N, Bashton M, Harrison C, Zur Stadt U, Horstmann M, Pombo-de-Oliveira M, Palmi C, Cazzaniga G, Venn N, Sutton R, Alonso C, Tsaur G, Gupta S, Bakhshi S, Marschalek R, Emerenciano M
TRANSL ONCOL. 2019;12(5):726-732.
Daunorubicin during delayed intensification decreases the incidence of infectious complications - a randomized comparison in trial CoALL 08-09
Schramm F, Zimmermann M, Jorch N, Pekrun A, Borkhardt A, Imschweiler T, Christiansen H, Faber J, Feuchtinger T, Schmid I, Beron G, Horstmann M, Escherich G
LEUKEMIA LYMPHOMA. 2019;60(1):60-68.
Results of CoALL 07-03 study childhood ALL based on combined risk assessment by in vivo and in vitro pharmacosensitivity
Schramm F, Zur Stadt U, Zimmermann M, Jorch N, Pekrun A, Borkhardt A, Imschweiler T, Christiansen H, Faber J, Schmid I, Feuchtinger T, Beron G, den Boer M, Pieters R, Horstmann M, Janka-Schaub G, Escherich G
BLOOD ADV. 2019;3(22):3688-3699.
Lineage-specific control of TFIIH by MITF determines transcriptional homeostasis and DNA repair
Seoane M, Buhs S, Iglesias P, Strauss J, Puller A, Müller J, Gerull H, Feldhaus S, Alawi M, Brandner J, Eggert D, Du J, Thomale J, Wild P, Zimmermann M, Sternsdorf T, Schumacher U, Nollau P, Fisher D, Horstmann M
ONCOGENE. 2019;38(19):3616-3635.
Copy number alterations in B-cell development genes, drug resistance, and clinical outcome in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Steeghs E, Boer J, Hoogkamer A, Boeree A, de Haas V, de Groot-Kruseman H, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Pieters R, den Boer M
SCI REP-UK. 2019;9(1):4634.
Characterization of novel, recurrent genomic rearrangements as sensitive MRD targets in childhood B-cell precursor ALL
Zur Stadt U, Alawi M, Adao M, Indenbirken D, Escherich G, Horstmann M
BLOOD CANCER J. 2019;9(12):96.
RAS pathway mutations as a predictive biomarker for treatment adaptation in pediatric B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Jerchel I, Hoogkamer A, Ariës I, Steeghs E, Boer J, Besselink N, Boeree A, van de Ven C, de Groot-Kruseman H, de Haas V, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Zwaan C, Cuppen E, Koudijs M, Pieters R, den Boer M
LEUKEMIA. 2018;32(4):931-940.
Pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia-Conquering the CNS across the choroid plexus
März M, Meyer S, Erb U, Georgikou C, Horstmann M, Hetjens S, Weiß C, Fallier-Becker P, Vandenhaute E, Ishikawa H, Schroten H, Dürken M, Karremann M
LEUKEMIA RES. 2018;71:47-54.
Combined inhibition of receptor tyrosine and p21-activated kinases as a therapeutic strategy in childhood ALL
Siekmann I, Dierck K, Prall S, Klokow M, Strauss J, Buhs S, Wrzeszcz A, Bockmayr M, Beck F, Trochimiuk M, Gottschling K, Martens V, Khosh-Naucke M, Gerull H, Müller J, Behrmann L, Blohm M, Zahedi R, Jeremias I, Sickmann A, Nollau P, Horstmann M
BLOOD ADV. 2018;2(19):2554-2567.
The role of constitutive activation of FMS-related tyrosine kinase-3 andmutational status in infants with-rearranged acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Fedders H, Alsadeq A, Schmäh J, Vogiatzi F, Zimmermann M, Möricke A, Lenk L, Stadt U, Horstmann M, Pieters R, Schrappe M, Stanulla M, Cario G, Schewe D
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2017;102(11):e438-e442.
Childhood cancer predisposition syndromes-A concise review and recommendations by the Cancer Predisposition Working Group of the Society for Pediatric Oncology and Hematology
Ripperger T, Bielack S, Borkhardt A, Brecht I, Burkhardt B, Calaminus G, Debatin K, Deubzer H, Dirksen U, Eckert C, Eggert A, Erlacher M, Fleischhack G, Frühwald M, Gnekow A, Goehring G, Graf N, Hanenberg H, Hauer J, Hero B, Hettmer S, von Hoff K, Horstmann M, Hoyer J, Illig T, Kaatsch P, Kappler R, Kerl K, Klingebiel T, Kontny U, Kordes U, Körholz D, Koscielniak E, Kramm C, Kuhlen M, Kulozik A, Lamottke B, Leuschner I, Lohmann D, Meinhardt A, Metzler M, Meyer L, Moser O, Nathrath M, Niemeyer C, Nustede R, Pajtler K, Paret C, Rasche M, Reinhardt D, Rieß O, Russo A, Rutkowski S, Schlegelberger B, Schneider D, Schneppenheim R, Schrappe M, Schroeder C, von Schweinitz D, Simon T, Sparber-Sauer M, Spix C, Stanulla M, Steinemann D, Strahm B, Temming P, Thomay K, von Bueren A, Vorwerk P, Witt O, Wlodarski M, Wössmann W, Zenker M, Zimmermann S, Pfister S, Kratz C
AM J MED GENET A. 2017;173(4):1017-1037.
Tumor suppressors BTG1 and IKZF1 cooperate during mouse leukemia development and increase relapse risk in B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients
Scheijen B, Boer J, Marke R, Tijchon E, van Ingen Schenau D, Waanders E, van Emst L, van der Meer L, Pieters R, Escherich G, Horstmann M, Sonneveld E, Venn N, Sutton R, Dalla-Pozza L, Kuiper R, Hoogerbrugge P, den Boer M, van Leeuwen F
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2017;102(3):541-551.
JAK2 aberrations in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Steeghs E, Jerchel I, de Goffau-Nobel W, Hoogkamer A, Boer J, Boeree A, van de Ven C, Koudijs M, Besselink N, de Groot-Kruseman H, Zwaan C, Horstmann M, Pieters R, den Boer M
ONCOTARGET. 2017;8(52):89923-89938.
Genomic and transcriptional landscape of P2RY8-CRLF2-positive childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Vesely C, Frech C, Eckert C, Cario G, Mecklenbräuker A, Zur Stadt U, Nebral K, Kraler F, Fischer S, Attarbaschi A, Schuster M, Bock C, Cavé H, von Stackelberg A, Schrappe M, Horstmann M, Mann G, Haas O, Panzer-Grümayer R
LEUKEMIA. 2017;31(7):1491-1501.
Conserved IKAROS-regulated genes associated with B-progenitor acute lymphoblastic leukemia outcome
Witkowski M, Hu Y, Roberts K, Boer J, McKenzie M, Liu G, Le Grice O, Tremblay C, Ghisi M, Willson T, Horstmann M, Aifantis I, Cimmino L, Frietze S, den Boer M, Mullighan C, Smyth G, Dickins R
J EXP MED. 2017;214(3):773-791.
Prognostic value of rare IKZF1 deletion in childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia: an international collaborative study
Boer J, van der Veer A, Rizopoulos D, Fiocco M, Sonneveld E, de Groot-Kruseman H, Kuiper R, Hoogerbrugge P, Horstmann M, Zaliova M, Palmi C, Trka J, Fronkova E, Emerenciano M, do Socorro Pombo-de-Oliveira M, Mlynarski W, Szczepanski T, Nebral K, Attarbaschi A, Venn N, Sutton R, Schwab C, Enshaei A, Vora A, Stanulla M, Schrappe M, Cazzaniga G, Conter V, Zimmermann M, Moorman A, Pieters R, den Boer M
LEUKEMIA. 2016;30(1):32-8.
IL-7 Receptor Mutations and Steroid Resistance in Pediatric T cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia: A Genome Sequencing Study
Li Y, Buijs-Gladdines J, Canté-Barrett K, Stubbs A, Vroegindeweij E, Smits W, van Marion R, Dinjens W, Horstmann M, Kuiper R, Buijsman R, Zaman G, van der Spek P, Pieters R, Meijerink J
PLOS MED. 2016;13(12):e1002200.
COBL is a novel hotspot for IKZF1 deletions in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Lopes B, Meyer C, Barbosa T, Stadt U, Horstmann M, Venn N, Heatley S, White D, Sutton R, Pombo-de-Oliveira M, Marschalek R, Emerenciano M
ONCOTARGET. 2016;7(33):53064-53073.
Rapid Capture Next-Generation Sequencing in Clinical Diagnostics of Kinase Pathway Aberrations in B-Cell Precursor ALL
Stadt U, Escherich G, Indenbirken D, Alawi M, Adao M, Horstmann M
PEDIATR BLOOD CANCER. 2016;63(7):1283-6.
BCR-ABL1-like cases in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a comparison between DCOG/Erasmus MC and COG/St. Jude signatures
Boer J, Marchante J, Evans W, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Pieters R, Den Boer M
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2015;100(9):e354-7.
A novel role for microphthalmia-associated transcription factor-regulated pigment epithelium-derived factor during melanoma progression
Dadras S, Lin R, Razavi G, Kawakami A, Du J, Feige E, Milner D, Loda M, Granter S, Detmar M, Widlund H, Horstmann M, Fisher D
AM J PATHOL. 2015;185(1):252-65.
KRAS and CREBBP mutations: a relapse-linked malicious liaison in childhood high hyperdiploid acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Malinowska-Ozdowy K, Frech C, Schönegger A, Eckert C, Cazzaniga G, Stanulla M, Zur Stadt U, Mecklenbräuker A, Schuster M, Kneidinger D, von Stackelberg A, Locatelli F, Schrappe M, Horstmann M, Attarbaschi A, Bock C, Mann G, Haas O, Panzer-Grümayer R
LEUKEMIA. 2015;29(8):1656-1667.
EMP1, a novel poor prognostic factor in pediatric leukemia regulates prednisolone resistance, cell proliferation, migration and adhesion
Ariës I, Jerchel I, van den Dungen R, van den Berk L, Boer J, Horstmann M, Escherich G, Pieters R, den Boer M
LEUKEMIA. 2014;28(9):1828-1837.
Identification of novel NOTCH1 mutations: increasing our knowledge of the NOTCH signaling pathway
Gallo Llorente L, Luther H, Schneppenheim R, Zimmermann M, Felice M, Horstmann M
PEDIATR BLOOD CANCER. 2014;61(5):788-96.
The PML domain of PML-RARα blocks senescence to promote leukemia
Korf K, Wodrich H, Haschke A, Ocampo C, Harder L, Gieseke F, Pollmann A, Dierck K, Prall S, Staege H, Ma H, Horstmann M, Evans R, Sternsdorf T
P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 2014;111(33):12133-8.
PTEN microdeletions in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia are caused by illegitimate RAG-mediated recombination events
Mendes R, Sarmento L, Canté-Barrett K, Zuurbier L, Buijs-Gladdines J, Póvoa V, Smits W, Abecasis M, Yunes J, Sonneveld E, Horstmann M, Pieters R, Barata J, Meijerink J
BLOOD. 2014;124(4):567-78.
Interference with pre-B-cell receptor signaling offers a therapeutic option for TCF3-rearranged childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia
van der Veer A, van der Velden V, Willemse M, Hoogeveen P, Petricoin E, Beverloo H, Escherich G, Horstmann M, Pieters R, den Boer M
BLOOD CANCER J. 2014;4:e181.
Immature MEF2C-dysregulated T-cell leukemia patients have an early T-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia gene signature and typically have non-rearranged T-cell receptors
Zuurbier L, Gutierrez A, Mullighan C, Canté-Barrett K, Gevaert A, de Rooi J, Li Y, Smits W, Buijs-Gladdines J, Sonneveld E, Look A, Horstmann M, Pieters R, Meijerink J
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2014;99(1):94-102.
Clofarabine in combination with pegylated asparaginase in the frontline treatment of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia: a feasibility report from the CoALL 08-09 trial
Escherich G, Zur Stadt U, Zimmermann M, Horstmann M
BRIT J HAEMATOL. 2013;163(2):240-7.
Aberrant ZNF423 impedes B cell differentiation and is linked to adverse outcome of ETV6-RUNX1 negative B precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
Harder L, Eschenburg G, Zech A, Kriebitzsch N, Otto B, Streichert T, Behlich A, Dierck K, Klingler B, Hansen A, Stanulla M, Zimmermann M, Kremmer E, Stocking C, Horstmann M
J EXP MED. 2013;210(11):2289-304.
Inhibiting Polo-like kinase 1 causes growth reduction and apoptosis in pediatric acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells
Hartsink-Segers S, Exalto C, Allen M, Williamson D, Clifford S, Horstmann M, Caron H, Pieters R, Den Boer M
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2013;98(10):1539-46.
Refinement of IKZF1 recombination hotspots in pediatric BCP-ALL patients.
Meyer C, Zur Stadt U, Escherich G, Hofmann J, Binato R, Barbosa T, Emerenciano M, Pombo-de-Oliveira M, Horstmann M, Marschalek R
AM J BLOOD RES. 2013;3(2):165-173.
Independent prognostic value of BCR-ABL1-like signature and IKZF1 deletion, but not high CRLF2 expression, in children with B-cell precursor ALL
van der Veer A, Waanders E, Pieters R, Willemse M, Van Reijmersdal S, Russell L, Harrison C, Evans W, van der Velden V, Hoogerbrugge P, Van Leeuwen F, Escherich G, Horstmann M, Mohammadi Khankahdani L, Rizopoulos D, De Groot-Kruseman H, Sonneveld E, Kuiper R, Den Boer M
BLOOD. 2013;122(15):2622-9.
Leukemia-associated mutations in SHIP1 inhibit its enzymatic activity, interaction with the GM-CSF receptor and Grb2, and its ability to inactivate PI3K/AKT signaling.
Brauer H, Strauss J, Wegner W, Müller-Tidow C, Horstmann M, Jücker M
CELL SIGNAL. 2012;24(11):2095-2101.
Identification of germline susceptibility loci in ETV6-RUNX1-rearranged childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Ellinghaus E, Stanulla M, Richter G, Ellinghaus D, Te Kronnie G, Cario G, Cazzaniga G, Horstmann M, Panzer Grümayer R, Cavé H, Trka J, Cinek O, Teigler-Schlegel A, ElSharawy A, Häsler R, Nebel A, Meissner B, Bartram T, Lescai F, Franceschi C, Giordan M, Nürnberg P, Heinzow B, Zimmermann M, Schreiber S, Schrappe M, Franke A
LEUKEMIA. 2012;26(5):902-909.
In vivo imaging enables high resolution preclinical trials on patients' leukemia cells growing in mice.
Terziyska N, Catarina C, Groiss V, Schneider K, Farkasova K, Ogris M, Wagner E, Ehrhardt H, Brentjens R, Zur Stadt U, Horstmann M, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Jeremias I
PLOS ONE. 2012;7(12):52798.
Quantification of minimal residual disease (MRD) in acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) using amplicon-fusion-site polymerase chain reaction (AFS-PCR).
Weber A, Taube S, Zur Stadt U, Horstmann M, Krohn K, Bradtke J, Teigler-Schlegel A, Leiblein S, Christiansen H
EXP HEMATOL ONCOL. 2012;1(1):33.
The significance of PTEN and AKT aberrations in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Zuurbier L, Petricoin E, Vuerhard M, Calvert V, Kooi C, Buijs-Gladdines J, Smits W, Sonneveld E, Veerman A, Kamps W, Horstmann M, Pieters R, Meijerink J
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2012;97(9):1405-1413.
The long-term impact of in vitro drug sensitivity on risk stratification and treatment outcome in acute lymphoblastic leukemia of childhood (CoALL 06-97).
Escherich G, Troeger A, Gobel U, Graubner U, Pekrun A, Jorch N, Kaspers G, Zimmermann M, Zur Stadt U, Kazemir K, Pieters R, Horstmann M, Denboer M, Janka-Schaub G
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2011;96(6):854-862.
Integrated transcript and genome analyses reveal NKX2-1 and MEF2C as potential oncogenes in T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Homminga I, Pieters R, Langerak A, Rooi d, Johan J, Stubbs A, Verstegen M, Vuerhard M, Buijs-Gladdines J, Kooi C, Klous P, van Vlierberghe P, Ferrando A, Cayuela J, Verhaaf B, Horstmann M, Horstmann M, de Haas V, Wiekmeijer A, Pike-Overzet K, Staal F, de Laat W, Soulier J, Sigaux F, Meijerink J
CANCER CELL. 2011;19(4):484-497.
Oncogenic IL7R gain-of-function mutations in childhood T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Zenatti P, Ribeiro D, Li W, Zuurbier L, Silva M, Paganin M, Tritapoe J, Hixon J, Silveira A, Cardoso B, Sarmento L, Correia N, Toribio M, Kobarg J, Horstmann M, Pieters R, Brandalise S, Ferrando A, Meijerink J, Durum S, Yunes J, Barata J
NAT GENET. 2011;43(10):932-939.
Cooperative study group for childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia (COALL): long-term results of trials 82,85,89,92 and 97.
Escherich G, Horstmann M, Zimmermann M, Janka-Schaub G
LEUKEMIA. 2010;24(2):298-308.
NOTCH1 and/or FBXW7 mutations predict for initial good prednisone response but not for improved outcome in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients treated on DCOG or COALL protocols.
Zuurbier L, Homminga I, Calvert V, Te Winkel M, Buijs-Gladdines J, Kooi C, Smits W, Sonneveld E, Veerman A, Kamps W, Horstmann M, Petricoin E, Pieters R, Meijerink J
LEUKEMIA. 2010;24(12):2014-2022.
A subtype of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia with poor treatment outcome: a genome-wide classification study.
Den B, Monique L, Slegtenhorst v, Marjon [, Menezes D, Renée X, Cheok [, Meyling H, Buijs-Gladdines [, Jessica G, Peters [, Susan T, Zutven V, Laura J, Beverloo [, Berna H, Spek V, Peter J, Escherich G, Gaby [, Horstmann M, Martin A, Janka-Schaub G, Gritta E, Kamps [, Willem A, Evans [, William E, Pieters [, Rob [
LANCET ONCOL. 2009;10(2):125-134.
WT1 mutations in T-ALL.
Tosello V, Mansour M, Barnes K, Paganin M, Sulis M, Jenkinson S, Allen C, Gale R, Linch D, Palomero T, Real P, Murty V, Yao X, Richards S, Goldstone A, Rowe J, Basso G, Wiernik P, Paietta E, Pieters R, Horstmann M, Meijerink J, Ferrando A
BLOOD. 2009;114(5):1038-1045.
Leukemia-associated NF1 inactivation in patients with pediatric T-ALL and AML lacking evidence for neurofibromatosis.
Balgobind [, Brian V, Vlierberghe V, Pieter [, van Den O, Ans M, Beverloo [, Berna H, Terlouw-Kromosoeto [, Joan N, Wering v, Elisabeth R, Reinhardt [, Dirk [, Horstmann M, Martin [, Kaspers [, Gertjan J, Pieters [, Rob [, Zwaan [, Michel C, Heuvel-Eibrink V, Marry M, Meijerink [, Jules P
BLOOD. 2008;111(8):4322-4328.
Gene expression signatures predictive of early response and outcome in high-risk childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia: A Children's Oncology Group Study [corrected].
Bhojwani D, Kang H, Menezes R, Yang W, Sather H, Moskowitz N, Min D, Potter J, Harvey R, Hunger S, Seibel N, Raetz E, Pieters R, Horstmann M, Relling M, den Boer M, Willman C, Carroll W
J CLIN ONCOL. 2008;26(27):4376-4384.
The recurrent SET-NUP214 fusion as a new HOXA activation mechanism in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Pieter V, van Grotel M, Tchinda J, Lee C, Beverloo H, Spek v, Peter J, Stubbs A, Cools J, Nagata K, Fornerod M, Horstmann M, Horstmann M, Wering v, Elisabeth R, Soulier J, Pieters R, Meijerink J
BLOOD. 2008;111(9):4668-4680.
Monoallelic or biallelic LMO2 expression in relation to the LMO2 rearrangement status in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Van Vlierberghe P, Beverloo H, Buijs-Gladdines J, van Wering E, Horstmann M, Pieters R, Meijerink J
LEUKEMIA. 2008;22(7):1434-1437.
Cooperative genetic defects in TLX3 rearranged pediatric T-ALL.
Van Vlierberghe P, Homminga I, Zuurbier L, Gladdines-Buijs J, van Wering E, Horstmann M, Beverloo H, Pieters R, Meijerink J
LEUKEMIA. 2008;22(4):762-770.
Gene transfer of SHIP-1 inhibits proliferation of juvenile myelomonocytic leukemia cells carrying KRAS2 or PTPN11 mutations.
Metzner A, Horstmann M, Fehse B, Ortmeyer G, Niemeyer C, Stocking C, Mayr G, Jücker M
GENE THER. 2007;14(8):699-703.
Quantitative multiplexed profiling of cellular signaling networks using phosphotyrosine-specific DNA-tagged SH2 domains.
Dierck K, Machida K, Voigt A, Thimm J, Horstmann M, Fiedler W, Mayer B, Nollau P
NAT METHODS. 2006;3(9):737-744.
The outcome of molecular-cytogenetic subgroups in pediatric T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia: a retrospective study of patients treated according to DCOG or COALL protocols.
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HAEMATOLOGICA. 2006;91(9):1212-1221.
Amsacrine combined with etoposide and high-dose methylprednisolone as salvage therapy in acute lymphoblastic leukemia in children.
Horstmann M, Hassenpflug W, Udo Z, Escherich G, Janka-Schaub G, Kabisch H
HAEMATOLOGICA. 2005;90(12):1701-1703.
Correlation of bFGF expression in renal cell cancer with clinical and histopathological features by tissue microarray analysis and measurement of serum levels
Horstmann M, Merseburger A, von der Heyde E, Serth J, Wegener G, Mengel M, Feil G, Hennenlotter J, Nagele U, Anastasiadis A, Bokemeyer C, Stenzl A, Kuczyk M
J CANCER RES CLIN. 2005;131(11):715-22.
Targeting FLT3 in primary MLL-gene-rearranged infant acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Stam R, Boer d, Monique L, Schneider P, Horstmann M, Horstmann M, Beverloo H, van der Voort E, Valsecchi M, de Lorenzo P, Sallan S, Armstrong S, Pieters R
BLOOD. 2005;106(7):2484-2490.
Critical role of CDK2 for melanoma growth linked to its melanocyte-specific transcriptional regulation by MITF.
Du J, Widlund H, Horstmann M, Ramaswamy S, Ross K, Huber W, Nishimura E, Golub T, Fisher D
CANCER CELL. 2004;6(6):565-576.
MLANA/MART1 and SILV/PMEL17/GP100 are transcriptionally regulated by MITF in melanocytes and melanoma.
Du J, Miller A, Widlund H, Horstmann M, Ramaswamy S, Fisher D
AM J PATHOL. 2003;163(1):333-343.
Infantile cobalamin deficiency with cerebral lactate accumulation and sustained choline depletion.
Horstmann M, Neumaier-Probst E, Lukacs Z, Steinfeld R, Ullrich K, Kohlschütter A
NEUROPEDIATRICS. 2003;34(5):261-264.
Long-term follow-up of allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with severe aplastic anemia after conditioning with cyclophosphamide plus antithymocyte globulin.
Kröger N, Zabelina T, Renges H, Krüger W, Kordes U, Rischewski J, Schrum J, Horstmann M, Ayuketang Ayuk F, Erttmann R, Kabisch H, Zander A
ANN HEMATOL. 2002;81(11):627-631.
Bcl2 regulation by the melanocyte master regulator Mitf modulates lineage survival and melanoma cell viability.
McGill G, Horstmann M, Widlund H, Du J, Motyckova G, Nishimura E, Lin Y, Ramaswamy S, Avery W, Ding H, Jordan S, Jackson I, Korsmeyer S, Golub T, Fisher D
CELL. 2002;109(6):707-718.
Beta-catenin-induced melanoma growth requires the downstream target Microphthalmia-associated transcription factor
Widlund H, Horstmann M, Price E, Cui J, Lessnick S, Wu M, He X, Fisher D
J CELL BIOL. 2002;158(6):1079-87.
Linking osteopetrosis and pycnodysostosis: regulation of cathepsin K expression by the microphthalmia transcription factor family.
Motyckova G, Weilbaecher K, Horstmann M, Rieman D, Fisher D, Fisher D
P NATL ACAD SCI USA. 2001;98(10):5798-5803.
c-Kit triggers dual phosphorylations, which couple activation and degradation of the essential melanocyte factor Mi.
Wu M, Hemesath T, Takemoto C, Horstmann M, Wells A, Price E, Fisher D, Fisher D
GENE DEV. 2000;14(3):301-312.
Improved outcome in haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis after bone marrow transplantation from related and unrelated donors: a single-centre experience of 12 patients.
Dürken M, Horstmann M, Bieling P, Erttmann R, Kabisch H, Löliger C, Schneider E, Hellwege H, Krüger W, Kröger N, Zander A, Janka G
BRIT J HAEMATOL. 1999;106(4):1052-1058.
Treatment and long-term outcome of pineal nongerminomatous germ cell tumors.
Knappe U, Bentele K, Horstmann M, Herrmann H
PEDIATR NEUROSURG. 1998;28(5):241-245.
alpha-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone signaling regulates expression of microphthalmia, a gene deficient in Waardenburg syndrome.
Price E, Horstmann M, Wells A, Weilbaecher K, Takemoto C, Landis M, Fisher D
J BIOL CHEM. 1998;273(49):33042-33047.
Age-resolving osteopetrosis: a rat model implicating microphthalmia and the related transcription factor TFE3.
Weilbaecher K, Hershey C, Takemoto C, Horstmann M, Hemesath T, Tashjian A, Fisher D
J EXP MED. 1998;187(5):775-785.
Transcription of tal-1, a putative oncogene playing an important role in childhood T-ALL, can be shown in normal peripheral blood cells by a highly sensitive RT-PCR assay.
Anderegg B, Horstmann M, Ernst M, Kabisch H
PEDIATR HEMAT ONCOL. 1997;14(4):349-358.
Effects of anti-tal-1 oligodeoxynucleotides in T-ALL cell lines.
Anderegg B, Horstmann M, Kabisch H
CANCER GENE THER. 1997;4(2):84-90.
Frequent reduction or loss of DCC gene expression in human osteosarcoma.
Horstmann M, Pösl M, Scholz R, Anderegg B, Simon P, Baumgaertl K, Delling G, Kabisch H
BRIT J CANCER. 1997;75(9):1309-1317.
High dose chemotherapy with busulfan, cyclophosphamide, and etoposide as conditioning regimen for allogeneic bone marrow transplantation for patients with acute myeloid leukemia in first complete remission.
Zander A, Berger C, Kröger N, Stockshläder M, Krüger W, Horstmann M, Grimm J, Zeller W, Kabisch H, Erttmann R, Schönrock P, Kuse R, Braumann D, Illiger H, Fiedler W, de Witt M, Hossfeld K, Weh H
CLIN CANCER RES. 1997;3(12 Pt 2):2671-2675.
MLL/ENL fusion in congenital acute lymphoblastic leukemia with a unique t(11;18;19).
Horstmann M, Argyriou-Tirita A, Borkhardt A, Kabisch H, Kapaun P, Winkler K, Haas O
CANCER GENET-NY. 1996;88(2):103-109.
Early toxicity of intensified conditioning with etoposide combined with total body irradiation/cyclophosphamide or busulfan/cyclophosphamide in children undergoing autologous or allogeneic bone marrow transplantation.
Horstmann M, Kroschke G, Stockschläder M, Betker R, Krüger W, Erttmann R, Kabisch H, Zander A
PEDIATR HEMAT ONCOL. 1996;13(1):45-53.
Fatal outcome of disseminated candidosis after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation under treatment with liposomal and conventional amphotericin-B. A report of 4 cases with determination of the Mic values.
Krüger W, Sobottka I, Stockschläder M, Mross K, Hoffknecht M, Rüssmann B, Horstmann M, Betker R, Zander A
SCAND J INFECT DIS. 1996;28(3):313-316.
Use of cryopreserved bone marrow in unrelated allogeneic transplantation.
Stockschläder M, Krüger W, Tom Dieck A, Horstmann M, Altnöder M, Löliger C, Fiedler W, Hoffknecht M, Erttmann R, Zander A
BONE MARROW TRANSPL. 1996;17(2):197-199.
Cyclophosphamide/antithymocyte globulin conditioning of patients with severe aplastic anemia transplanted with bone marrow from HLA-identical related donors
Horstmann M, Stockschläder M, Kabisch H, Zander A
BLOOD. 1995;85(5):1404-5.
Cyclophosphamide/antithymocyte globulin conditioning of patients with severe aplastic anemia for marrow transplantation from HLA-matched siblings: preliminary results.
Horstmann M, Stockschläder M, Krüger W, Hoffknecht M, Betker R, Kabisch H, Zander A
ANN HEMATOL. 1995;71(2):77-81.
Experience with liposomal Amphotericin-B in 60 patients undergoing high-dose therapy and bone marrow or peripheral blood stem cell transplantation.
Krüger W, Stockschläder M, Rüssmann B, Berger C, Hoffknecht M, Sobottka I, Kohlschütter B, Kroschke G, Kröger N, Horstmann M
BRIT J HAEMATOL. 1995;91(3):684-690.
Relapse of MALT lymphoma associated with Helicobacter pylori after antibiotic treatment.
Horstmann M, Erttmann R, Winkler K
LANCET. 1994;343(8905):1098-1099.
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