Medical certificate

The SOP 2.03.34­_Anlage14 includes an overview of required internal medical examinations / records.

  • Among other things the Staff and faculty health services requires the Hepatitis-C-serology, Hepatitis-Bs-antigen, Hepatitis-Bs-antibody, Hepatitis-Bc-antibody, tuberculin skin test or gamma-interferon-test
  • If the tuberculin skin test or gamma-interferon-test turns out positive, the Staff and faculty health services additionally requests an X-ray of the chest.
  • For certain groups the Staff and faculty health services requests : Swab of the nose MRSA (methicillinresistent staph. aureus) and Swab of the throat MRGN (multiresistent gramneg.bacteria)

Furthermore needs the medical service to display a medical certificate which has to be presented at the State Examination Board for Health Care for professionals. It has to confirm the following:

It should be noted, that the Guest Surgeon is in health concerns not unsuitable to pursue their profession. In particular it has to be confirmed, that the Guest Surgeon does not suffer from any physical or mental disorder or drug addiction / substance abuse disorder.