Interdisciplinary Consultation Session for Testicular Cancer

The interdisciplinary Consultation Session for Testicular Cancer Patients is a cooperation between

II. Medical Clinic und Policlinic, Center for Oncology
( Prof. Dr. Carsten Bokemeyer , Department Chairman ) and the

Department of Urology
(Prof. Dr. Margit Fisch, Department Chairman) as well as the

Urologic Second Opinion Center Hamburg-Mitte
(Dr. M. Hartmann).

In this special consultation session, patients with germ cell tumors are advised and treated by an interdisciplinary team of specialists that are responsible for the following:

  • Diagnostics
  • Surgical strategies
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiotherapy

Patients with testicular tumors in any stage and at any time of therapy can come for consultation in order to discuss and plan diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, if necessary, or for follow-up medical care.

This also applies for patients seeking a second opinion.

The interdisciplinary testicular tumor consultation session takes place:

Thursdays, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Urology Policlinic at the UKE

Registration through the Urology Policlinic, Phone: 040/7410 -53443.

Department of Urology:
Dr. med. Michael Hartmann Dr. med. Andreas Becker
Dr. med. Philipp Schriefer

Prof. Dr. Karin Oechsle
Dr. med. Christoph Oing