More information on cancer
The following list of links shall give you a useful selection of addresses in the case you want to research about cancer yourself or are looking for specific support.
German Brain Tumor Association (Deutsche Hirntumorhilfe e.V.)
The non-profit organization German Brain Tumor Association supports neuro-oncological research since more than ten years and promotes an improved care of patients. Besides research projects, they also support interdisciplinary work in several fields. The German Brain Tumor Association finances itself only through sponsors.
German Cancer Society (Deutsche Krebsgesellschaft e.V.)
The German Cancer Society is the largest scientific society in the field of oncology. Its members are physicians, researchers, nurses and people with other professions related to the topic. The website offers a broad spectrum of information about cancer. Besides an alphabetical catalogue on cancer, the German Cancer Society offers an extensive selection of information brochures.
German Cancer Aid (Deutsche Krebshilfe e.V.)
The non-profit association German Cancer Aid is committed to fight against cancer since more than 30 years. Financed only by fundraising, it supports various projects in prevention, early detection, diagnosis, therapy, medical follow-ups and psycho-social care. Extremely informative are the “blue advisor” (blaue Ratgeber), an information brochure series, which can be ordered in their online-shop directly.
Information Service of the German Cancer Research Center (Informationsdienst des Deutschen Krebsforschungszentrums (DKFZ))
The German Cancer Research Center offers a cancer information service, which provides extensive material on background information on cancer and the latest research finding on different kinds of cancer. Unfortunately, the service is in only available in German.
Hamburg Cancer Society (Hamburger Krebsgesellschaft e.V.)
The Hamburg Cancer Society is a non-profit association, which is run by its active members, who are involved into cancer research and treatment themselves and as Hamburg citizens make the work possible through sponsoring and their engagement. The Hamburg Cancer Society supports projects in all oncological fields, starting by rudimentary research over therapy research up to psycho-social care for cancer patients and self-help groups in Hamburg. The Hamburg Cancer Society offers a consultancy service for cancer patients and their relatives, which can give medical and psychological advices. Unfortunately, their website is in German only.
INKA – Information network for cancer patients and their relatives (INKA - Informationsnetz für Krebspatienten und ihre Angehörigen)
The non-profit INKA (Information network for cancer patients and their relatives) is part of the Theodor-Springmann Foundation and made it their business to comprehensively inform patients and their relatives on cancer. On their website you can find a broad selection of information about cancer.Unfortunately, their website is in German only.
The US National Cancer Institute provides a very comprehensive spectrum of information on cancer in English.