Fifth Framework of the European Union
The EUROFAMCARE Consortium
The pan European Network

Description of Workpackage 9

ECO: Socio-Economic Evaluation


  1. To estimate the direct and indirect costs of care for elderly family members.
  2. To estimate the costs of support measures for family carers.
  3. To estimate cost-effectiveness of support measures with respect to the caregivers’ situation (costeffectiveness analysis).
  4. To estimate efficiency of support measures with respect to overall costs of care, i.e. to execute costbenefit analyses of support measures on care arrangements and their respective costs.

Methodolody and study materials

Germany (Bremen) will receive the NABAREs (month 16), the data from the NASURs (month 18) and the follow up survey (month 27). The analysis of the available socio- and politico-economic data of the NABAREs will be used for a European synopsis showing the cross-European differential in socio-economic and politiceconomic impact of dependency.

Combining data from the NABAREs and the NASURs public and private expenditure on care for the elderly is analysed. On the private side not only expenses on professional services will be taken into account, but also the value of real transfers. The time spent on care is evaluated by a shadow wage and the reduction in work participation is taken into account (objective a). At the same time a European synopsis showing the cross-European differential in expenses for services for supporting family carers is prepared (objective b).

Cost-effectiveness analysis follows the explanation model outlined in WP 7. The different scales for the joint family care assessment can be used to measure the caregivers’ situation and trace back the influence of the support measurements under consideration on her situation. Using the data from the NABAREs and NASUR these effects can be put into relation to the costs of the respective measures (objective c).

Cost-effectiveness-analyses include the following steps: Expenditures for support measures are calculated (input from WP 6,7 and 13). Using the techniques of multivariate data analysis the effect of certain measures on the care burden can be estimated (input from WP 6). Putting the information on costs and effects together, the effectiveness of each measure is calculated as the improvement in the caregivers’ situation (on the specific scales of the joint family care assessment (WP 2)) per Euro.

In order to execute cost-benefit analyses the value of the improvements in the caregivers situation must be estimated. Savings result mainly from differences in utilisation of professional care. A follow up survey will be conducted to generate the necessary data. Short telephone interviews 12 months after the home visit assessments will include a limited number of questions concerning

Using information on the costs of different types of care, the savings for long-term care financing institutions resulting from services for supporting family carers can be calculated and be related to their respective costs (objective d).

The follow-up interviews are conducted by professional interviewers under supervision of Germany (Hamburg) and Greece - 7 respectively. Data entry is carried out directly by the interviewers using a special data entry mask. The collected data will be fed into the data sets. The generated data provide a valuable input for the socioeconomic evaluation and are a necessary condition for the proposed cost-benefit analyses. Data analysis is carried out by Germany (Bremen).


No 20: Socio-Economic Report containing a cross-European overview on the costs for care for the elderly and the costs for support measures (DL not listed) as well as estimations on the cost-effectiveness of different measures to lift the caregivers’ burden and of net savings for long-term care financing institutions due to respective measures to support family caregivers (DL not listed). Survey data on changes in care arrangements with respect to different support services utilised (DL not listed)


End of Socio-economic Evaluation.

The expected results from this work package are a better understanding of how far and to what extent utilised measures are effective and efficient. The expected results on efficiency would enable policymakers not only to choose those measures which provide the greatest support for family caregivers, but also those which reach their targets in the most economical way.





EUROFAMCARE was funded by European Union - Contract: QLK6-CT-2002-02647