Fifth Framework of the European Union
The EUROFAMCARE Consortium
The pan European Network

Description of Workpackage 8

NASUR: Data Analysis at the European level


To analyse approximately 6,000 care situations at an aggregated European level. Specifically to compare the situation of family carers and their dependent elderly family members in relation to supporting services or the lack of supporting services in the six core group countries. The analysis will initiate the determination of factors concerning the dyadic interdependency of the family carers' needs and the needs of the cared-for elderly and will continue by elaborating the effects of specific supporting services on the different parameters of family care such as life satisfaction, perceived quality of care, burden, relief and costs.

Methodolody and study materials

A careful analysis of the results from each country will aim to assess how independent and dependent variables are to be measured and analysed. Specific subgroups will be sub-sampled, defined by independent variables such as the degree of dependency of the cared-for person, workload of the carer (e.g. hours per week), carer's age, income and sex etc. These sub-groups will provide matched-pairs which will the basis for

The analysis will work out a typology of family care situations showing regional differences and commonalties. The most positive valued care situations will be identified (e.g. high quality of life despite high burden) as well as the worst and returned to the national data set to add necessary in-depth information (qualitative data). A set of good practice examples will be collected and described. All results will be described in a Trans-European Surveys Report TEUSURE.






EUROFAMCARE was funded by European Union - Contract: QLK6-CT-2002-02647