Fifth Framework of the European Union
The EUROFAMCARE Consortium
The pan European Network

Description of Workpackage 3

NASUR: Pilot


To conduct a pilot study of NASUR in order to test, and if necessary to modify,

Methodolody and study materials

Depending on the particular circumstances in the core countries the researchers will develop the prerequisites to identify, conduct and interview family carers and their dependent elderly at the different sites in their country as described in WP 5 (Data Collection). They will be supported by local health care providers, GPs, local authorities, public insurance funds etc., previously contacted with the help of the national advisory groups. In each country 50 family carers and their dependent elderly will be visited at home after being contacted by a person involved in the caring situation (GP, nurse, insurer, local authorities etc.).

The researchers will conduct the interviews, in parallel evaluating incentives and barriers in the interview procedure. Furthermore, they will conduct telephone interviews with persons who provide support or relief for the family carers. These first experiences are important for the interviewer training curriculum and manual (WP 4). In order to reduce travel costs, the interviews will be conducted on one site only, but in order to clarify organisational and time management aspects, a half of them will be conducted in an urban and a half in a rural area of the chosen site.


No 1: Final Version of STEP for NASUR.

Milestone 1

End of NASUR Preparation phase. The result of this work package will be a tested and modified design as the basis for conducting the National Analysis Surveys (NASUR).





EUROFAMCARE was funded by European Union - Contract: QLK6-CT-2002-02647