Fifth Framework of the European Union
The EUROFAMCARE Consortium
The pan European Network

Description of Workpackage 15

Research Action (REACT)


To contact a network of service providers and privileged witnesses - public and private service providers, elderly and caregivers' organisations, health and social care authorities - in order to collect and evaluate the network members' interpretations of and reactions to the survey results, especially in cases of controversial or critical aspects identified by them.

To achieve a better understanding on the gap between perceived needs and "political reality".

To contribute to an "active" change of attitudes amongst health and social care system actors towards the partnership approach in family care.

To provide a manual of innovations, good practice, methods of cost effective operation, management, training etc, for public and private agencies with interest in or responsibility for the design and running of support services for family carers of older dependent people.

Methodolody and study materials

A qualitative consultation with the described network of experts (15 to 30 representatives, according to the size and complexity of the country) will be pursued through qualitative interviews and issue-centred workshops, stimulated by the results of the NASURs (WP 1-8) and interim results of ECO (WP 9). These shall identify suggestions for improving the existing support policies towards caregivers and dependent elderly. Interviews will be transcribed, workshops documented. The qualitative content analysis of the transcripts and documentations will provide a clearer understanding of how the actors constitute the care giving triad interact (the dependent elderly, the caregiver and the service provider), and moreover, the actors' perception of societal responsibilities towards its compounding groups. The analysis will also lead to a more systemic interpretation of the quantitative data previously collected through the NASURs.

The knowledge obtained from NASUR and REACT will be used to design a manual intended primarily for the use of those responsible for the development, design and operation of services for older people and family carers. The manual will be reviewed by participant core partners to ensure that the suggestions and guidelines are useful for all of Europe.

At the national level manuals for family carers will derive from the results of REACT.


No 23: Manuals for providers

No 24: Manuals for family caregivers





EUROFAMCARE was funded by European Union - Contract: QLK6-CT-2002-02647