Fifth Framework of the European Union
The EUROFAMCARE Consortium
The pan European Network

Description of Workpackage 14

Editing the pan-European Background Report (PEUBARE)


The collection and integration of all NABAREs in a pan-European Background Report PEUBARE.

Methodolody and study materials

Greece will produce the PEUBARE, supported by UK (nursing and care expertise) and 2 (socioeconomic expertise). The PEUBARE will give a current and comprehensive overview concerning the pan- European state of the art regarding the relationship between elderly people’s family carers, (lack of) services and (lack of) policies A synoptic overview of the Reports will illustrate pan-European variety and differences as well as common experiences, planning interventions, needs, circumstances, etc. The PEUBARE will be closely related to the trans-European Surveys Report (WP 8) and the socio-economic report (WP 9).


No 16: Pan-European Background Report (PEUBARE) (printed and electronic version).





EUROFAMCARE was funded by European Union - Contract: QLK6-CT-2002-02647